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Galileo Galileo (astronomer)
Contributed by: Lake
  • 1. What year was Galileo Galilei born?
A) 1600
B) 1620
C) 1564
D) 1492
  • 2. In which year did Galileo finally publish his 'Dialogue'?
A) 1640
B) 1632
C) 1650
D) 1620
  • 3. Which mathematician and scientist was a contemporary and critic of Galileo?
A) René Descartes
B) Albert Einstein
C) Isaac Newton
D) Johannes Kepler
  • 4. What invention did Galileo improve upon that allowed him to make important astronomical observations?
A) Compass
B) Microscope
C) Sextant
D) Telescope
  • 5. What was the name of Galileo's daughter, who entered a convent and corresponded with him throughout his life?
A) Maria
B) Lucia
C) Virginia
D) Sofia
  • 6. During his trial, what type of punishment was originally proposed for Galileo by the Inquisition?
A) Execution
B) Public humiliation
C) Exile
D) Imprisonment
  • 7. What was Galileo's primary occupation?
A) Alchemist
B) Physicist
C) Bishop
D) Astronomer
  • 8. In which Italian city did Galileo live out the final years of his life under house arrest?
A) Arcetri
B) Venice
C) Rome
D) Florence
  • 9. Which work by Galileo was placed on the Index of Forbidden Books by the Catholic Church?
A) Dialogo sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo
B) Sidereus Nuncius
C) Discorsi e Dimostrazioni Mathematiche
D) Starry Messenger
  • 10. What did Galileo discover about the surface of the Moon that challenged the prevailing beliefs of his time?
A) Valleys and rivers
B) Mountains and craters
C) Volcanoes and plains
D) Plateaus and deserts
  • 11. In which church trial did Galileo renounce his views, likely uttering the famous phrase 'And yet it moves' regarding the Earth's motion?
A) Index of Forbidden Books trial
B) Inquisition trial
C) Council of Trent trial
D) Council of Nicea trial
  • 12. What was the name of Galileo's early influential work that described his observations using the newly invented telescope?
A) Saggiatore
B) La Teoria del Cielo
C) Sidereus Nuncius
D) Starry Messenger
  • 13. Galileo's scientific discoveries were heavily influenced by the ancient Greek philosopher?
A) Socrates
B) Plato
C) Epicurus
D) Aristotle
  • 14. What was the name of the intellectual center where Galileo participated in scientific discussions and experiments?
A) Académie des Sciences
B) Accademia dei Lincei
C) Zauberberg Institute
D) Royal Society of London
  • 15. Galileo's contemporary who proposed the theory of the heliocentric universe was?
A) Nicolaus Copernicus
B) Aristarchus of Samos
C) Tycho Brahe
D) Johannes Kepler
  • 16. When did Galileo Galilei die?
A) 1543
B) 1642
C) 1687
D) 1592
  • 17. Where was Galileo born?
A) Pisa
B) Rome
C) Florence
D) Venice
  • 18. Which pope condemned Galileo in the Roman Inquisition trial?
A) Urban VIII
B) Alexander VII
C) Innocent X
D) Clement IX
  • 19. What is the name of the author of the play 'Life of Galileo'?
A) Bertolt Brecht
B) Anton Chekhov
C) William Shakespeare
D) Arthur Miller
  • 20. When did Galileo first observe the moons of Jupiter?
A) 1584
B) 1598
C) 1610
D) 1645
  • 21. What instrument did Galileo perfect to measure time accurately?
A) Chronometer
B) Pendulum clock
C) Sundial
D) Water clock
  • 22. What was Galileo's full name?
A) Antonio Galilei
B) Galileo Galilei
C) Piero Galilei
D) Giovanni Galilei
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