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David and Goliath
Contributed by: Foster
  • 1. David and Goliath is a famous biblical story that recounts the epic battle between the young shepherd David and the mighty Philistine warrior Goliath. The towering Goliath, clad in heavy armor and wielding a massive spear, challenges the Israelites to send a champion to face him in single combat. Despite being vastly oversized and outnumbered, the courageous David volunteers to take on the formidable giant. Armed only with a sling and a few smooth stones, David confronts Goliath with unwavering faith and determination. With a swift and well-aimed shot, David hurls a stone that strikes Goliath in the forehead, felling the imposing giant and securing a miraculous victory for the Israelites. The story of David and Goliath serves as a testament to the power of courage, faith, and resourcefulness in overcoming seemingly insurmountable odds.

    Where did the battle between David and Goliath take place?
A) Valley of Elah
B) Mount Sinai
C) Jerusalem
D) Jordan River
  • 2. What army was Goliath a part of?
A) Israelite
B) Philistine
C) Babylonian
D) Egyptian
  • 3. What was Goliath wearing on his head during the battle?
A) Gold crown
B) Bronze helmet
C) Leather cap
D) Feathered hat
  • 4. How many stones did David pick up to confront Goliath?
A) Three
B) Seven
C) Ten
D) Five
  • 5. Who was the first to run out and meet Goliath in battle?
A) Jonathan
B) An Israelite soldier
C) David
D) Saul
  • 6. What tribe was David from?
A) Judah
B) Levi
C) Benjamin
D) Naphtali
  • 7. What was Goliath's powerful weapon?
A) Spear
B) Bow
C) Sword
D) Axe
  • 8. What position did Goliath hold in the Philistine army?
A) General
B) Champion
C) Commander
D) Captain
  • 9. What did David do for a living before he fought Goliath?
A) Merchant
B) Shepherd
C) Blacksmith
D) Soldier
  • 10. Who was the king of Israel during the battle with Goliath?
A) Solomon
B) Jonathan
C) David
D) Saul
  • 11. Who was David's close friend and Saul's son?
A) Abner
B) Elhanan
C) Jonathan
D) Samuel
  • 12. What did David use to play music for King Saul before he fought Goliath?
A) Harp
B) Drum
C) Trumpet
D) Flute
  • 13. What was the name of the Philistine god that Goliath called upon before battle?
A) Ashtoreth
B) Moloch
C) Dagon
D) Baal
  • 14. What did David later become in Israel as a result of his victory over Goliath?
A) Judge
B) Prophet
C) King
D) Priest
  • 15. Who was the giant whom David fought?
A) Jonathan
B) Saul
C) Ahitophel
D) Goliath
  • 16. What did David use to defeat Goliath?
A) Slingshot
B) Sword
C) Bow and Arrow
D) Spear
  • 17. In which Bible book can the story of David and Goliath be found?
A) Psalms
B) 1 Samuel
C) 2 Kings
D) Isaiah
  • 18. Where did David strike Goliath to defeat him?
A) Forehead
B) Leg
C) Neck
D) Chest
  • 19. What did David say he trusted in when facing Goliath?
A) His strength
B) The Lord
C) Luck
D) His sword
  • 20. What was Goliath's height in cubits?
A) Eight
B) Six
C) Five
D) Seven
  • 21. After Goliath fell, what did David use to behead him?
A) A sharp stone
B) His slingshot
C) Goliath's sword
D) A wooden club
  • 22. Who ran away in fear after David defeated Goliath?
A) Israelites
B) Saul
C) Philistines
D) David
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