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finals crimlaw2
Contributed by: miphangcat
  • 1. Susan was robbed by the “akyat-bahay” gang. Due to
    darkness while she tries to escape, she fell from their
    terrace and died. The robbers did the crime
A) Robbery with homicide
B) Homicide
C) Roberry
D) None of this
  • 2. Bruno, while driving a car, fall asleep and awaken due to a
    big bang hitting the electric post of Davao Light. Bruno
A) Criminally negligent
B) None of this
C) Negligent
D) Theft
  • 3. Because of poor eye sight,Max poured a muriatic acid in
    her wife's glass thinking that it was her milk. Instantly, the
    wife died upon drinking the same.What crime was
A) Homicide
B) Murder
C) Parricide
  • 4. What is not a special complex crime
A) Murder and robbery
B) Theft with murder
C) Non of this
  • 5. A group of armed men throw handgrenades that totally
    burned the house. What crime would you charge against
    the armed group
A) Robbery
B) Malicious mischef
C) Arson
  • 6. A glass of milk was given to the victim whom he believe
    that it was. When the victim drink the same, he suffered
    allergies and have tobe hospitalized for 2 days. What
    crime was committed
A) Physical injury
B) Arson
C) Slight physical injury
  • 7. a married woman, had sexual intercourse with a man
    who was not her husband. The man did not know she was
    married. What crime is cmmitted by
A) Act of lasciviousness
B) Concubinage
C) Adultery
  • 8. What crime is committed by the man who had sexual
    intercourse with a married woman when he did not know
    she was married
A) Adultery
B) No crime
C) Bigamy
  • 9. 9 Which is a crime against person
A) Non of this
B) Rape
C) Seduction
  • 10. A jailer inflicted injury on the prisoner because of his
    personal grudge. The prisoner became blind and deaf.
    What crime was committed
A) Serious physical injury
B) Less serious physical injury
C) Physical injury
  • 11. Depressed by his dismissal and angered by the nagging of
    his wife, Aldrich struck Carmi with his fist. She fell to the
    ground. As a result, she and her unbornbaby died. Aldrin
    committed parricide with unintentional abortion
A) True
B) False
  • 12. 12
    Any person who shall give false testimony against the
    defendant in any criminal case is liable of?
A) False testimony favorable to the accused
B) False testimony
C) False testimony favorable to the victim
  • 13. Candido stabbed an innocent bystander who accidentally
    bumped him. The innocent bystander died as a result.
    Candido was arrested and was tested to be positive for
    the use of “shabu” at the time he committed the
A) Candido commited homicide
B) Candido commited parricide
C) Candido commited murder
  • 14. Committed by any person who shall make use of force or
    intimidation upon any person coming to the aid of the
    authorities or their agents
A) Indirect assault
B) Physical injury
C) Direct assault
  • 15. Article 247 or Death or Physical Injuries Inflicted under
    Exceptional Circumstances is when the offender kills or
    inflicts serious physical injury upon the other spouse
    and/or paramour while in the act of intercourse
A) True
B) False
  • 16. The accused, not intending to kill the victim,
    treacherously shot the victim on his leg. The victim died
    due to loss of blood. Accused is guilty of?
A) Murder
B) Homicide
C) Parricide
  • 17. 17 Define murder. Give one the elements of the crime
A) Non of this
B) The killing was attended by treachery
C) The killing was attended by treason
  • 18. Fidel and Fred wanted to kill Jorge so they forcibly kept
    him hog-tied in a small nipa house. Two days later, they
    killed Jorge and dumped his body into the river. What
    crime orcrimes did Fidel and Fred commit
A) Homicide with kidnapping
B) Kidnapping
C) Murder
  • 19. 19
    A killed: a woman with whom he lived without benefit of
    clergy. What crime did he committed
A) Parricide
B) Homicide or murder
C) Killing of person
  • 20. 20
    A killed: their child who was only two days old, What
    crime did he committed
A) Parricide
B) Murder
C) Infanticide
  • 21. A killed: their daughter,What crime did he committed
A) Murder
B) Parricide
C) Homicide
  • 22. 2
    Who may be guilty of the crime of parricide, Give one
A) A person who kill his mother,father,child
B) Any public officer
C) A police officer
  • 23. Gavino boxed Alma for refusing to sleep with him. He
    then violently threw her on the floor and forced her to
    have sexual intercourse with him. Is he guilty of rape by
    sexual assault
A) Non of this
B) No, rape by carnal knowledge
C) Yes
  • 24. By giving to a treasury or bank note or any instrument
    payable to bearer or to order mentioned therein, the
    appearance of a true and genuine document
A) Non of this
B) Counterfeiting
C) Forgery
  • 25. the improper performance of some act which should have
    been lawfully be done
A) Nonfeasance
B) Misfeasance
C) Malfeasance
  • 26. Mr. P owns a boarding house where he knowingly
    allowed children to be videotaped while simulating
    explicit sexual activities. What is Mr. P's criminal liability,
    if any
A) Violation of anti pornography act
B) Grave threat
C) Grave scandal
  • 27. AA knowingly and wilfully swear falsely in a formal
    hearing of an administrative case rendering him guilty of?
