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AIC SS 2 Physics Revision Test for 3rd Term 2022/23
Contributed by: College
  • 1. Two point charges, +Q and -Q, are placed 5 cm apart. What is the electric field strength at a point midway between them?
A) 2kQ/ε₀
B) kQ/2ε₀
C) 0 N/C
D) kQ/4ε₀
  • 2. A positive charge is moved against the direction of an electric field. What happens to the potential energy of the charge?
A) Decreases
B) Remains constant
C) Depends on the charge magnitude
D) Increases
  • 3. A parallel plate capacitor with plate area A and separation d is connected to a battery of voltage V. What is the electric field between the plates?
A) V/(ε₀A)
B) V/(ε₀Ad)
C) V/(ε₀d)
D) Vd/(ε₀A)
  • 4. A wire of resistance 8 Ω is connected in series with another wire of resistance 4 Ω. What is the equivalent resistance?
A) 8 Ω
B) 3 Ω
C) 4 Ω
D) 12 Ω
  • 5. A circuit has a 12 V battery connected to three resistors in series: 4 Ω, 6 Ω, and 8 Ω. What is the total current flowing through the circuit?
A) 2 A
B) 0.5 A
C) 3 A
D) 1 A
  • 6. Ohm's law states that the current through a conductor is directly proportional to
A) Voltage across the conductor
B) Resistance of the conductor
C) Inverse of the resistance of the conductor
D) Square of the voltage across the conductor
  • 7. A current-carrying wire produces a magnetic field. What happens to the magnetic field if the current is doubled?
A) Remains the same
B) Quadruples
C) Doubles
D) Halves
  • 8. A straight wire carries a current of 2 A. What is the magnitude of the magnetic field at a distance of 4 cm from the wire?
A) 4.0 × 10-6 T
B) 1.0 × 10-6 T
C) 3.0 × 10-6 T
D) 2.0 × 10-6 T
  • 9. The magnetic field inside a solenoid is stronger when
A) The number of turns is increased
B) The current through the solenoid is decreased
C) The length of the solenoid is increased
D) The diameter of the solenoid is decreased
  • 10. In an AC circuit, the voltage across a resistor is given by V = V₀sin(ωt). What is the peak voltage?
A) V₀
B) 2V₀
C) √2V₀
D) V₀/2
  • 11. The electric field inside a conductor in electrostatic equilibrium is
A) Zero
B) Varies with time
C) Varies with distance
D) Constant
  • 12. Two point charges, +Q and -2Q, are placed 10 cm apart. At which point between the charges is the electric field zero?
A) 6 cm from +Q
B) 4 cm from +Q
C) 2 cm from +Q
D) 8 cm from +Q
  • 13. A charge of 2 μC experiences a force of 4 N in an electric field. What is the magnitude of the electric field?
A) 8 N/C
B) 4 N/C
C) 16 N/C
D) 2 N/C
  • 14. A circuit has a 12 V battery connected to three resistors in parallel: 2 Ω, 3 Ω, and 6 Ω. What is the total resistance of the circuit?
A) 2 Ω
B) 1 Ω
C) 4 Ω
D) 3 Ω
  • 15. A wire of resistance 10 Ω carries a current of 2 A. What is the voltage across the wire?
A) 21 V
B) 12 V
C) 2V
D) 20 V
  • 16. Which of the following materials is a good conductor of electricity?
A) Wood
B) Copper
C) Rubber
D) Glass
  • 17. The strength of the magnetic field inside a solenoid depends on
A) The material of the solenoid core
B) The length and diameter of the solenoid
C) The number of turns and current flowing through the solenoid
D) The temperature of the solenoid
  • 18. A moving charge experiences a magnetic force when
A) The charge is moving perpendicular to the magnetic field
B) The charge is moving parallel to the magnetic field
C) The charge is moving opposite to the direction of the magnetic field
D) The charge is at rest
  • 19. The charge is moving opposite to the direction of the magnetic field
A) Ampere's law
B) Left-hand rule
C) Gauss's law
D) Right-hand rule
  • 20. In an AC circuit, the phase difference between the voltage and current is 90 degrees in a
A) Purely capacitive circuit
B) Purely resistive circuit
C) Purely inductive circuit
D) Combination of inductive and capacitive circuit
  • 21. The electric field lines around a positive point charge
A) Radially inward
B) Radially outward
C) Elliptical
D) Circular
  • 22. The electric field between two oppositely charged parallel plates is
A) Uniform
B) Indeterminate
C) Zero
D) Non-uniform
  • 23. Coulomb's law states that the force between two charges is directly proportional to
A) The inverse of the square of the distance between
B) The square of the distance between them
C) The product of their magnitudes
D) All of the above
  • 24. A circuit has a 9 V battery connected to a resistor. If the current in the circuit is 3 A, what is the resistance of the resistor?
