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Contributed by: Olagoke
(Original author: Tapia)
  • 1. 1. ______ cups of coffee do you drink?
A) how much
B) how many
C) How often
  • 2. 2. _________ fruit do we need?
A) how much
B) how many
  • 3. 3. _________ money do you spend on food?
A) how many
B) how much
  • 4. 4. ________ computers are there here?
A) how many
B) how much
  • 5. 5. (complete using present progressive or continuos) Tina and Charles________ a dog. (adopt)
A) are adopted
B) are adopting
C) is adopting
  • 6. 6. (complete using present progressive or continuos)Those boys in the street __________ candies. (sell)
A) are selling
B) are selled
C) is selling
  • 7. 7. (complete using present progressive or continuos)I ________ for my Biology exam. (study)
A) are studiying
B) am studying
C) is studying
  • 8. 8. (complete using present progressive or continuos)Andy can`t talk to you now; he ________ on the phone. (talk)
A) is talks
B) is talking
C) talked
  • 9. 9. (Put the adverbs of fequency in the corresponding place.) Always
A) 40%
B) 70%
C) 100%
  • 10. 10. (Put the adverbs of fequency in the corresponding place.) Often
A) 50%
B) 0%
C) 100%
  • 11. 11. (Put the adverbs of fequency in the corresponding place.) Seldom
A) 40%
B) 0%
C) 70%
  • 12. 12. (Put the adverbs of fequency in the corresponding place.) Never
A) 100%
B) 70%
C) 0%
  • 13. 13. My sister is ______________ listening to her headphones and she ignores everyone!
A) seldom
B) always
C) never
  • 14. 14. They are _________ coming early. They are always late!
A) seldom
B) always
C) never
  • 15. 15. Indicate if the sentence is Imperative or Impersonal It: Brush your teeth
A) Imperative
B) Impersonal It
  • 16. 16. Indicate if the sentence is Imperative or Impersonal It: Don´t feed the antimals in the zoo.
A) Impersonal It
B) Impertive
  • 17. 17. Indicate if the sentence is Imperative or Impersonal It: It´s essential to walk in groups.
A) Impersonal It
B) Imperative
  • 18. 18. Indicate if the sentence is Imperative or Impersonal It:It´s better to get information from different universities to make the right decision.
A) Impersonal It
B) Imperative
  • 19. 19. Choose the past of the verb: do
A) doing
B) does
C) did
  • 20. 20. Choose the past of the verb: jump
A) jumping
B) jumped
C) jumps
  • 21. 21. Choose the past of the verb: look
A) looking
B) looked
C) looks
  • 22. 22. Choose the past of the verb: smoke
A) smoked
B) smokes
C) smoking
  • 23. 23. Choose the past of the verb: buy
A) bought
B) buyed
C) buying
  • 24. 24. Choose the past of the verb: tell
A) told
B) telled
C) telling
  • 25. 25. Past Simple, complete the sentence: The celebration of 14 of February ________ (start) more than two thousand years ago.
A) started
B) starting
C) stood
  • 26. 26. Past Simple, complete the sentence:_____ you ______ back two days ago?(come)
A) What/Did
B) What/come
C) Did/come
  • 27. 27. Past Simple, complete the sentence: We __________ a lot of people. (not meet)
A) didn´t meeting
B) do meet
C) didn´t meet
  • 28. 28. Past Simple, complete the sentence: I _______ by car with two friends. (travel)
A) traveled
B) are traveling
C) am traveling
  • 29. 29. Is there a mistake with the verb in the sentence? (Michael meet her best female friend ten years ago).
A) no
B) yes
  • 30. 30. Is there a mistake with the verb in the sentence? (How often did you talk over the phone)?
A) yes
B) no
  • 31. 31. Complete the sentence using the comparative form of the adjective. Jake's room is   than Larry's room.
A) Cold
B) Colder
C) Coldest
  • 32. 32. This exercise is  than that one
A) More boring
B) Boringer
C) Most boring
  • 33. 33. My result in the test was   than Harry's.
A) Best
B) Better
C) Good
  • 34. 34. Gold is  than silver
A) More expensive
B) Most expensive
C) Expensive
  • 35. 35. I could not get a seat, _________ I came early
A) When
B) As
C) Though
  • 36. 36. She’s honest _________ everyone trusts her
A) If
B) So
C) When
  • 37. 37. I plan to take my vacation _________ in June _________ in July.