    The Anti-Rape Law of 1997 reclassified rape from a
A) Non of this
B) Perjury
C) Falsification
  • 28. crimenagainst honor, a private offense, to that of a crime
    against persons.
A) False
B) True
  • 29. defined as malicious or intentional destruction of
    property by fire
A) Arson
B) Non of this
C) Malicious mischief
  • 30. 30
    a person threatens to expose the affairs of married man if
    the latter soes not give him money. There is intimidation
    done under a demand
A) Grave threat
B) Slight threat
C) Grave scandal
  • 31. This I s the taking of of personal property of another with
    intent to gain by means of violence
A) Theft
B) Robbery
  • 32. What distingushes Homicide from Murder, Parricide and
A) The time commited the crime
B) Circumstances of the victim
C) The place
  • 33. In case the victim sustained serious physcal injuries
    and/or death while the perpetrator cannot be identified,
    the crime is?
A) Homicide
B) Physical injury
C) Tumultuous affray
  • 34. "Child Abuse" under Rep. Act No. 7610 includes sexual
    abuse or any act which debases, degrades or demeans
    the intrinsicworth and dignity of a child as a human being,
    whose age isbelow eighteen (18) years
A) True
B) False
C) Maybe
  • 35. If Offender discharges a firearm against or at another
    person but had no intention to kill that person. The crime
    of ________ is committed
A) Illegal gunshot
B) Use of firearm
C) Discharge of firearm
  • 36. A, a male, takes B, another male, to a motel and
    there,through threat and intimidation, succeeds in
    inserting hispenis into the anus of B. What, if any, is A’s
    criminal liability
A) Act of lasciviousness
B) Rape by sexual assault
C) Rape
  • 37. X lost his gold watch.He saw Roy wearing it so he asked R
    to return to him the watch. R refused so X then drew his
    gun and told R, "If you will not give back the watch to me,
    I will kill you!" Out of fear R gave the watchto X. What
    offense did X commit
A) Grave threat
B) Grave coercion
C) Grave scandal
  • 38. Gambling, cockfighting, lottery and prostitution are
    crimes against______
A) Public morals
B) Public policy
C) Public ordinance
  • 39. , the basis of criminal liability is t heemployment
    of violence or serious intimidation approximating
    violence, without authority of law, to prevent a person
    from doing something not prohibited by law or to compel
    him to do something against his will, whether it be right
    or wrong
A) None of this
B) Coercion
C) Threat
  • 40. the basis of liability is the actual restraintor
    locking up of a person, thereby depriving him of his
    libertywithout authority of law
A) Illegal detention
B) Abitrary detention
  • 41. A vehicular accident transpired resulting to death of
    persons involved. A passerby arrived first but instead of
    asking for help, he took the wallets and jewelries of the
    victim. What crime was committed
A) Qualified theft
B) Theft
C) Robbery
  • 42. The following are crimes against honor except
A) Libel
B) Cyber crime
C) Robbery
  • 43. A and B, conspired to rob a house and they succeeded. A,
    however, was sexually aroused when he saw the lady
    owner of the house and so, raped her. B just watched the
    happening from a window and did nothing to stop the
    rape. If A is guilty of Robbery with Rape, is B also liable
A) No because its non of his business
B) Yes because he did nothing to stop the rape
C) None
  • 44. Five robbers robbed, one after the other five houses
    occupiedby different families located inside a compound.
