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Rosetta Stone: Key to Deciphering Hieroglyphs
Contributed by: Henry
  • 1. The Rosetta Stone is a black basalt stone slab discovered in 1799 near Rosetta in Egypt. It contains a decree issued by King Ptolemy V in 196 BC and is inscribed in three scripts: Ancient Greek, Demotic, and Egyptian hieroglyphs. This discovery was crucial in the decipherment of hieroglyphs, as scholars were able to use the Greek text to understand the hieroglyphic symbols. The Rosetta Stone provided the key to understanding this ancient Egyptian writing system, unlocking a wealth of knowledge and insights into the civilization of ancient Egypt.

    When was the Rosetta Stone discovered?
A) 1799
B) 1945
C) 1600
D) 1875
  • 2. Who deciphered the hieroglyphs on the Rosetta Stone?
A) Jean-François Champollion
B) Alexander the Great
C) Cleopatra
D) Hatshepsut
  • 3. Which ancient Egyptian ruler's decree is written on the Rosetta Stone?
A) Ramesses II
B) Hatshepsut
C) Ptolemy V
D) King Tutankhamun
  • 4. What organization currently holds the Rosetta Stone in its collection?
A) Metropolitan Museum of Art
B) Louvre Museum
C) British Museum
D) Smithsonian Institution
  • 5. What is the significance of the text on the Rosetta Stone?
A) It is a love poem to the Nile River
B) It lists instructions for mummification
C) It helped unlock the ancient Egyptian language
D) It details a battle between two pharaohs
  • 6. Whose name appears multiple times on the Rosetta Stone?
A) Akhenaten
B) Ptolemy
C) Thutmose III
D) Cleopatra
  • 7. What did the discovery of the Rosetta Stone contribute to understanding ancient Egypt?
A) Evidence of time travel
B) Confirmation of Atlantis
C) Insight into administrative and religious practices
D) Proof of alien visitors
  • 8. What made the Rosetta Stone so important to the study of ancient Egypt?
A) It granted immortality to its discoverers
B) It contained a treasure map
C) It provided a key to understanding hieroglyphs
D) It revealed the location of Cleopatra's tomb
  • 9. Why was the discovery of the Rosetta Stone significant?
A) It foretold the future of humanity
B) It proved the existence of Atlantis
C) It revealed the secret of eternal youth
D) It allowed scholars to understand ancient Egyptian writing
  • 10. Which language did Jean-François Champollion already know before deciphering the Rosetta Stone?
A) Chinese
B) Latin
C) Coptic
D) Arabic
  • 11. In what city is the Rosetta Stone currently displayed?
A) London
B) Athens
C) Cairo
D) Paris
  • 12. What material is the Rosetta Stone made of?
A) Sandstone
B) Granite
C) Limestone
D) Marble
  • 13. How many lines of text are on the Rosetta Stone?
A) 7
B) 21
C) 14
D) 10
  • 14. When was the Rosetta Stone moved to the British Museum?
A) 1802
B) 1825
C) 1799
D) 1850
  • 15. Who was the reigning monarch of Britain when the Rosetta Stone was discovered?
A) Henry VIII
B) Edward VII
C) George III
D) Queen Victoria
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