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  • 1. 1. It is the scientific method of detecting deception with the use of a ____ instrument.
A) Holography
B) Holographic
C) Polygraph
D) Polygraphy
  • 2. 2. The term polygraph means ?
A) Many write
B) So much write
C) Many writings
D) Many writes
  • 3. 3. It is popular but misleading name of the polygraph.
A) Lie Detector
B) Lie Detected
C) Lie Detection
D) Lie Detention
  • 4. 4. What is the other name of polygraph it is also called___since statistics show that the vast majority of the instances the instrument verifies an innocent person's truthfulness.
A) Truth telling
B) Truth Verifier
C) Truth certified
D) Truth Verification
  • 5. 5. Untruthful statement, falsehood, anything that deceives or creates false impression, untrue statements especially with intent to deceive or to give an erroneous or misleading impression. Synonymous to deceit, deception, fabrication, falsehood, and untruth.
A) Lie
B) Liars
C) Liar
D) Lying
  • 6. 6. Is the act of detecting, discovery, perceiving, finding, or uncovering something obscure such as a lie.
A) Lie Detected
B) Detection
C) Lie Detector
D) Detector
  • 7. 7. These are the kind of lies used to protect or maintain the harmony of friendship or any relationship.
A) Black lie
B) Red lie
C) White lie or Benign lie
D) Malicious or judicial lie
  • 8. 8. This is a lie made by persons who cannot distinguish right from wrong.
A) White lie or Benign lie
B) Malicious or judicial lie
C) Pathological lie
D) Red lie
  • 9. 9. This involves political interests and motives because this is a part of communist propaganda strategy.
A) Pathological lie
B) White lie or Benign lie
C) Red lie
D) Black lie
  • 10. 10. A lie which accompanies pretensions and hypocrisies, intriguing to cause dishonor or discredit ones good image.
A) Red lie
B) Malicious or judicial lie
C) Black lie
D) Pathological lie
  • 11. 11. This is very pure and unjustifiable kind of lie that is intended purely to mislead or obstruct justice.
A) Malicious or judicial lie
B) Red lie
C) White lie or Benign lie
D) Black lie
  • 12. 12. A lie told when someone submits a statement as truth, without knowing for certain wether or not it actually is true. It is something made up, or it is a misrepresentation of the truth.
A) Fabrication
B) Lying by omission
C) Bold-faced lie
D) Lie-to-children
  • 13. 13. Is one which is told when it is obvious to all concerned that it is a lie.
A) Noble lie
B) Bold-faced lie
C) Perjury
D) Lying by omission
  • 14. 14. One lies by omission by omitting an important fact, deliberately leaving another person with a misconception.
A) Fabrication
B) Lying by omission
C) Noble lie
D) Bold-faced lie
  • 15. 15. Often a platitude which may use euphemism, which is told to make an adult acceptable to children.
A) Lie-to-children
B) Lying by omission
C) Noble lie
D) Emergency lie
  • 16. 16. One which would normally cause discord If it were uncovered, but which offers some benefit to the liar and assists in an orderly society, therefore potentially beneficial to others.
A) Perjury
B) Emergency lie
C) Noble lie
D) Bold-faced lie
  • 17. 17. Is a strategic lie when the truth may not be told because it may harm a third party.
A) Lying by omission
B) Noble lie
C) Emergency lie
D) Perjury
  • 18. 18. The act of lying or making verifiably false statements on a material matter under oath or affirmation in a court of law, or any of various sworn statements in writing.
A) Noble lie
B) Emergency lie
C) Perjury
D) Lying by omission
  • 19. 19. Pretending to have a capability or intention which one does not actually possess.
A) Contextual lies
B) Promotion lies
C) Jocose lies
D) Bluffing
  • 20. 20. Are those which are meant in jest, and are usually understood as such by all present parties. Teasing and sarcasm are examples.
A) Contextual lies
B) Bluffing
C) Jocose lies
D) Promotion lies
  • 21. 21. One can state part of the truth out of context, knowing that without complete information, it gives a false impression.