    How many robbery did they committ
A) Five
B) One
C) Two
  • 45. DD purchased a television set for P50,000.00 with the use
    of a counterfeit credit card. The owner of the
    establishment is not aware that the credit card used by
    DD was counterfeit.What crime or crimes did DD commit
A) Robbery
B) Estafa
C) Qualified theft
  • 46. A libel is a public and ______________ of a crime, or of a
    vice or defect, real or imaginary, or any act, omission,
    condition, status, or circumstances tending to cause the
    dishonor, discredit, or contempt of a natural or juridical
    person, or to blacken the memory of one who is dead
A) Malicious mischief
B) Malicious imputation
  • 47. The following are crimes against civil status of a person
A) Adultery
B) Simulation of birth
  • 48. In the crimes involving rape, abduction, seduction, and
    acts of lasciviousness, the marriage by the offender with
    the offended woman generally extinguishes criminal
A) False
B) True
  • 49. A man who carried a womanagainst her will or brought
    from one place to another against her will with lewd
    design is guilty of___
A) Seduction
B) Forcible abduction
C) Rape
  • 50. This crime is committed if the offended woman is single
    or a widow of good reputation, over 12 and under 18
    years of age, the offender has carnal knowledge of her
    through deceit
A) Simple seduction
B) Seduction
C) None
  • 51. Jordan with evident premeditation and treachery killed
    his father. What was the crime committed
A) Homicide
B) Parricide
C) Murder
  • 52. 3
    Supervisor John entered the dwelling of Toni against his
    will on suspicion that he keeps unlicensed firearms in his
    home. What was the crime committed
A) Trespassing
B) Violation of domicile
  • 53. The crimes of adultery, concubinage, seduction,
    abduction and acts of lasciviousness are the so-called
    private crimes. They cannot be prosecuted except upon
    the complaint initiated by the_________
A) Offended accused
B) Offended party
C) Offended
  • 54. The following are crimes against chastity except
A) Adultery
B) Rape
C) Concubinage
  • 55. In general, accused defrauded another by abuse of
    confidence or by means of deceit is guilty of
A) Swiddling or estafa
B) Robbery
C) Theft
  • 56. college courses. In his fury, C burned the leather suitcase
    of L together with all its contents
A) C is not guilt of arson
B) C is guilt of malicious mischief
C) C is guilt of arson
  • 57. When is embracing, kissing and touching a girl's breast
    considered only unjust vexation
A) If without lewd design
B) If the victim consisted
  • 58. Illegal tapping of electric power lines is one of the
    prohibited acts of
A) RA 9162
B) RA theft
C) Anti electricity pilferage act of 7832
  • 59. Those who having found lost property and fails to deliver
    the same to the local authorities or to its owner is guilty
A) Robbery
B) Theft
C) City ordinance
  • 60. Due to the passage of the Anti￾rape law of 1997, Rape is now
    classified as
A) Crime againts chastity
B) Crime againts person
C) Crime againts public order
  • 61. If the person kidnapped or
    detained shall be a female, the
    crime is
A) Kidnapping
B) Kidnapping and serious illegal detention
C) Abitrary detention
  • 62. Any person who shall
    deliberately cause to the
    property of another any damage
    that does not constitute arson
    shall be guilty for what crime
A) Coercion
B) Malicious mischief
C) Threat
  • 63. A criminal complaint for adultery
    can be filed only by whom
A) Public
B) Guardian of offended spouse
C) Offended spouse
  • 64. Acts of lasciviousness (Art.336)
    can be committed against male
    Any person who shall defraud
A) Both gender
B) Female
C) Male
  • 65. Any person who shall defraud
    another with unfaithfulness or
    abuse of confidence shall be
    liable for what crime
A) Theft
B) Robbery
C) Estafa
  • 66. picklock without lawful cause is
    liable for what crime, if any
A) Anti pick lock act
B) Theft
C) Possesion of pick lock
  • 67. Kidnapping maybe commited by?
A) Both public and private
B) Public
C) Private
  • 68. Act No. 3815 is otherwise known
A) RPC of the philippines
B) Common laws
C) Special laws
  • 69. It is one of the essential element of libel
A) Gain
B) Damage
C) Malice
  • 70. It is not an element of acts of
A) Abuse
B) Force
C) Sexual intercoures
  • 71. The main difference between
    kidnapping and forcible
    abduction is the presence or
    absence of
A) Lewd design
B) Intent
C) Unlawful intent
  • 72. Any person who shall give false
    testimony against the defendant
    in any criminal case is liable of
A) None of this
B) False testimony
C) Perjury
  • 73. Lewd design means
A) Prejudice
B) Lustful
C) Deceit
  • 74. In the crime of qualified
    seduction, the offended party
    should be a virgin. What kind of
    virginity does the law
A) Moral virginity
B) None of this
C) Physical virginity
  • 75. 16
    Direct bribery is a crime involving
    moral turpitude. From which of
    the following elements of
    direct bribery can moral
    turpitude be inferred
A) Commit a crime by reason of gift
B) No crime
C) Recieve gift
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