A) Either / or
B) Whether / or
C) As / if
  • 38. 38. ______ had I taken my shoes off _________ I found out we had to leave again.
A) Whether / or
B) rather / than
C) no sooner / than
  • 39. 39. _____ I have salad for dinner, _____________________I can have ice cream for dessert
A) If / then
B) when / than
C) Neither / nor
  • 40. 40. Pay attention to your work _________ you will not make mistakes.
A) Unless
B) So that
C) Or
  • 41. 41. Give up the ghost

    means to
A) Die
B) fall sick
C) Faint
  • 42. 42. A good Samaritan
A) A helper of the needy
B) A needy
C) A good friend
  • 43. 43. Shed crocodile tears
A) Very sad
B) Pretend to be very sorry
C) Be sorry indeed
  • 44. 44. A red letter day
A) A day of vision
B) An unfortunate day
C) A memorable day
  • 45. 45.  Lead to the altar
A) Marry
B) Love
C) Hate
  • 46. 46. In black and white

A) Written on paper
B) Written on the board
  • 47. 47. Once in a blue moon
A) Occurs very rarely
B) Occurs every time
  • 48. 48. To be caught red handed
A) To be caught in the act
B) To be caught with meat
  • 49. 49. Beat about the bush
A) Caning a child
B) Parabulating
  • 50. 50. Call a spade a spade
A) Be frank
B) Be outspoken
  • 51. 51. The story was true, it was  a -----
A) Blabble
B) Gospel
  • 52. 52. David won the fight, he was a  --------
A) Coward
B) Warrior
  • 53. 53. Books and library, animal and .....
A) Zoo
B) Garden
  • 54. 54. Two and twice, three and ......
A) Third
B) Thrice
C) Triple
  • 55. 55. Drink and water, eat and ....
A) Food
B) Solid
  • 56. 56. Bell and ring, trumpet and ....
A) Blow
B) Play
  • 57. 57. Mummy and Daddy, daughter and ....
A) Son
B) Nephew
  • 58. 58. Nose and smell, tongue and
A) Taste
B) Swallow
  • 59. 59. Choose the one that has something in common with the given word in capital letters. BIRD
A) Wings
B) fins
C) hair
  • 60. 60. BREAD
A) zoo
B) flour
C) radio
  • 61. 61. HAIR
A) cloth
B) knife
C) comb
  • 62. 62. STORY
A) see
B) listen
C) catch
  • 63. 63. HOUSE
A) paint
B) bush
C) sun
  • 64. 64. FIELD
A) play
B) sleep
C) pray
  • 65. 65. HAND
A) ankle
B) wrist
C) temple
  • 66. 66. Pick out the one that does not belong to the group.
A) Supermarket
B) Maternity
C) Dispensary
D) Clinic
E) Hospital
  • 67. 67.
A) Pawpaw
B) Orange
C) Apple
D) Cassava
E) Mango
  • 68. 68.
A) Blind
B) Deaf
C) Poor
D) Dumb
E) Lame
  • 69. 69.
A) Shop
B) Church
C) Hut
D) Hospital
E) Office
  • 70. 70.
A) Ear
B) Tongue
C) Lip
D) Nose
E) Eye
  • 71. 71.
A) Jump
B) Skip
C) Shout
D) Walk
E) Run
  • 72. 72. As cunning as a
A) Eagle
B) Fox
C) Rat
D) Tortoise
  • 73. 73. As busy as
A) Man
B) Bee
C) Trader
D) Banker
E) Parrot
  • 74. 74. As gentle as a
A) Dove
B) Hawk
C) Shark
D) Electricity
  • 75. 75. As meek as a
A) Judge
B) Kid
C) Philanthropist
D) Lamb
  • 76. 76. As proud as a
A) Bat
B) Pharaoh
C) King
D) Peacock
E) Tortoise
  • 77. 77. James is good ...... driving a car
A) In
B) At
C) For
D) Over
  • 78. 78. The food is ......
A) Beautiful
B) Sweet
C) Delicious
D) Exciting
E) Pleasant
  • 79. 79. The doctor specializes .... the treatment of chest diseases
A) On
B) At
C) With
D) It
E) In
  • 80. 80. Our teacher is going away. ....... holiday
A) For
B) To
C) About
D) On
E) From
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