A) Jocose lies
B) Bluffing
C) Promotion lies
D) Contextual lies
  • 22. 22. Advertisements often contain statements which are incredible, such as "we are always to give a refund, or exaggerated predictions such as " you will love our new product".
A) Bluffing
B) Promotion lies
C) Contextual lies
D) Jocose lies
  • 23. 23. One who lies in order to avoid the consequences of a confession, they are afraid of embarrassment and it is a serious blow to their ego.
A) Panic liars
B) Occupational liars
C) Tournament liars
D) Ethnological liars
  • 24. 24. Are practical liars and lies when it has a higher "pay off" than telling the truth.
A) Panic liars
B) Tournament liars
C) Occupational liars
D) Black liars
  • 25. 25. Are those who love to lie and are excited by the challenge of not being Detected.
A) Tournament liars
B) Ethnological liars
C) Occupational liars
D) Black liars
  • 26. 26. The most difficult type, these persons have no conscience and shows no regret for dishonesty and no manifestation of guilt .
A) Pathological liars
B) Black liars
C) Psychopathic liars
D) Ethnological liars
  • 27. 27. Are those who taught not to be a squealer.
A) Ethnological liars
B) Psychopathic liars
C) Pathological liars
D) Tournament liars
  • 28. 28. Are persons who cannot distinguish right from wrong due their sick mind. They are insane.
A) Black liars
B) Ethnological liars
C) Psychopathic liars
D) Pathological liars
  • 29. 29. Are persons who always pretends what he is what he thinks of himself.
A) Tournament liars
B) Red liars
C) Black liars
D) Panic liars
  • 30. 30. The physiological effectors in polygraph examination are the___. It is responsible for regulating mechanism that corrects the slightest deviation from a particular standard within very fine limits.
A) Automatic Nervous System
B) Authentic Nervous System
C) Atomic Nervous System
D) Autonomic Nervous System
  • 31. 31. These are non-verbal behavior that expresses the entire communication. No spoken words are necessary: are accurate clues of persons true feelings and statements.
A) Emblems
B) Illustrated
C) Adaptors
D) Illustrators
  • 32. 32. Are non-verbal behaviors which assists the listener better understand the verbal communication. They indicate consistency between non-verbal and verbal messages.
A) Adapters
B) Emblems
C) Adsptors
D) Illustrators
  • 33. 33. Are non-verbal behaviors that serve no purpose in helping the verbal communication, and often detract from it. Occur as hand gestures and body position include rubbing, stroking, picking, massaging, or touching of the body or face.
A) Illustrators
B) Adaptors
C) Adapters
D) Emblems
  • 34. 34. Truthfully people use body as an illustrator and have an open, settled, upright position. Deceptive people often show very close and defensive positions , such as crossed arms and/or legs.
A) Arms and hands
B) General posture
C) Head and face
D) Eyes
  • 35. 35. Is the most common part of the body to observe; it is also the most difficult to interpret. Masking or the attempt to conceal the truth through false facial expression is common.
A) Head and face
B) Arms and hands
C) Eyes
D) General posture
  • 36. 36. Lie told make an adult subject acceptable to children.
A) Lie to children
B) Adult lies
C) White lie
D) Noble lie
  • 37. 37. Lie made by persons who cannot distinguish right from wrong.
A) Black lie
B) Benign lie
C) Red lie
D) Pathological lie
  • 38. 38. The polygraph test should be conducted in a quiet, private and semi sound proof room.
A) Statement is false
B) Statement is true
  • 39. 39. What is polygraphy?
A) The study of language patterns to detect deception
B) The art of detecting lies using psychological techniques
C) The practice of using hynopsis to uncover hidden memories
D) The science of detecting lies using physiological responses
  • 40. 40. Polygraph is an investigative tool.
A) True
B) False
  • 41. 41. Strategic lie when the truth may not be told because it may harm a third party.
A) Noble lie
B) Safety lie
C) Emergency lie
D) Perjury
  • 42. 42. A lie that is made up or it is a misrepresentation of the truth.
