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Behavioral Psychology
Contributed by: Foster
  • 1. Behavioral psychology is a branch of psychology that focuses on how behaviors are learned and reinforced through interactions with the environment. It emphasizes the role of experience and observable behavior in shaping human actions. Behavioral psychologists believe that behavior can be understood, studied, and modified by analyzing the actions of an individual in specific situations. They use principles of conditioning and reinforcement to explain how behaviors are acquired and maintained. Behavioral psychology is often applied in various settings, such as education, therapy, and organizations, to help individuals change their behaviors and improve their outcomes.

    Which psychologist introduced the concept of operant conditioning?
A) Ivan Pavlov
B) Jean Piaget
C) Albert Bandura
D) B. F. Skinner
  • 2. What is the process of reinforcing successive approximations to a desired behavior called?
A) Modeling
B) Shaping
C) Imprinting
D) Conditioning
  • 3. In classical conditioning, what term refers to a previously neutral stimulus that elicits a conditioned response?
A) Unconditioned stimulus
B) Stimulus generalization
C) Neutral response
D) Conditioned stimulus
  • 4. Who conducted the 'Little Albert' experiment to demonstrate classical conditioning of fear?
A) John B. Watson
B) B. F. Skinner
C) Bandura
D) Pavlov
  • 5. Which schedule of reinforcement is most resistant to extinction?
A) Variable interval
B) Fixed interval
C) Fixed ratio
D) Variable ratio
  • 6. What type of reinforcement occurs when a behavior is strengthened by the removal of an aversive stimulus?
A) Positive reinforcement
B) Negative reinforcement
C) Extinction
D) Punishment
  • 7. In social learning theory, what term describes learning by observing others' behaviors and the consequences of those behaviors?
A) Classical conditioning
B) Shaping
C) Operant conditioning
D) Modeling
  • 8. What is the concept in operant conditioning where the frequency of a behavior decreases when followed by a punishing stimulus?
A) Punishment
B) Reinforcement
C) Extinction
D) Generalization
  • 9. Who introduced the concept of observational learning and the famous Bobo doll experiment?
A) Albert Bandura
B) Jean Piaget
C) B. F. Skinner
D) Ivan Pavlov
  • 10. What term describes the gradual disappearance of a conditioned response when the conditioned stimulus is repeatedly presented without the unconditioned stimulus?
A) Generalization
B) Extinction
C) Discrimination
D) Habituation
  • 11. What term describes the process of reinforcing a behavior every time it occurs?
A) Partial reinforcement
B) Intermittent reinforcement
C) Continuous reinforcement
D) Fixed interval reinforcement
  • 12. What is the term for reinforcing behavior every so often?
A) Fixed interval reinforcement
B) Variable ratio reinforcement
C) Intermittent reinforcement
D) Continuous reinforcement
  • 13. What is the learned association between a behavior and its consequences in classical and operant conditioning?
A) Conditioned reinforcement
B) Spontaneous recovery
C) Imprinting
D) Modeling
  • 14. In operant conditioning, what term refers to the learning of new behaviors by watching others and the outcomes of their actions?
A) Observational learning
B) Discrimination
C) Extinction
D) Generalization
  • 15. Pavlov's famous experiment with dogs demonstrated which concept?
A) Self-actualization
B) Social learning
C) Cognitive dissonance
D) Classical conditioning
  • 16. What does the ABC model of behavior stand for?
A) Action, Behavior, Confirmation
B) Association, Behavior, Cognition
C) Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence
D) Attention, Behavior, Control
  • 17. A token economy system is based on the principles of what?
A) Cognitive dissonance
B) Operant conditioning
C) Classical conditioning
D) Social learning
  • 18. Which term refers to an individual's belief in their ability to perform a specific task?
A) Self-efficacy
B) Self-esteem
C) Self-awareness
D) Self-actualization
  • 19. Which psychologist proposed the hierarchy of needs theory?
A) Abraham Maslow
B) Erik Erikson
C) Carl Jung
D) Jean Piaget
  • 20. Which term refers to the tendency to respond to a stimulus that is similar to the conditioned stimulus?
A) Generalization
B) Extinction
C) Discrimination
D) Acquisition
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