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Civil procedure
Contributed by: McLoughlin
  • 1. Civil procedure is the body of law that sets out the rules and standards that courts follow when adjudicating civil lawsuits. It governs the process by which civil cases are filed, litigated, and ultimately resolved. Civil procedure outlines the steps involved in a civil lawsuit, including the commencement of a case, pretrial procedures, discovery, motions practice, trial, and appeals. Its primary aim is to ensure fairness and efficiency in the judicial system by providing a structured framework for resolving disputes between parties who seek legal relief for civil wrongs or breaches of contract. Civil procedure is essential for maintaining order and predictability in the legal system, as it establishes the rights and responsibilities of parties in a civil lawsuit and provides a roadmap for the resolution of legal disputes in a timely and orderly manner.

    What is the legal document that starts a civil lawsuit?
A) Complaint.
B) Warrant.
C) Summons.
D) Indictment.
  • 2. What does 'jurisdiction' refer to in civil procedure?
A) The authority of a court to hear and decide a case.
B) The court's decision on the merits of the case.
C) The process of selecting a jury.
D) The role of the judge in a trial.
  • 3. In which stage of a civil lawsuit are initial pleadings exchanged?
A) Trial stage.
B) Appeal stage.
C) Pleading stage.
D) Discovery stage.
  • 4. What is the purpose of 'discovery' in civil procedure?
A) To dismiss frivolous lawsuits.
B) To issue a court order to compel testimony.
C) To allow parties to obtain information from each other.
D) To decide the case before trial.
  • 5. Which type of discovery involves written questions exchanged between parties?
A) Subpoenas.
B) Depositions.
C) Interrogatories.
D) Requests for admission.
  • 6. What is an 'affidavit' in civil procedure?
A) A written statement of facts sworn under oath.
B) A formal decision by a jury.
C) A written request for a judge to rule on a motion.
D) An oral argument presented in court.
  • 7. What is the purpose of 'motion practice' in civil procedure?
A) To present evidence at trial.
B) To ask the court for a ruling or order.
C) To impeach a witness's credibility.
D) To negotiate a settlement.
  • 8. In e-Discovery, what does 'ESI' stand for?
A) Emergency Services Integration.
B) Electronically Stored Information.
C) Evidence Security Instruction.
D) Expert System Interrogation.
  • 9. What is the purpose of a 'pretrial conference' in civil procedure?
A) To present new evidence not previously disclosed.
B) To hold a preliminary hearing.
C) To render a judgment without trial.
D) To clarify and simplify the issues in the case.
  • 10. What is the role of a 'guardian ad litem' in civil procedure?
A) To provide expert testimony.
B) To enforce a court order.
C) To represent the interests of a minor or legally incapacitated person in court.
D) To act as the presiding judge in a case.
  • 11. Which document gives the court authority to act in a case?
A) Summons.
B) Motion.
C) Complaint.
D) Affidavit.
  • 12. What is 'strike for cause' during jury selection?
A) Challenging the prosecutor's case presentation.
B) Removing a juror due to bias or inability to be impartial.
C) Requesting additional peremptory challenges.
D) Objecting to evidence presented in court.
  • 13. What is the process by which parties exchange information and evidence before trial?
A) Interrogatory
B) Deposition
C) Pleading
D) Discovery
  • 14. What is the name of a court order that prevents a party from taking a specific action?
A) Injunction
B) Summons
C) Writ
D) Subpoena
  • 15. What is the name of a legal proceeding to terminate a marriage?
A) Custody
B) Divorce
C) Adoption
D) Annulment
  • 16. What is the final decision of the court resolving the issues in a lawsuit?
A) Verdict
B) Indictment
C) Judgment
D) Subpoena
  • 17. What is the name of a court order requiring a witness to appear and testify?
A) Subpoena
B) Writ
C) Injunction
D) Affidavit
  • 18. Who is responsible for enforcing the rules of civil procedure in a court?
A) Jury
B) Judge
C) Attorney
D) Clerk
  • 19. What is the name of a pre-trial meeting between parties to discuss settlement or trial procedures?
A) Arbitration hearing
B) Pretrial conference
C) Mediation session
D) Deposition
  • 20. What is a formal request to the court asking for a specific action or decision?
A) Subpoena
B) Interrogatory
C) Verdict
D) Motion
  • 21. What is the first pleading filed by the defendant in a civil case called?
A) Cross-claim
B) Complaint
C) Counterclaim
D) Answer
  • 22. What is the name of a legal action brought by one party against another party?
A) Indictment
B) Contract
C) Lawsuit
D) Appeal
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