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Contributed by: Vaughan
  • 1. What is the capital of Israel?
A) Jerusalem
B) Haifa
C) Beersheba
D) Tel Aviv
  • 2. When did Israel declare independence?
A) 1948
B) 1973
C) 1956
D) 1967
  • 3. Which sea is located to the west of Israel?
A) Red Sea
B) Mediterranean Sea
C) Sea of Galilee
D) Dead Sea
  • 4. What is the official language of Israel?
A) English
B) Russian
C) Arabic
D) Hebrew
  • 5. Who was the first Prime Minister of Israel?
A) David Ben-Gurion
B) Benjamin Netanyahu
C) Golda Meir
D) Yitzhak Rabin
  • 6. Which city in Israel is known as the 'White City'?
A) Haifa
B) Eilat
C) Jerusalem
D) Tel Aviv
  • 7. What is the highest mountain in Israel?
A) Mount Carmel
B) Mount Tabor
C) Mount Meron
D) Mount Hermon
  • 8. Which river flows along the border between Israel and Jordan?
A) Jordan River
B) Nile River
C) Tigris River
D) Euphrates River
  • 9. In what year was the city of Tel Aviv founded?
A) 1909
B) 1967
C) 1948
D) 1923
  • 10. What is the traditional Jewish skullcap called in Hebrew?
A) Yarmulke
B) Kippah
C) Shofar
D) Tallis
  • 11. What is the name of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) elite special forces unit?
A) Sayeret Matkal
B) Golani Brigade
C) Paratroopers Brigade
D) Nahal Brigade
  • 12. Which ancient city was an important center of Jewish learning in Israel?
A) Ashkelon
B) Tiberias
C) Beersheba
D) Caesarea
  • 13. What is the name of the Israeli national anthem?
A) Adon Olam
B) Jerusalem of Gold
C) Hatikvah
D) Hava Nagila
  • 14. Who was the first Israeli to win the Nobel Prize?
A) David Ben-Gurion
B) Shmuel Yosef Agnon
C) Golda Meir
D) Yitzhak Rabin
  • 15. Who was the first female Prime Minister of Israel?
A) Ehud Barak
B) Golda Meir
C) Dalia Itzik
D) Tzipi Livni
  • 16. What is the name of the Israeli parliament?
A) Sejm
B) Knesset
C) Majlis
D) Duma
  • 17. Which famous ancient desert fortress is located in southern Israel?
A) Petra
B) Masada
C) Palmyra
D) Qumran
  • 18. Which Hebrew month marks the celebration of Hanukkah?
A) Tevet
B) Shevat
C) Kislev
D) Adar
  • 19. Which desert covers much of southern Israel?
A) Atacama Desert
B) Sahara Desert
C) Negev Desert
D) Gobi Desert
  • 20. What is the national symbol of Israel?
A) Cross
B) Star of David
C) Crescent Moon
D) Menorah
  • 21. Which famous historical figure led the Jewish people back to the land of Israel in ancient times?
A) Solomon
B) Abraham
C) King David
D) Moses
  • 22. In which year did Israel withdraw from the Sinai Peninsula as part of a peace agreement with Egypt?
A) 1991
B) 1982
C) 1973
D) 2005
  • 23. What is the national airline of Israel?
A) Arkia
B) Sun d'Or
C) Israir
D) El Al
  • 24. Which Israeli company is known for its navigation app?
A) Taboola
B) MobilEye
C) Waze
D) IronSource
  • 25. What is the name of the Israeli intelligence agency?
A) IDF Intelligence
B) Shin Bet
C) Aman
D) Mossad
  • 26. What is the traditional Jewish day of rest and spiritual enrichment in Israel?
A) Passover
B) Shabbat
C) Rosh Hashanah
D) Yom Kippur
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