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AIC Pry 5/6 IRS 3rd Test - 3rd Term 23/24
Contributed by: College
  • 1. 1. The kings of Egypt in olden times were known as
A) Buraq
B) Fujjar
C) Fir'awn
D) Khalifa
  • 2. 2. Which Surah ends with "For you is your religion and for me is mine"?
A) Al Ikhlas
B) Al-kafirun
C) Al fatiah
D) Al asr
  • 3. 3. The first woman martry of Islam
A) Aisha
B) Fatimah
C) Khadija
D) Sumayyah
  • 4. 4. The number of times Allahu Akbar will be mentioned in one adhan is...
A) 12
B) 5
C) 7
D) 6
  • 5. 5. The most recurring theme in Surah Al Layl is......
A) attitude to wealth
B) fasting
C) importance of the night
D) obedience
  • 6. 6. In which Surah of the Glorious Quran is the law of inheritance mentioned in details.
A) Al Baqarah (Q. 5)
B) Kahf (Q. 18)
C) An Nissan (Q. 4)
D) Al Ma'idah (Q. 2)
  • 7. 7. Who was known as Sayidatun Nisa ( leader of the women in paradise).
A) Hafsah
B) Fatimah
C) Aishah
  • 8. 8. To be a true friend of Allah one must do all of the following except....
A) stay indoor for a whole year worshipping Allah
B) do regular good deeds even if they are little
C) have good manners
D) pray solah regularly and at the right time
  • 9. 9. The smell that might come out from the mouth of a fasting person due to an empty stomach.......
A) is more pleasing to Allah than the scent of the paradise
B) is dislike by Allah do therefore one must brush
C) is more pleasing to Allah than the scent of musk
  • 10. 10. One of the special rewards for those who fasted is that they......
A) are exempted from praying solah that day
B) will enter paradise through a gate dedicated especially for them
C) are not accountable for any of their sins committed that day
D) will lose weight
  • 11. 11. What is the name of the prophet who built the ark?
A) Yusuf
B) Yuunus
C) Huud
D) Nuuh
  • 12. 12. What is the name of the prophet who crossed the red Sea with his followers.
A) Isa
B) Adam
C) Musa
D) Ibrahim
  • 13. 13. What is the fourth pillar of Islam?
A) Hajj
B) Zakah
C) Sawm
D) Solah
  • 14. 14. What is the name of the seventh month of the Hijrah calendar?
A) Sha'baan
B) Ramadan
C) Shawwal
D) Rajab
  • 15. 15. From what are Jinns created?
A) Plant
B) Smokeless fire
C) Light
D) Clay
  • 16. 16. What is the name of prophet Ismail's mother?
A) Haajar
B) Salaamah
C) Sarah
D) Zaynab
  • 17. 17. In what Islamic month is Hajj performed?
A) Ramadan
B) Shawwal
C) DhulHijjah
D) Muharram
  • 18. 18. Allah swears by 7 things in Surah Ash Shams. These include all the following except...
A) Moon
B) Death
C) Day
D) Soul
  • 19. 19. Associating partners with Allah is called.......
A) zina
B) kufr
C) bid'ah
D) shirk
  • 20. 20. In what chapter of the Quran can you find this verse? ولسان وشعفتين
A) Surah Al Balad
B) Surah Al Qamar
C) Surah Ash Shams
D) Surah Al Ghashiyah
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