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Object-oriented programming
Contributed by: Grant
  • 1. Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm based on the concept of 'objects', which can contain data in the form of fields, and code in the form of procedures. Objects are instances of classes, which define the structure and behavior of the objects. OOP focuses on organizing code into reusable and modular components, allowing for better code organization and maintenance. Encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism are key concepts in OOP, providing mechanisms for data hiding, code reuse, and flexibility in implementation. By modeling real-world entities as objects, OOP promotes a clearer and more intuitive design approach to software development.

    What is the main concept behind object-oriented programming?
A) Inheritance
B) Encapsulation
C) Polymorphism
D) Abstraction
  • 2. Which keyword is used to create an object in Java?
A) class
B) var
C) new
D) this
  • 3. What is a class in object-oriented programming?
A) An instance of an object
B) A variable in C++
C) Blueprint for creating objects
D) A function in JavaScript
  • 4. What is polymorphism in object-oriented programming?
A) Extending the functionality of a parent class
B) Ability for objects of different classes to be treated as objects of a common superclass
C) Creating objects from classes
D) Hiding implementation details
  • 5. What is encapsulation in object-oriented programming?
A) Inheriting properties from a parent class
B) Overriding parent class methods
C) Creating multiple instances of an object
D) Binding together the data and the methods that operate on the data
  • 6. What is a constructor in object-oriented programming?
A) A method that returns a value
B) A special method that is automatically called when an object is created
C) A method used to destroy objects
D) A static method
  • 7. What is the 'super' keyword used for in Java?
A) Accessing a private method
B) Declaring a variable
C) Refers to the superclass of a class, used to call methods from the superclass
D) Implementing an interface
  • 8. What is method overloading in object-oriented programming?
A) Creating new methods in a subclass
B) Hiding the implementation details of a method
C) Overriding a method from a superclass
D) Having multiple methods in a class with the same name but different parameters
  • 9. What is data abstraction in object-oriented programming?
A) Creating multiple objects from a class
B) Hiding the implementation details while showing only the necessary details of an object
C) Overriding methods from a parent class
D) Accessing private class members
  • 10. What is a public access modifier in object-oriented programming?
A) Allows a class, method, or field to be accessed by any other code in the same package or another package
B) Restricts access to within the same class only
C) Allows for class extension
D) Hides the object details
  • 11. What is the 'final' keyword used for in Java?
A) Forces method overriding
B) Prevents modification of the class, method, or variable
C) Allows multiple inheritance
D) Enables dynamic method binding
  • 12. What is the purpose of method overriding in object-oriented programming?
A) To hide the implementation details of a method
B) To provide a specific implementation of a method that is already provided by its superclass
C) To create new methods in a subclass
D) To have multiple methods with the same name in a class
  • 13. Which term describes the ability to create new classes based on existing classes?
A) Polymorphism
B) Inheritance
C) Encapsulation
D) Abstraction
  • 14. Which feature allows the same method to be used for different types of objects?
A) Abstraction
B) Polymorphism
C) Inheritance
D) Encapsulation
  • 15. Which keyword is used to inherit a class in Java?
A) implements
B) extends
C) this
D) super
  • 16. Which of the following allows for multiple inheritance in C++?
A) Virtual Inheritance
B) Interfaces
C) Abstract Classes
D) Polymorphism
  • 17. Which access modifier allows a class to be accessed by any other class?
A) Private
B) Protected
C) Default
D) Public
  • 18. Which keyword is used to refer to the current object in Java?
A) this
B) extends
C) super
D) new
  • 19. Which keyword is used to prevent method overriding in Java?
A) static
B) final
C) public
D) abstract
  • 20. Which type of relationship reflects a 'has-a' relationship between classes?
A) Dependency
B) Aggregation
C) Composition
D) Inheritance
  • 21. Which principle is violated if a subclass cannot be substituted for its superclass?
A) Liskov Substitution Principle
B) Open/Closed Principle
C) Single Responsibility Principle
D) Dependency Inversion Principle
  • 22. Which design principle states that classes should be open for extension but closed for modification?
A) Single Responsibility Principle
B) Liskov Substitution Principle
C) Interface Segregation Principle
D) Open/Closed Principle
  • 23. Which relationship represents a situation where one class is dependent on another class?
A) Inheritance
B) Composition
C) Aggregation
D) Dependency
  • 24. Which design principle suggests that a class should have only one reason to change?
A) Interface Segregation Principle
B) Liskov Substitution Principle
C) Single Responsibility Principle
D) Open/Closed Principle
  • 25. A method that has the same name as the class it is defined in is known as a:
A) Mutator method
B) Accessor method
C) Constructor
D) Destructor
  • 26. Which feature allows a class to have multiple methods with the same name but different parameters?
A) Encapsulation
B) Overloading
C) Inheritance
D) Overriding
  • 27. What does the acronym 'DRY' stand for in the context of object-oriented programming?
A) Data Representation Year
B) Dynamic Reuse Yard
C) Do Repeat Yourself
D) Don't Repeat Yourself
  • 28. Which term is used to describe the act of restricting the way subclasses can modify a superclass?
A) Override
B) Overloading
C) Overriding
D) Overpassing
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