Quantum numbers are like Quantum numbers are like addresses for electrons Quantum numbers are like addresses for electrons Giving information about Quantum numbers are like addresses for electrons Giving information about exactly where the electron is located. Quantum numbers are like addresses for electrons. True False The first quantum number is the The first quantum number is the principal quantum number The first quantum number is the principal quantum number and is what we used to call The first quantum number is the principal quantum number and is what we used to call the shell number The principal quantum number is like the shell number. True False The principal quantum number is abbreviated 'n' The principal quantum number is abbreviated 'n' and can be any counting number The principal quantum number is abbreviated 'n' and can be any counting number 1 The principal quantum number is abbreviated 'n' and can be any counting number 1, 2 The principal quantum number is abbreviated 'n' and can be any counting number 1, 2, 3 The principal quantum number is abbreviated 'n' and can be any counting number 1, 2, 3, 4... The principal quantum number is abbreviated 'n' It represents the general size of the probability field. and can be any counting number 1, 2, 3, 4... The second quantum number The second quantum number is called the angular quantum number. The second quantum number is called the angular quantum number. This number represents the The second quantum number is called the angular quantum number. This number represents the shape of the probability field. The second quantum number is called the angular quantum number. This number represents the shape of the probability field. s = 0 The second quantum number is called the angular quantum number. This number represents the shape of the probability field. s = 0p = 1 The second quantum number is called the angular quantum number. This number represents the shape of the probability field. s = 0p = 1d = 2 The second quantum number is called the angular quantum number. This number represents the shape of the probability field. s = 0p = 1d = 2f = 3 The second quantum number This number is abbreviated with the letter l is called the angular quantum number. This number represents the shape of the probability field. s = 0p = 1d = 2f = 3 The second quantum number This number is abbreviated with the letter l and used to be called the subshell. is called the angular quantum number. This number represents the shape of the probability field. s = 0p = 1d = 2f = 3 Subshell p s f d Angular Number (l) 2 ? 3 ? 1 ? 0 ? abbreviation represents principal quantum number shell ? n ? angular quantum number Subshell ? l ? Shell 1 only has an s subshell Shell 1 only has an s subshell Shell 2 has an s and a p subshells Shell 1 only has an s subshell Shell 2 has an s and a p subshells Shell 3 has s, p, and d subshells Shell 1 only has an s subshell Shell 2 has an s and a p subshells Shell 3 has s, p, and d subshells so... an electron with a principal number of 1 Shell 1 only has an s subshell Shell 2 has an s and a p subshells Shell 3 has s, p, and d subshells so... an electron with a principal number of 1 Shell 1 only has an s subshell Shell 2 has an s and a p subshells Shell 3 has s, p, and d subshells can only have an angular number of 0 so... an electron with a principal number of 1 an electron with a principal number of 2 Shell 1 only has an s subshell Shell 2 has an s and a p subshells Shell 3 has s, p, and d subshells can only have an angular number of 0 can only have an angular number of 0 or 1 so... an electron with a principal number of 1 an electron with a principal number of 2 an electron with a principal number of 3 Shell 1 only has an s subshell Shell 2 has an s and a p subshells Shell 3 has s, p, and d subshells can only have an angular number of 0 can only have an angular number of 0 or 1 so... an electron with a principal number of 1 an electron with a principal number of 2 an electron with a principal number of 3 Shell 1 only has an s subshell Shell 2 has an s and a p subshells Shell 3 has s, p, and d subshells can only have an angular number of 0 or 1 or 2 can only have an angular number of 0 can only have an angular number of 0 or 1 so... Shell 1 s p d f Check all that apply: Shell 2 s p d f Shell 3 s p d f PrincipalNumber 1n = 1 l = 0 l = 1 l = 2 l = 3 PrincipalNumber 2n = 2 l = 0 l = 1 l = 2 l = 3 PrincipalNumber 3n = 3 l = 0 l = 1 l = 2 l = 3 So the lowest angular number an electron can have is 0. So the lowest angular number an electron can have is 0. And the highest it can have is one less that it's principal quantum number. So the lowest angular number an electron can have is 0. Principal Number And the highest it can have is one less that it's principal quantum number. Angular Number So the lowest angular number an electron can have is 0. Principal Number And the highest it can have is one less that it's 1 principal quantum number. Angular Number 0 So the lowest angular number an electron can have is 0. Principal Number And the highest it can have is one less that it's 2 1 principal quantum number. Angular Number 0 0, 1 So the lowest angular number an electron can have is 0. Principal Number And the highest it can have is one less that it's 3 2 1 principal quantum number. Angular Number 0, 1, 2 0 0, 1 So the lowest angular number an electron can have is 0. Principal Number And the highest it can have is one less that it's 3 4 2 1 principal quantum number. Angular Number 0, 1, 2 0, 1, 2, 3 0 0, 1 Principal Number 3 4 2 1 Possible AngularNumbers 0, 1, 2 ? 0, 1, 2, 3 ? 0 ? 0, 1 ? |