- 1. Goodnight Mister Tom, written by Michelle Magorian, is a poignant and heartwarming novel set during World War II in England. The story follows the journey of a young boy named William Beech, who is evacuated from London to the countryside to escape the blitz. Placed in the care of Tom Oakley, a reclusive and gruff elderly man with a troubled past, William's life begins to transform. Initially traumatized and withdrawn, he slowly acclimates to the peaceful rural life, developing a close bond with Tom, who becomes a father figure to him. The novel explores themes of friendship, love, neglect, and the impact of war on children. Through William's eyes, readers experience the beauty of nature, the warmth of community, and the heart-wrenching struggles of his past as he learns to cope with the trauma inflicted by his abusive mother. Magorian's rich storytelling vividly captures the emotional depth of the characters' interactions and the historical context, making Goodnight Mister Tom a timeless classic that resonates with readers of all ages.
In which historical period is the story set?
A) World War I B) The Victorian Era C) The Great Depression D) World War II
- 2. What is the main theme of the story?
A) Family and loyalty B) War and loss C) Adventure and exploration D) Friendship and healing
- 3. What does William Beech struggle with at the beginning of the story?
A) Fear of the dark B) Friendship issues C) Struggles in school D) Abuse and neglect
- 4. Which character is William's friend and a source of support?
A) Zach B) Mrs. Beech C) Billy D) Mr. Oakley
- 5. What tragic news does William receive from home?
A) His mother has died B) His father is missing C) His brother is lost D) His house was bombed
- 6. What hobby does Mister Tom enjoy?
A) Knitting B) Gardening C) Fishing D) Painting
- 7. How does William feel about returning home?
A) He is terrified B) He is excited C) He is angry D) He is indifferent
- 8. What animal does Mister Tom have?
A) A horse B) A dog named Sammy C) A rabbit D) A cat
- 9. What does William’s mother represent in his life?
A) Joy and happiness B) Adventure and fun C) Fear and control D) Love and safety
- 10. What is the setting of the story primarily focused on?
A) A war zone B) An island C) The English countryside D) A big city
- 11. What event leads to William being evacuated?
A) The war B) A flood C) Fire D) A family emergency
- 12. Who arrives at the end to help William?
A) Mister Tom B) Mrs. Beech C) Zach D) The police
- 13. What lesson does William learn throughout the story?
A) How to fight B) The importance of work C) The importance of love and friendship D) How to run away
- 14. Where is William Beech evacuated from?
A) Liverpool B) London C) Birmingham D) Manchester
- 15. What is the name of the village where Tom lives?
A) Great Weirwold B) Little Brookfield C) Little Weirwold D) Weirfield
- 16. What is one of Tom's defining traits?
A) Greed B) Cruelty C) Indifference D) Kindness
- 17. What does Will learn to love?
A) School B) The war C) Nature D) The city
- 18. What type of book is 'Goodnight Mister Tom'?
A) Historical fiction B) Fantasy C) Science fiction D) Mystery