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Chinese sociology
Contributed by: MacKenzie
  • 1. Chinese sociology is the study of social behavior, relationships, and institutions within the context of Chinese culture and society. It examines how individuals interact with one another, how social structures are formed, and how these structures influence behavior and beliefs. Chinese sociologists often explore topics such as family dynamics, community relationships, and the impact of historical events on social norms. By studying Chinese society through a sociological lens, researchers gain a deeper understanding of the social forces that shape individuals and communities in China.

    Who is considered the founder of Chinese sociology?
A) Max Weber
B) Emile Durkheim
C) Fei Xiaotong
D) Karl Marx
  • 2. What concept in Chinese sociology relates to social connections and relationships?
A) Guanxi
B) Hukou
C) Lingdao
D) Xinyong
  • 3. Which Chinese philosopher's teachings greatly influenced Chinese sociology?
A) Confucius
B) Mozi
C) Sun Tzu
D) Laozi
  • 4. Which social institution plays a significant role in shaping Chinese society according to Chinese sociologists?
A) Education
B) Religion
C) Family
D) Government
  • 5. What is the traditional Chinese response to favors called in Chinese sociology?
A) Jie
B) Bao
C) Wei
D) Li
  • 6. The concept of 'Tian Ming' in traditional Chinese sociology refers to:
A) Natural Law
B) Divine Right of Kings
C) Mandate of Heaven
D) Golden Rule
  • 7. The Chinese term 'Gongchengshi' is associated with which occupation?
A) Engineer
B) Farmer
C) Artist
D) Doctor
  • 8. What traditional Chinese concept emphasizes respect for elders and ancestors?
A) Confucianism
B) Collectivism
C) Filial piety
D) Harmony
  • 9. Which Chinese thinker is known for his concept of 'Wei Wu Wei'?
A) Mozi
B) Confucius
C) Laozi
D) Sun Tzu
  • 10. What is the concept that emphasizes harmony and collective welfare in Chinese society?
A) Individualism
B) Socialism
C) Capitalism
D) Collectivism
  • 11. What is the dominant religion in China that has influenced its social structures?
A) Confucianism
B) Islam
C) Christianity
D) Buddhism
  • 12. Which social movement in China aimed at eliminating 'Four Olds' during the Cultural Revolution?
A) Yellow Vests
B) Green Lanterns
C) Blue Shirts
D) Red Guards
  • 13. Which traditional Chinese belief system emphasizes the natural balance of opposing forces?
A) Yin-Yang
B) Qi
C) Confucianism
D) Legalism
  • 14. What term describes the moral concept of 'face' or reputation in Chinese society?
A) Daxinyan
B) Mianzi
C) Shame culture
D) Xian
  • 15. Which Chinese leader introduced the 'Four Modernizations' to reform China's economy and society?
A) Xi Jinping
B) Hu Jintao
C) Deng Xiaoping
D) Mao Zedong
  • 16. Which Chinese social policy aimed to control population growth?
A) Two-child policy
B) One-child policy
C) Eugenics policy
D) Nuclear family policy
  • 17. What term refers to the spiritual energy or life force in Chinese philosophy?
A) Peng
B) Yuan
C) Qi
D) Zhong
  • 18. Which Chinese dynasty implemented the civil service examination system?
A) Han
B) Sui
C) Ming
D) Qin
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