A) Geoffrey of Monmouth B) Bede C) William of Malmesbury D) Henry of Huntingdon
A) Arthur B) Leir C) Cadwaladr D) Brutus of Troy
A) De Rege Britannorum B) Historia Regum Britanniae C) Annales Cambriae D) Chronicon Britannicum
A) 11th century B) 13th century C) 12th century D) 10th century
A) King Caduan B) King Arthur C) King Lear D) King Uther
A) Achilles B) Paris C) Aeneas D) Hector
A) Brutus B) Arthur C) Merlin D) Vortigern
A) He introduced classical Greek philosophy. B) He wrote the first history of France. C) He influenced the Arthurian legends. D) He created the first British novel. |