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Nicene Creed controversies
Contributed by: Squires
  • 1. The Nicene Creed controversies were theological disagreements within Christianity during the fourth century regarding the wording and interpretation of the Nicene Creed, which was established by the First Council of Nicaea in AD 325. These controversies centered around the divinity of Jesus Christ and the relationship between God the Father and Jesus. The main points of contention included the Arian controversy, which challenged the Creed's declaration of Jesus as 'of one substance with the Father,' leading to debates about whether Jesus was fully divine or a created being. These controversies ultimately led to various councils and schisms within the Christian church as different factions vied for control over orthodox doctrine.

    Who is credited with initiating the First Council of Nicaea in AD 325?
A) St. Athanasius
B) Emperor Constantine
C) Pope Leo I
D) Arius
  • 2. What heresy prompted the First Council of Nicaea to convene?
A) Gnosticism
B) Docetism
C) Nestorianism
D) Arianism
  • 3. How did the Arians interpret the Son's relationship to the Father?
A) as a subordinate but eternal being
B) as a created being
C) as an equal deity
D) as identical in essence
  • 4. Which ecumenical council confirmed and expanded the Nicene Creed in AD 381?
A) Second Council of Nicaea
B) First Council of Constantinople
C) Council of Chalcedon
D) Council of Ephesus
  • 5. Which theological term was central to the debate at the Council of Nicaea?
A) Ecclesia
B) Doctrina
C) Homoousios
D) Logos
  • 6. How did the Nicene Creed redefine the relationship between the Father and the Son?
A) It asserted the subordination of the Son to the Father.
B) It denied the eternality of the Son.
C) It equated the Son with the Holy Spirit.
D) It affirmed that the Son was begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father.
  • 7. Who was known for his support of Arianism and his opposition to the Nicene Creed?
A) Jerome
B) Eusebius of Nicomedia
C) Cyril of Alexandria
D) Augustine of Hippo
  • 8. Which ecumenical council affirmed the Nicene Creed and addressed iconoclasm in AD 787?
A) Council of Chalcedon
B) Council of Ephesus
C) Second Council of Nicaea
D) First Council of Constantinople
  • 9. Who was the main proponent of Arianism at the First Council of Nicaea?
A) Jerome
B) Arius
C) Augustine
D) Athanasius
  • 10. What was the primary theological emphasis of the Nicene Creed?
A) The divine nature of Christ and His relationship to the Father.
B) The practices of monasticism.
C) The establishment of ecclesiastical hierarchy.
D) The interpretation of Old Testament prophecies.
  • 11. Who was the Archbishop of Constantinople who declared the Creed of Nicaea complete and asked the entire church to affirm it?
A) Cyril of Alexandria
B) Jerome
C) Gregory Nazianzus
D) John Chrysostom
  • 12. Who is known as the 'Father of Orthodoxy' for his defense of Nicene principles?
A) Irenaeus
B) Origen
C) Athanasius
D) John Chrysostom
  • 13. What term describes the belief that Jesus only appeared to be human but did not possess a physical body?
A) Arianism
B) Docetism
C) Nestorianism
D) Monophysitism
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