A) Assuming B) Answering C) Calculating D) Questioning
A) Being-as-entity B) Being-for-others C) Being-within D) Being-in-the-world
A) Enframing B) Liberation C) Complexity D) Simplicity
A) It is a sign of ignorance. B) It prevents distractions. C) It is irrelevant. D) It allows for true contemplation.
A) Feeling B) Calculating C) Knowing D) Acting
A) Philosophical thinking B) Intuitive thinking C) Creative thinking D) Technological thinking
A) Writing extensively B) Listening C) Reading quickly D) Speaking loudly
A) Thinking creates Being. B) Thinking reveals Being. C) Being is irrelevant to thinking. D) Thinking denies Being.
A) It is mostly theoretical. B) It is rarely practiced. C) It is a deep engagement with existence. D) It is a distraction from reality. |