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Contributed by: loyola
  • 1. "In flagrante delicto" means that the person to be arrested is
A) All of these
B) Attempting to commit a crime
C) Committing a crime
D) Committed a crime
E) None of these
  • 2. Giving of evidence that might tend to expose the witness to punishment for crime
A) None of these
B) Miranda rights
C) Right to freedom of speech
D) Right against sefl- incrimination
E) Right to privacy
  • 3. Sufficient reason based upon known facts to believe a crime has been committed or that certain property is connected with a crime
A) Due process
B) None of these
C) Beyond reasonable doubt
D) Warrant
E) Probable cause
  • 4. The bill of rights guarantees protection against which of the following?
A) All of these
B) Abuse of power by the government
C) None of these
D) Violations of human rights
  • 5. Under the bill of rights, what is the standard for suspension of the privilege of the writ of the habeas corpus?
A) Clear and convincing evidence
B) Beyond reasonable doubt
C) Probable cause
D) None of these
E) Martial law or State of emergency
  • 6. Which provision of the bill of rights guarantees the right to a speedy and public trial
A) None of these
B) Right against self-incrimination
C) Right to due process
D) Right to a speedy and public trial
E) Right counsel
  • 7. An official documents signed by the judge which authorizes police officers to arrest the person or people named in the document
A) None of these
B) Seizures
C) Warrant of arrest
D) Search
E) Search warrant
  • 8. The bill of rights guarantees the right to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation in which legal proceeding?
A) Civil cases
B) All of these
C) Administrative cases
D) None of these
E) Criminal case
  • 9. Under the bill of rights, what is the Standard for the imposition of excessive fines
A) Clear and convincing evidence
B) Beyond reasonable doubt
C) None of these
D) Probable cause
E) Proportionality
  • 10. Under the bill of rights, what is the standard for imposition of the death penalty?
A) None of these
B) Strict scrutiny
C) Probable cause
D) Beyond a reasonable doubt
E) Clear and convincing evidence
  • 11. Under the bill of rights, what is the standard for the arrest and detention of individuals?
A) Beyond a reasonable doubt
B) Reasonable doubt
C) Probable cause
D) None of these
E) Clear and convincing evidence
  • 12. Under the bill of rights, what is the standard for the admissibility of evidence obtained through illegal searches and seizures?
A) None of these
B) Reasonable doubt
C) Clear and convincing evidence
D) Probable cause
E) Fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine
  • 13. A requirement that legal matters must be resolved according to established rules and principles
A) Probable cause
B) Due process
C) In flagrante delicto
D) None of these
E) Beyond reasonable doubt
  • 14. Which provision of the bill of rights guarantees the right to equal protection of the law
A) Freedom of religion
B) Right due process
C) Right to equal protection of the law
D) None of these
E) Right to privacy
  • 15. The bill of rights prohobits the use of which of the following as evidence against an accused person
A) Acquired through illegal means
B) All of these
C) None of them
D) Involuntary confession
E) Torture
  • 16. Under the bill of rights, what is the maximum period of detention without a judicial warrant of arrest?
A) 24 hours
B) 48 hours
C) 72 hours
D) None of these
E) 96 hours
  • 17. A lawful warrantless arrest performed by a civilian
A) Citizens arrest
B) National arrest
C) Police arrest
D) Warrant of arrest
E) None of these
  • 18. Under the bill of rights, what is the standard for imposition of attainder?
A) None of these
B) Clear and convincing evidence
C) Probable cause
D) Strict scrutiny
E) Beyond a reasonable doubt
  • 19. The bill of rights prohobits which of the following?
A) Torture and cruel punishment
B) Unreasonable searches and seizures
C) Excessive Bails and penalty
D) All of these
E) None of these
  • 20. Which of the 1987 Philippines constitution contains the bill of rights?
A) Article lV
B) Article V
C) Article l
D) Article lll
E) Article ll
  • 21. The bill of rights guarantees the right of the people to peacefully assemble and petition the government for:
A) Redress of grievances
B) Establishment of a new political system
C) All of these
D) Implement of projects
E) None of these
  • 22. The bill of rights provides protection for which of the following groups?
A) Citizens only
B) Foreigners only
C) Government
D) None of these
E) Citizens and foreigners
  • 23. The bill of rights guarantees protection against warrantless arrests, except in which of the following situations?
A) When the person is caught in the act of commiting a crime
B) None of these
C) All of these
D) When there is probable cause
E) In flagrante delicto
  • 24. The bill of rights recognizes the right of the people to form associations, provided that they are not:
A) Violent
B) Subversive
C) None of these
D) All of these
E) Inhumane
  • 25. Under the bill of rights what is the standard for the imposition of ex post facto laws
A) Beyond reasonable doubt
B) Probable cause
C) Clear and convincing evidence
D) Strict scrutiny
E) None of these
  • 26. The bill of rights protects individuals from:
A) Forced labor
B) Excessive punishment
C) Slavery
D) All of these
E) None of these
  • 27. Which of the following is not protected by the freedom of expression ?
A) Libel
B) None of these
C) Assembly
D) Speech
E) Religion
  • 28. The bill of rights guarantees the right to freedom of religion, which includes the freedom to:
A) Practive any religion
B) All of these
C) Promotion of one religion
D) None of these
E) Establish a national religion
  • 29. The bill of rights guarantees the right to legal representation, also know as the right to:
A) Equal protection
B) All of these
C) Due process
D) Assistance of counsel
E) None of these
  • 30. An official document signed by the judge which authorizes police officers to search a particular location and seize specific items
A) Warrant of arrest
B) Seizures
C) Search
D) None of these
E) Search warrant
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