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Binomio al cuadrado (+) (Baldor)
Contributed by: Rueda Pinzon
__1. (1+3x2)2A. 49x2+154x+121
__2. (2x+3y)2B. 36a2+12ab+b2
__3. (3a3+8b4)2C. m2+6m+9
__4. (5+x)2D. x2+10x+25
__5. (6a+b)2E. 16m2+72m+81
__6. (7x+11)2F. x2+2xy+y2
__7. (9+4m)2G. 9x4+6x2+1
__8. (a2x+by2)2H. 4x2+12xy+9y2
__9. (m+3)2I. a4x2+2a2bxy2+b2y4
__10. (x+y)2J. 9a6+48a3b4+64b8
__11. (4ab2+5xy3)2A. 49a4b6+70a2b3x4+25x8
__12. (4m5+5n6)2B. 16m10+40m5n6+25n12
__13. (7a2b3+5x4)2C. 16a2b4+40ab2xy3+25x2y6
__14. (8x2y+9m3)D. a2a+2+2aa+1yx-2+y2x-4
__15. (aa+1+yx-2)2E. x20+20x10y12+100y24
__16. (am+an)2F. 64x4y2+144x2ym3+81m6
__17. (ax+bx+1)2G. a2m+2am+n+a2n
__18. (x10+10y12)2H. a2x+2ax bx+1+b2x+2
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