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Projective geometry
Contributed by: Bedford
  • 1. Projective geometry is a branch of mathematics that deals with the properties and invariants of geometric figures under projection. In projective geometry, points, lines, and planes are treated equivalently, with the focus on the relationships of their projective properties rather than their metric properties. This allows projective geometry to encompass concepts such as infinity and duality, making it a powerful tool for studying perspective and transformations in art, architecture, computer graphics, and various scientific fields. The projective space is often studied using homogeneous coordinates, which provide a compact representation of geometric objects and simplify algebraic computations. Projective geometry has applications in computer vision, computer-aided design, and robotics, among other areas, making it a versatile and useful tool for solving geometric problems and understanding the underlying structure of spaces.

    What is a projective transformation?
A) A transformation that reflects geometric figures.
B) A transformation that changes the size of geometric figures.
C) A transformation that only preserves angles.
D) A transformation that preserves collinearity and incidence.
  • 2. In projective geometry, how many points are needed to define a line?
A) Two.
B) Four.
C) Three.
D) One.
  • 3. Which mathematician is known as the founder of modern projective geometry?
A) Rene Descartes.
B) Blaise Pascal.
C) Jean-Victor Poncelet.
D) Euclid.
  • 4. What is a projective invariant?
A) A property or relationship that remains unchanged under projective transformations.
B) A line that passes through the center of a triangle.
C) A transformation that scales lengths by a fixed factor.
D) A point that lies on a conic section.
  • 5. How are parallel lines treated in projective geometry?
A) Parallel lines are merged into a single line in projective geometry.
B) Parallel lines never intersect in projective space.
C) Parallel lines intersect at a point at infinity.
D) Parallel lines remain equidistant in projective space.
  • 6. How does projective geometry relate to perspective drawing?
A) Projective geometry is not relevant to art or drawing.
B) Perspective drawing involves only parallel lines.
C) Perspective drawing is a separate field from geometry.
D) Projective geometry provides the underlying principles for realistic perspective drawings.
  • 7. What is a projective collineation?
A) A transformation that reflects points across a line.
B) A transformation that only affects the position of points.
C) A projective transformation that maps lines to lines and preserves the collinearity of points.
D) A transformation that distorts the shapes of geometric figures.
  • 8. What is the projective group?
A) The group formed by reflections in a geometric figure.
B) The group of perpendicular lines in a plane.
C) The group of transformations that preserve circle properties.
D) The group of projective transformations of a projective space over a field.
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