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Contributed by: Bustamante
  • 1. The direct result of the basic or technical investigation or it may be brought about from outside knowledge.
A) arson investigation
B) investigation
C) fire investigation
D) arson
  • 2. Means showing down the rate of burning, whereas, control means keeping the fire from spreading or holding the fire to one area. Extinguishment is putting the fire completely out.
A) Fire Suppression
  • 3. Process uses an extinguishing agent whose primary characteristics, is heat absorption.
A) smooth
B) cooling
C) separation
D) smoothering
  • 4. it is the best general cooling agent for firefighting purposes.
A) fire
B) water
C) sand
D) air
  • 5. Excludes the oxygen from the fuel so that the gases or vapors of the fuel cannot ignite and continue the combustion. C02 and AFFF are used for this purpose.
A) separation
B) cooling
D) smothering
  • 6. The removal of the fuel, as in the example of turning off a valve in a gas line prevents the fuel oxygen from coming together. If fuel is not available, then heat, regardless of the temperature, cannot affect the fuel, Therefore, there is no fire.
A) separation
B) cooling
C) chemical chain reaction
D) smothering
  • 7. The fourth method of extinguishment is known as inhibition or the interruption of the chemical reaction.
A) separation
B) chemical chain reaction
C) smothering
D) cooling
  • 8. is the most effective in cooling the burning material below its ignition temperature.
A) fire
B) water
C) sand
D) air
  • 9. It is the most commonly used agent in firefighting
A) fire
B) sand
C) water
D) air
  • 10. it is non-combustible and non-reactive with most substances
A) oxygen
B) wet chemical
C) dry chemical
D) carbon dioxide (C02)
  • 11. extinguishing agents in use today are mixtures of powders and various additives that improve the storage, flow, and water repellency of the powders.
A) wet chemical
B) dry chemical
C) dry chemical agents
D) powder chemical
  • 12. it is a general term for agents used for extinguish combustible metal fires.
A) dry chemical
B) dry powder
C) carbon dioxide
D) oxygen
  • 13. is used primarily in Class D fires and should not be used on other types of fire, due to its limited value on these fires.
A) dry chemical
B) dry powder
C) carbon dioxide
D) oxygen
  • 14. has replaced protein foam for all-around firefighting purposes. Protein base foam is now used primarily for runway foaming operations and for some training purposes.
A) dry powder
C) dry chemical
D) dry powder
  • 15. These agents have been used for over 50 years. Continuous research has brought these agents to the present high degree of effectiveness in interrupting the chain reaction they possess along with a decrease in life safety hazards.
A) dry powder
B) halogenated agents
D) dry chemical
  • 16. are very effective on Class B and Class C fires and have some effects or success on Class A fires
A) halogenated agents
B) dry chemical
D) dry powder
  • 17. it is a mechanical device usually made of metal, containing chemicals, fluids, or gasses for stopping fires, the means for application of its contents for the purpose of putting out the fire (particularly small fire) before it propagates, and is capable of being readily moved from place to place
A) fire extinguishing
B) fire distinguisher
C) fire extinguishment
D) fire extinguisher
  • 18. ideal used for Class A fire where a potential Class C hazard exist.
A) halotron l extinguisher
B) water mist extinguisher
C) portable fire extinguisher
D) metal/sand extinguisher
  • 19. offer the greatest potential for immediately controlling workplace fires
A) metal/sand extinguisher
B) halotron l extinguisher
C) water mist extinguisher
D) portable fire extinguisher
  • 20. these extinguisher are intended for use on Class B and Class C fires.
A) water mist extinguisher
B) halotron I extinguisher
C) metal/sand extinguisher
D) portable fire extinguisher
  • 21. it denotes hatred or a desire for revenge
A) motive
B) willfulness
C) intent
D) malice
  • 22. the main government agency responsible for the prevention and suppression of all destructive fires on buildings, houses, and other structures, forests, land transportation vehicles, and equipment, ships or vessels docked at piers or major seaports, petroleum industry installations, plane crashes and other similar incidents, as well as the enforcement of the fire code (P.D. 1185) and other related law.
  • 23. Those with a desire to defraud the insurer
A) person without motive
B) person with motive
C) none of these
D) all of these
  • 24. this occurs during the free-burning stage of the fire, or when it undergoes pyrolytic decomposition or heated gases move upward on the walls leaving a burnt pattern
A) local
B) fingerprint of fire
C) points of origin
D) origin
  • 25. when valuables were removed from the building before the fire, the ill feeling between the accused and the occupants of the building involved or burned- the absence of effort to put off the fire, and other indications
A) burning
B) evidence of intent
C) cooling
D) criminal design
  • 26. the moving cause that induces the commission of the crime
A) intent
B) motive
C) malice
D) willfulness
  • 27. a willful and intent action must be shown. The presence of incendiary devices, and flammable substances/materials such as gasoline and kerosene may indicate that the fire is not accidental
A) cooling
B) criminal design
C) burning
D) evidence of intent
  • 28. the uncontrollable impulse of a person to burn anything without any motivation.
A) clypto
B) clyptomania
C) pyromania
D) mania
  • 29. employees or such other person who has a grievance
A) person without motive
B) person with motive
C) none of these
D) all of these
  • 30. the ff are the common motives of an arsonist, except.
A) concealment of crime
B) economic gain
C) justice
D) insurance fraud
  • 31. a person responsible for setting a building on fire and pretending to discover it, turn the alarm, or make some rescue works to appear as a "hero."
A) drug addict
B) pyromania
C) hero type
D) abnormal youth
  • 32. the purpose or design with which the act is done and involves the will to do the act.
A) motive
B) malice
C) intent
D) willfulness
  • 33. this may be obtained or established by an examination of witnesses by the arson investigator, by inspection of the debris at the fire scene, and by studying the fingerprint of the fire.
A) points of origin
B) points of original
C) point
D) points of local
  • 34. those who set fire for purposes of intimidation
A) person with motive
B) none of these
C) all of these
D) person without motive
  • 35. that there was a fire that maybe shown by direct testimony of the complainant, firemen responding to the crime, and other witnesses of the fire incident. Burned parts of the building may also indicate location.
A) burning
B) cooling
C) evidence of intent
D) criminal design
  • 36. the act was done purposely and with intention
A) willfulness
B) intent
C) malice
D) motive
  • 37. those with a desire to conceal evidence of the crime
A) none of these
B) person without motive
C) person with motive
D) all of these
  • 38. in determining motive, the arson investigator concentrates on the three (3) major factors namely:
A) modus operandi
B) corpus delicte
C) points of origin
D) beneficiaries
  • 39. it is the fact that a crime was committed
A) body of crime
B) delicti
C) corpus delicti
D) corpus
  • 40. witnesses must be questioned as to, except
A) the time of observation
B) what attracted his attention
C) his identity
D) his waistline
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