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James Monroe, the 5th US President
Contributed by: Blake
  • 1. When was James Monroe inaugurated as the 5th President of the United States?
A) 1817
B) 1820
C) 1830
D) 1805
  • 2. Which political party did James Monroe belong to during his presidency?
A) Whig
B) Democratic-Republican
C) Federalist
D) Democratic
  • 3. Who served as Secretary of State under President Monroe?
A) Alexander Hamilton
B) John Calhoun
C) John Quincy Adams
D) Thomas Jefferson
  • 4. What was the name of the foreign policy doctrine established during Monroe's presidency that warned European powers against further colonization in the Americas?
A) Washington Doctrine
B) Jefferson Doctrine
C) Adams Doctrine
D) Monroe Doctrine
  • 5. Which state did James Monroe represent in the US Senate before becoming President?
A) Virginia
B) New York
C) Pennsylvania
D) Massachusetts
  • 6. In which battle was James Monroe wounded, becoming one of the Founding Fathers to be injured during the American Revolution?
A) Battle of Saratoga
B) Battle of Bunker Hill
C) Battle of Trenton
D) Battle of Yorktown
  • 7. Who was James Monroe's Vice President during his first term in office?
A) Levi Woodbury
B) George Clinton
C) Daniel D. Tompkins
D) John C. Calhoun
  • 8. What event took place during Monroe's presidency that involved the acquisition of Florida from Spain?
A) Oregon Treaty
B) Gadsden Purchase
C) Louisiana Purchase
D) Adams-OnĂ­s Treaty
  • 9. Under President Monroe, which current American city served as the temporary capital of the United States while Washington, D.C. was being rebuilt after British forces burned it during the War of 1812?
A) Boston
B) Baltimore
C) Philadelphia
D) New York City
  • 10. What nickname was given to the political era of James Monroe's presidency due to the absence of any serious partisan conflicts?
A) Era of Reconstruction
B) Age of Enlightenment
C) Era of Good Feelings
D) Era of Manifest Destiny
  • 11. What was the economic policy advocated by James Monroe that prioritized domestic production and infrastructure development while avoiding foreign entanglements?
A) Free Market Economy
B) Laissez-Faire
C) American System
D) Socialism
  • 12. Who was the First Lady during James Monroe's presidency?
A) Abigail Adams
B) Martha Jefferson
C) Elizabeth Monroe
D) Dolley Madison
  • 13. What transportation project, aimed at improving travel and trade between the Eastern seaboard and western territories, gained significant support during Monroe's presidency?
A) Panama Canal
B) Erie Canal
C) Transcontinental Railroad
D) Interstate Highway System
  • 14. In which city did James Monroe pass away on July 4, 1831?
A) Richmond
B) New York City
C) Washington, D.C.
D) Philadelphia
  • 15. When was James Monroe born?
A) March 2, 1767
B) May 4, 1776
C) June 11, 1749
D) April 28, 1758
  • 16. Which treaty, negotiated by Monroe and Robert Livingston, doubled the size of the United States?
A) Louisiana Purchase
B) Gadsden Purchase
C) Florida Purchase
D) Alaska Purchase
  • 17. During Monroe's presidency, the United States purchased Florida from which country?
A) Spain
B) France
C) Great Britain
D) Mexico
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