A) Bold faced lie
B) Lying by omission
C) Fabrication
  • 43. 43. The accused will place his tounge to a red hot Iron nine times unless burned sooner.
A) Red hot Iron ordeal
B) Ordeal by Rice chewing
C) Boiling water ordeal
D) Ordeal by the balance
  • 44. 44. The basis with regard to utilization and accuracy of the polygraph technique is the examiner qualification and skills.
A) The statement is false
B) The statement is true
  • 45. 45. Principal use of polygraph
A) Reveal personal secrets
B) Convict people
C) Embarrass people
D) Speeds up the process
  • 46. 46. Making the graphical records containing reliable information regarding physiological changes.
A) Physiological basic premise
B) Mechanical basic premise
C) Psychological basic premise
  • 47. 47. Pathological liars are persons who cannot distinguish right from wrong.
A) Statement is true
B) Statement is false
  • 48. 48. Polygraph test is voluntary.
A) False
B) True
  • 49. 49. The accused will place his tounge to a red hot Iron nine times unless burned sooner.
A) Ordeal by the balance
B) Ordeal by Rice chewing
C) Red hot Iron ordeal
D) Boiling water ordeal
  • 50. 50. Polygraph test result in the Philippines is not admissible in evidence as proof of the guilt of an accused.
A) False
B) True
  • 51. 51. Are polygraph results admissible to Philippine court?
A) It depends
B) Yes
C) No
  • 52. 52. Is one when told is obvious to all concerned that is a lie.
A) Lying by omission
B) Fabrication
C) Perjury
D) Bold-faced lie
  • 53. 53. The following persons cannot be subjected to polygraph examination.
A) Imbecile
B) Psychotic
C) Feeble minded
D) All of these
  • 54. 54. An accused place his tounge to a red hot Iron nine times if burned he is guilty.
A) Red hot Iron ordeal
B) Trial by ordeal
C) Boiling water ordeal
  • 55. 55. What physiological responses are commonly measured during a polygraph test?
A) Heart rate, blood pressure, and temperature
B) Salivation, sweat production, and pupil dilation
C) All of the above
D) Eye movement, muscle tension, and respiration
  • 56. 56. A fight between accuser and accused.
A) Trial by ordeal
B) Trial by combat
C) Trial by torture
  • 57. 57. Blushing and paling, or profuse sweating may be a sign of innocence.
A) Statement is true
B) Statement is false
  • 58. 58. An ordeal that uses a balancing scale for the accused if he or she is found to be lighter from the first weight innocence will be pronnounced.
A) Ordeal of the red Water
B) Trial by combat
C) Ordeal by the balance
D) Ordeal by Rice chewing
  • 59. 59. The subject will asked to plunge their arms into boiling water to the elbow and step into the other side of the fire.
A) Boiling water ordeal
B) Red hot Iron ordeal
C) Ordeal by the balance
  • 60. 60. This involves political interests and motives.
A) Pathological lie
B) Judicial lie
C) Red lie
D) Black lie
  • 61. 61. In Greek polygraph means____and the instrument was so named because it make various ink recordings of a person's body functions.
A) Many writing
B) Recording instrument
C) Writing tool
D) Lie detector
  • 62. 62. Principal use of polygraph
A) Embarrass people
B) Convict people
C) Reveal personal secrets
D) Eliminates innocent suspects
  • 63. 63. Those who lie have fear of...
A) Detection
B) Persons
C) Word
D) Water
  • 64. 64. A lie that is made up or it is a misrepresentation of the truth.
A) Noble lie
B) Fabrication
C) Bold-faced lie
D) Lying by omission
  • 65. 65. Lies used to protect or maintain harmony of friendship or any relationship.
A) Pathological lie
B) Red lie
C) White lie
D) Black lie
  • 66. 66. The polygraph records physiological reactions.
A) False
B) True
  • 67. 67. One of the principal uses of polygraph is for pre-employment screening.
A) Statement is false
B) Statement is true
  • 68. 68. The polygraph records psychological reactions.
