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Contributed by: Bedford
  • 1. Phytopathology is the scientific study of plant diseases, their causes, mechanisms of infection, and methods for disease control. It involves the study of how plant pathogens interact with their hosts, leading to the development of symptoms and damage. Phytopathologists work to identify, characterize, and manage plant diseases through research, education, and practical solutions. By understanding the complex interactions between plants, pathogens, and the environment, phytopathologists play a vital role in protecting crops, forests, and natural ecosystems from disease outbreaks and ensuring global food security.

    What is Phytopathology?
A) Art of painting plants
B) Study of plant diseases
C) Study of plant genetics
D) Cultivation of plants
  • 2. Which of the following is a fungal disease?
A) Rust
B) Aphid infestation
C) Bacterial blight
D) Root-knot nematode
  • 3. What is damping off?
A) Seedling disease caused by fungi
B) Weed control method
C) Plant nutrition deficiency
D) Watering technique
  • 4. Which plant part is commonly affected by rust diseases?
A) Roots
B) Leaves
C) Flowers
D) Stems
  • 5. What is the study of how pathogens infect plants called?
A) Entomology
B) Plant pathology
C) Botany
D) Agronomy
  • 6. Why is plant quarantine important?
A) To speed up plant growth
B) To promote genetic diversity
C) To increase crop yield
D) To prevent introduction of new plant diseases
  • 7. What is a common symptom of powdery mildew on plants?
A) Wilted flowers
B) White powdery spots on leaves
C) Red streaks on stems
D) Yellow roots
  • 8. Which plant disease is known to cause devastating losses in potato crops?
A) Late blight
B) Crown gall
C) Blossom end rot
D) Leaf curl
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