A) 27 Ω
B) 6 Ω
C) 3 Ω
D) 9 Ω
  • 25. Kirchhoff's junction rule is based on the principle of
A) Conservation of charge
B) Conservation of mass
C) Conservation of momentum
D) Conservation of energy
  • 26. The unit of electric power is
A) Joule (J)
B) Volt (V)
C) Watt (W)
D) Ohm (Ω)
  • 27. The magnetic field inside a solenoid with a ferromagnetic core is
A) Stronger than in an air-core solenoid
B) The same as in an air-core solenoid
C) Zero
D) Weaker than in an air-core solenoid
  • 28. The force experienced by a current-carrying conductor in a magnetic field is maximum when the angle between the conductor and magnetic field is
A) 0 degrees
B) 45 degrees
C) 180 degrees
D) 90 degrees
  • 29. Ampere's law relates the magnetic field around a closed loop to the
A) Voltage across the loop
B) Resistance of the loop
C) Current passing through the loop
D) Electric field inside the loop
  • 30. The impedance of a purely resistive circuit is equal to
A) The resistance of the circuit
B) The sum of the resistance and reactance
C) The reactance of the circuit
D) Zero
  • 31. The state of a body at rest or in uniform motion is .........
A) Equilibrium
B) Moment
C) Resultant
D) Equilibrant
  • 32. ......... is the product of the mass of the body and its velocity
A) Motion
B) Resultant
C) Momentum
D) Collision
  • 33. ......... is the single force acting alone which would produce the same effect as the two forces put together
A) Moment
B) Equilibrant
C) Equilibrium
D) Resultant
  • 34. When taking a penalty kick, a player applied a force of 30N for a period of 0.05 seconds if the mass of the ball is 0.075 kg. Calculate the speed within which the ball moved.
A) 20 m/s
B) 30 m/s
C) 35 m/s
D) 25 m/s
  • 35. ....... arises when two objects come in touch or in contact with each other
A) Friction
B) Collision
C) Momentum
D) Elasticity
  • 36. One of these is an example of collision
A) Flush
B) Static
C) Dynamic
D) Automatic
  • 37. A ball of mass 0.5 kg moving at a velocity of 28 m/s is suddenly hit by a force of 6N for 0.04 second. Find the new velocity.
A) 28.048 m/s
B) 18.06 m/s
C) 26.6 m/s
D) 18 m/s
  • 38. ......... is referred to as the turning effect force about a point or axis
A) Moment
B) Resultant
C) Motion
D) Equilibrant
  • 39. In elastic, collision ......
A) Gain energy
B) Loss energy
C) Loss momentum
D) None
  • 40. To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction is Newton's
A) Third law
B) First law
C) Second law
D) Fourth law
  • 41. The two types of curved mirrors are ..........
A) Conflict and Complex
B) Artificial and Natural
C) Concrete and Cornered
D) Concave and Convex
  • 42. ......... is the line drawn through the poles of a mirror and the center of curvature
A) Radius of curvature
B) Pole
C) Principal focus
D) Principal axis
  • 43. The point at which all rays parallel and close to the principal axis converge at reflection is ........
A) Principal axis
B) Pole
C) Center of curvature
D) Principal focus
  • 44. ......... can be defined as the ratio of the image distance to the object distance
A) Magnification
B) Image distance
C) Image height
D) Object distance
  • 45. Which of these is not true when object is located beyond
A) The image formed is real
B) The image formed is inverted
C) The image formed is diminished
D) The image formed is same size as object
  • 46. A constant used to express the nature of medium through which light rays is propagated is .........
A) Refractive index
B) Reflection
C) Refraction
D) Magnification
  • 47. The two types of prism are ......... and ........
A) Longitudinal and Transverse
B) Linear and Circular
C) Rectangular and Triangular
D) Concave and Convex
  • 48. ......... is an unpleasant sound produced at different frequencies
A) Echo
B) Tone
C) Noise
D) Beat
  • 49. The velocity of sound can be measured using the following method except
A) Stationary method
B) Resonance tune method
C) Wave method
D) Echo method
  • 50. Which of these is not a characteristics of sound waves?
A) Tone
B) Ripple
C) Loudness
D) Pitch
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