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Kim Jong-un
Contributed by: Norman
  • 1. Kim Jong-un is the supreme leader of North Korea, inheriting the position from his father Kim Jong-il. He is known for his authoritarian rule, human rights abuses, and the secretive nature of his regime. Kim Jong-un has been involved in numerous diplomatic controversies, including the pursuit of nuclear weapons and cyber attacks. Despite his position of power, there is much speculation and intrigue surrounding his personal life and leadership style.

    Where was Kim Jong-un born?
A) North Korea
B) China
C) Russia
D) South Korea
  • 2. Which year did Kim Jong-un become the Supreme Leader of North Korea?
A) 2000
B) 2016
C) 2011
D) 2005
  • 3. What is the name of Kim Jong-un's wife?
A) Kim Yo-jong
B) Xi Mingze
C) Ri Sol-ju
D) Park Geun-hye
  • 4. Which country did Kim Jong-un visit for his first foreign trip as leader?
A) United States
B) Russia
C) South Korea
D) China
  • 5. What is the name of the propaganda state media agency in North Korea overseen by Kim Jong-un?
A) Daily NK
B) Korea Today
C) Korean Central News Agency
D) Pyongyang Times
  • 6. Which historical agreement did Kim Jong-un sign with South Korean President Moon Jae-in in 2018?
A) Seoul Accord
B) Pyongyang Treaty
C) Panmunjom Declaration
D) Korean Unity Pact
  • 7. What is the official ideology of North Korea under Kim Jong-un's leadership?
A) Juche
B) Marxism
C) Capitalism
D) Confucianism
  • 8. Which American action-comedy film featured Kim Jong-un as a character?
A) Pineapple Express
B) Sausage Party
C) The Interview
D) This Is The End
  • 9. Which of Kim Jong-un's relatives was assassinated using nerve agent in Malaysia?
A) Kim Jong-nam
B) Kim Yo-jong
C) Kim Pyong-il
D) Kim Jong-chul
  • 10. Which South Korean group performed in North Korea at Kim Jong-un's request?
A) Big Bang
B) Twice
C) Red Velvet
  • 11. Where is Kim Jong-un's official residence located?
A) Kim Il-sung Square
B) Juche Tower
C) Ryongsong Residence
D) Kumsusan Palace of the Sun
  • 12. What animal is associated with Kim Jong-un's leadership image in North Korea?
A) Eagle
B) Tiger
C) Dragon
D) Horse
  • 13. Who was Kim Jong-il's third son and successor to the North Korean leadership?
A) Kim Jong-nam
B) Kim Jong-chul
C) Kim Pyong-il
D) Kim Jong-un
  • 14. Which of these is a nickname given to Kim Jong-un?
A) Eternal Leader
B) Guardian of Peace
C) Rocket Man
D) Sun of the Nation
  • 15. What is the name of Kim Jong-un's younger sister who emerged as a prominent figure in North Korean politics?
A) Kim Pyong-il
B) Kim Yo-jong
C) Ri Sol-ju
D) Kim Jong-chul
  • 16. What was the name of the border village where Kim Jong-un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in held a summit in 2018?
A) Seoul
B) Kaesong
C) Pyongyang
D) Panmunjom
  • 17. Which title does Kim Jong-un officially hold in North Korea?
A) President
B) General
C) Prime Minister
D) Supreme Leader
  • 18. In 2018, Kim Jong-un met with which U.S. President in Singapore for a historic summit?
A) Donald Trump
B) Barack Obama
C) George W. Bush
D) Joe Biden
  • 19. On which date was Kim Jong-un born?
A) January 8
B) March 17
C) December 25
D) July 4
  • 20. Kim Jong-un holds the military rank of:
A) Admiral
B) General
C) Lieutenant
D) Marshal
  • 21. Which former basketball player did Kim Jong-un befriend and invite to North Korea in 2013?
A) Kobe Bryant
B) LeBron James
C) Michael Jordan
D) Dennis Rodman
  • 22. What is the capital of North Korea?
A) Hong Kong
B) Pyongyang
C) Seoul
D) Hanoi
  • 23. Which event connected to Kim Jong-un led to the cancellation of the movie 'The Interview' by Sony Pictures?
A) Cyberattack
B) Protest
C) Lawsuit
D) Natural disaster
  • 24. What title did Kim Jong-un give to his wife, Ri Sol-ju, in 2012?
A) First Lady
B) Minister of Culture
C) Secretary of State
D) Ambassador
  • 25. In which year did Kim Jong-un meet with South Korean President Moon Jae-in for the first inter-Korean summit?
A) 2016
B) 2018
C) 2020
D) 2014
  • 26. Which summit did Kim Jong-un attend in February 2019, but failed to reach a denuclearization agreement with the United States?
A) Singapore Summit
B) Hanoi Summit
C) Panmunjom Summit
D) Oslo Summit
  • 27. What is the state-controlled newspaper in North Korea that often glorifies Kim Jong-un and his predecessors?
A) The Pyongyang Times
B) Rodong Sinmun
C) Chosun Ilbo
D) Korean Central News Agency
  • 28. What is the name of the North Korean ruling family's mausoleum where Kim Jong-un's predecessors lie in state?
A) Jong-il Memorial Hall
B) Kumsusan Palace of the Sun
C) Kim Family Mausoleum
D) Pyongyang Eternal Rest
  • 29. What is the name of the symbol representing the ruling Worker's Party of Korea, often displayed at official events attended by Kim Jong-un?
A) Red Star
B) Liberty Torch
C) Hammer and Sickle
D) Anthem Emblem
  • 30. What was the name of the nuclear test site in North Korea that was reportedly destroyed in 2018 as a gesture of goodwill?
A) Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)
B) Panmunjom
C) Kaesong
D) Punggye-ri
  • 31. Kim Jong-un is known to have a special interest in which sport, leading to the recruitment of foreign athletes and coaches?
A) Basketball
B) Badminton
C) Swimming
D) Soccer
  • 32. Where was the historic meeting between Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump in 2018 held?
A) Hanoi
B) Seoul
C) Singapore
D) Pyongyang
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