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Contributed by: Grant
  • 1. Archaeology is the study of human history and prehistory through the excavation of sites and the analysis of artifacts and other physical remains. It seeks to understand past human cultures, behaviors, and societies by uncovering and interpreting material evidence left behind by ancient civilizations. Archaeologists use a variety of scientific techniques and methodologies to piece together the puzzle of the past, shedding light on how our ancestors lived, worked, and interacted with their environments. The field of archaeology plays a crucial role in shaping our understanding of the human story and preserving our shared heritage for future generations.

    What is the study of ancient human cultures through their material remains?
A) Astronomy
B) Psychology
C) Archaeology
D) Biology
  • 2. Which ancient civilization built the pyramids at Giza?
A) Greeks
B) Ancient Egyptians
C) Mayans
D) Romans
  • 3. How do archaeologists determine the age of artifacts and sites?
A) Guesswork
B) Weather forecasting
C) Dating methods
D) Magic
  • 4. Where is Machu Picchu located?
A) Brazil
B) Egypt
C) Mexico
D) Peru
  • 5. Which ancient city was destroyed and preserved by volcanic ash from Mt. Vesuvius?
A) Troy
B) Pompeii
C) Athens
D) Babylon
  • 6. In which country is the ancient city of Petra located?
A) Greece
B) Italy
C) Spain
D) Jordan
  • 7. Which artifact helped archaeologists decipher Egyptian hieroglyphs?
A) Cuneiform tablet
B) Rosetta Stone
C) Obelisk
D) Sarcophagus
  • 8. What is the process of physically uncovering archaeological sites?
A) Restoration
B) Surveying
C) Conservation
D) Excavation
  • 9. What is the term for archaeological sites submerged underwater?
A) Desert archaeology
B) Underwater archaeology
C) Urban archaeology
D) Space archaeology
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