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James Carter, the 39th U.S. President
Contributed by: Ball
  • 1. In which U.S. state was James Carter born?
A) New York
B) Texas
C) California
D) Georgia
  • 2. What was James Carter's full name?
A) James Earl Carter Jr.
B) James William Carter
C) James Thomas Carter
D) James Harrison Carter
  • 3. Which branch of the military did James Carter serve in?
A) Navy
B) Air Force
C) Marines
D) Army
  • 4. Which award did James Carter receive after his presidency for his humanitarian work?
A) Grammy Award
B) Nobel Peace Prize
C) Oscar
D) Emmy Award
  • 5. Who was James Carter's Vice President during his presidency?
A) Al Gore
B) Walter Mondale
C) Joe Biden
D) George H.W. Bush
  • 6. Which major piece of legislation did James Carter sign in 1978 to deregulate the airline industry?
A) Affordable Care Act
B) Airline Deregulation Act
C) Medicare Act
D) Social Security Act
  • 7. What former occupation did James Carter have before becoming President?
A) Doctor
B) Lawyer
C) Farmer
D) Teacher
  • 8. Which country was the Soviet Union invaded in 1979 that caused tension between the U.S. and the USSR during James Carter's presidency?
A) Vietnam
B) Afghanistan
C) North Korea
D) Cuba
  • 9. What significant milestone did James Carter achieve in 1979 regarding the SALT II treaty with the Soviet Union?
A) Signed
B) Abandoned
C) Overturned
D) Vetoed
  • 10. Which economic indicator was notably high during James Carter's presidency, contributing to an economic recession?
A) Inflation
B) GDP Growth
C) Surplus
D) Unemployment
  • 11. Which Middle Eastern country did James Carter establish full diplomatic relations with during his presidency, following the Camp David Accords?
A) Iran
B) Israel
C) Egypt
D) Saudi Arabia
  • 12. Who was James Carter's opponent in the 1980 presidential election, ultimately resulting in Carter's defeat?
A) Ronald Reagan
B) Walter Mondale
C) Barry Goldwater
D) George H.W. Bush
  • 13. What federal department did James Carter establish under his presidency to oversee energy-related policies and regulations?
A) Department of Education
B) Department of Defense
C) Department of Homeland Security
D) Department of Energy
  • 14. What major event did James Carter witness the signing of in 1979, aiming for arms control between the U.S. and the USSR?
A) Warsaw Pact
B) SALT II Treaty
C) Camp David Accords
D) START Treaty
  • 15. When was James Carter inaugurated as the 39th U.S. President?
A) 1992
B) 1968
C) 1977
D) 1980
  • 16. Which political party was James Carter affiliated with?
A) Republican
B) Green
C) Independent
D) Democratic
  • 17. Which famous peace treaty was signed during Carter's presidency?
A) Versailles Treaty
B) Potsdam Agreement
C) Camp David Accords
D) Treaty of Paris
  • 18. What major event took place in 1979 under President Carter's administration?
A) Berlin Wall Construction
B) Iran Hostage Crisis
C) Vietnam War Ending
D) Watergate Scandal
  • 19. Which First Lady was married to James Carter?
A) Nancy
B) Rosalynn
C) Michelle
D) Jacqueline
  • 20. Which country did the United States boycott during the 1980 Summer Olympics?
A) Japan
B) Germany
C) China
D) Soviet Union
  • 21. What was the unemployment rate at the start of Carter's presidency in 1977?
A) 15.0%
B) 7.5%
C) 5.0%
D) 10.0%
  • 22. What was the name of the successful hostage rescue mission during Carter's presidency?
A) Operation Red Dawn
B) Operation Enduring Freedom
C) Operation Desert Storm
D) Operation Eagle Claw
  • 23. Which notable Carter administration official resigned in protest of Carter's failure to act decisively in the Iran Hostage Crisis?
A) Hamilton Jordan
B) Walter Mondale
C) Cyrus Vance
D) Andrew Young
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