A) False
B) True
  • 69. 69. One lies by omission by omitting an important fact.
A) Lying by omission
B) Emergency lie
C) Pathological lie
D) Lie to children
  • 70. 70. Have you ever stolen anything from your locality?
A) Irrelevant question
B) Control question
C) Relevant question
  • 71. 71. Was the pair of shoes found at the crime Scene yours?
A) Control question
B) Irrelevant question
C) Relevant question
  • 72. 72. Do you drink water?
A) Irrelevant question
B) Control question
C) Relevant question
  • 73. 73. Do you have anything to do with robbery at SM last night?
A) Relevant question
B) Irrelevant question
C) Control question
  • 74. 74. Is today Monday?
A) Relevant question
B) Irrelevant question
C) Control question
  • 75. 75. Do you know of anyone involved in the robbery at SM last night.
A) Relevant question
B) Control question
C) Irrelevant question
  • 76. 76. Did you eat today?
A) Irrelevant question
B) Control question
C) Relevant question
  • 77. 77. Did you steal ben's laptop?
A) Relevant question
B) Irrelevant question
C) Control question
  • 78. 78. Have you ever been involved in a robbery this year?
A) Irrelevant question
B) Control question
C) Relevant question
  • 79. 79. Are you over 20 years of age now?
A) Relevant question
B) Control question
C) Irrelevant question
  • 80. 80. Polygraph testing is admissible to court?
A) True
B) False
  • 81. 81. 4th pen at the bottom in the polygraph machine.
A) Galvanograph
B) Cardiograph
C) Pneumograph
  • 82. 82. 3rd pen in the polygraph machine and usually is the longest.
A) Cardiograph
B) Galvanograph
C) Pneumograph
  • 83. 83. Two upper pens in a polygraph refers to the?
A) Cardiograph
B) Galvanograph
C) Pneumograph
  • 84. 84. Any psychological change in a person can be detected by the polygraph
A) False
B) True
  • 85. 85. A subject need to sign a consent before taking a polygraph test.
A) False
B) True
  • 86. 86. A subject with a headache cannot take the polygraph test.
A) False
B) True
  • 87. 87. Galvanograph
A) Measures a person's perspiration. It comprises electrical sensors known as galvanometers, which are attached to the person's fingertips.
B) An instrument for recording the thoracic movements or volume change during respiration
C) An instrument for recording heart muscle activity
  • 88. 88. Pneumograph
A) Measures a person's perspiration. It comprises electrical sensors known as galvanometers, which are attached to the person's fingertips
B) An instrument for recording the thoracic movements or volume change during respiration
C) An instrument for recording heart muscle activity
  • 89. 89. Cardiograph
A) An instrument for recording the thoracic movements or volume change during respiration
B) Measures a person's perspiration. It comprises electrical sensors known as galvanometers, which are attached to the person's fingertips
C) An instrument for recording heart muscle activity
  • 90. 90. These are questions have no bearing to the case under investigation. (Unleaded/immaterial questions) –types of question which have no importance to the case under investigation
A) Control questions
B) Relevant questions
C) Irrelevant questions
  • 91. 91. These are questions pertaining to the issue under investigation. Must be specific to obtain an accurate result (leaded/material questions). –are questions directly related to the offense under investigation
A) Irrelevant questions
B) Relevant questions
C) Control questions
  • 92. 92. Are used for purposes of comparison. –these are questions unrelated to the matter under investigation considered many polygraphists to be the most rialable and effective questioning technique.
A) Relevant questions
B) Irrelevant questions
C) Control questions
  • 93. 93. point where each question begins and end (called stimulus mark) Yes answer to question No answer to question.
A) A
B) T
D) C
  • 94. 94. Adjustment
C) A
  • 95. 95. Subject talked instead of answering with single yes or no.
B) T
  • 96. 96. Request for repetition of question.
A) R
  • 97. 97. Coughed
B) S
D) C
  • 98. 98. Noise
A) N
B) O
  • 99. 99. Sighed
A) D
C) S
  • 100. 100. Paper Jam
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