A) You shall keep the Sabbath day. B) You shall not commit adultery. C) You shall not bear false witness. D) You shall have no other gods before Me.
A) You shall not commit adultery. B) You shall not murder. C) You shall not covet. D) You shall not steal.
A) Honor your father and your mother. B) You shall have no other gods. C) You shall not commit adultery. D) You shall not bear false witness.
A) Genesis. B) Leviticus. C) Numbers. D) Exodus.
A) Nine. B) Ten. C) Seven. D) Eight.
A) Fasting. B) Resting from work. C) Working. D) Feasting.
A) Prohibiting lying. B) Prohibiting murder. C) Prohibiting stealing. D) Prohibiting the worship of idols.
A) Murdering. B) Stealing. C) Yearning for another's possessions. D) Lying. |