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Raphael (artist)
Contributed by: Lake
  • 1. When did Raphael die?
A) 1535
B) 1510
C) 1499
D) 1520
  • 2. Where did Raphael die?
A) Rome
B) Venice
C) Florence
D) Milan
  • 3. How old was Raphael when he died?
A) 52
B) 37
C) 45
D) 29
  • 4. Where was Raphael born?
A) Naples
B) Rome
C) Urbino
D) Venice
  • 5. Who was Raphael's teacher?
A) Michelangelo
B) Perugino
C) Da Vinci
D) Caravaggio
  • 6. Raphael's work is considered a major influence on the development of which art movement?
A) Abstract Expressionism
B) Cubism
C) High Renaissance
D) Pop Art
  • 7. In which church is Raphael buried?
A) Santa Maria del Popolo
B) St. Peter's Basilica
C) Pantheon
D) Santa Maria sopra Minerva
  • 8. Which of the following Italian cities did Raphael spend time working in?
A) Florence
B) Barcelona
C) Munich
D) Vienna
  • 9. What was Raphael's full name?
A) Giorgio Michelangelo
B) Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino
C) Leonardo Caravaggio
D) Leandro da Vinci
  • 10. Which one of Raphael's works is considered a portrait of the artist himself?
A) The Mona Lisa
B) The Calling of Saint Matthew
C) The Birth of Venus
D) Self-Portrait with a Friend
  • 11. Which of Raphael's works is set in the Palace of the Vatican?
A) The Garden of Earthly Delights
B) The School of Athens
C) The Last Supper
D) The Creation of Adam
  • 12. Which architectural structure did Raphael help design in Vatican City?
A) The Leaning Tower of Pisa
B) The Colosseum
C) St. Peter's Basilica
D) The Duomo of Florence
  • 13. Which notable artist worked alongside Raphael in the Vatican?
A) Michelangelo
B) Salvador Dalí
C) Pablo Picasso
D) Rembrandt
  • 14. What was the title of the last painting Raphael completed before his death?
A) Transfiguration
B) The Night Watch
C) The Birth of Venus
D) The Persistence of Memory
  • 15. Which royal family did Raphael create portraits of?
A) Habsburg
B) Medici
C) Tudor
D) Bourbon
  • 16. Who was Raphael's fiancée at the time of his death?
A) Maria Bibbiena
B) Lucrezia Borgia
C) Vittoria Colonna
D) Isabella d'Este
  • 17. Which Pope was Raphael's patron for much of his career?
A) Leo X
B) Innocent VIII
C) Julius II
D) Alexander VI
  • 18. Which artist was influenced by Raphael's use of color and composition in his later works?
A) El Greco
B) Titian
C) Caravaggio
D) Rembrandt
  • 19. What was the name of the villa that Raphael owned outside of Rome?
A) Villa Farnesina
B) Villa d'Este
C) Villa Madama
D) Villa Borghese
  • 20. Which artist completed Raphael's unfinished paintings after his death?
A) Botticelli
B) Titian
C) Giulio Romano
D) Veronese
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