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Contributed by: monica
  • 1. Any norm of conduct applicable to all objects of creation.
A) Customs
B) Law
C) Morals
D) Obligations
  • 2. A rule of conduct, just and obligatory, promulgated by a legitimate authority, and of common observance and benefit
A) Law
B) Morals
C) Obligations and Contracts
D) Customs
  • 3. The society’s standards of which what is good or bad
A) Customs
B) Morals
C) Positive Law
D) Law
  • 4. System of rules which God laid down to govern the operations of the universe
A) Divine law
B) Moral law
C) Positive law
D) Physical law
  • 5. It consists of rules, more particularly referred to as statutes, promulgated by the legislature and enforced by the state
A) Positive law
B) Divine law
C) Natural law
D) Moral law
  • 6. What are the elements of law?
A) All of the above
B) Law must be just and obligatory
C) Laws must be prescribed by legitimate authority and for common observance and benefit
D) It is a rule of conduct
  • 7. Sources of law include:
A) Custom and legislations
B) legislation, precedent, custom, court decision
C) precedent and court decision
D) legislations
  • 8. In the hierarchy of laws, which is occupying the highest level?
A) Republic Acts
B) Presidential Proclamation
C) Presidential Decree
D) Constitution
  • 9. Who has the final and binding authority to interpret the Constitution?
A) legislative department
B) judicial department
C) executive department
D) administrative agencies
  • 10. What is the Constitution currently in force in our country?
A) 1972 Constitution
B) Freedom Constitution
C) All of the above
D) 1987 Constitution
  • 11. What are the essential features of a democratic and republican state?
A) representation and renovation
B) ours is a government of laws and not of men
C) bill of rights
D) rule of the majority
  • 12. The following sectors can be represented in Congress except:
A) religious
B) elderly
C) women
D) youth
  • 13. What does the constitution provides with respect to our official language for purposes of communication and instruction?
A) the national language of the Philippines is Filipino.
B) the official language are the regional languages.
C) the official languages are Filipino and, until otherwise provided by law, English.
D) Filipino and major regional languages are the national language
  • 14. Which term in the Philippine Constitution refers to Filipinos with ethnic, linguistic and cultural traditions.
A) local natives
B) ethnic tribes
C) cultural communities
D) indigenous cultural communities
  • 15. What is the raison d’etre behind the state policy of promoting equal access to opportunities for public service and prohibition of political dynasties as well as the strengthening of the merit and rewards system?
A) To increase civic consciousness
B) to build an egalitarian society
C) to upgrade the quality of public service
D) to promote gender equality
  • 16. The following are illustrations of social justice except
A) absolute right over property
B) diffusion of wealth
C) redistribution of agricultural lands
D) sharing of national taxes
  • 17. Which power does the state exercise in its act of requiring medical practitioners to have license before they are allowed to practice.
A) power of taxation
B) power of eminent domain
C) executive power
D) police power
  • 18. Which of the following best describes the so-called benefits received principle in taxation?
A) protection in the enjoyment of a citizen’s rights is a duty owed by the state to every citizen
B) the benefit to which the taxpayer is entitled is that derived from his enjoyment of the privileges of living in an organized society
C) The government cannot continue without means to pay its expenses and for these means, it has a right to compel all its citizens within its limits to contribute
D) in return for his contribution, the taxpayer receives the general advantages and protection which the government affords the taxpayer
  • 19. The power to tax is peculiarly a __________ act.
A) judicial
B) legislative
C) governmental
D) executive
  • 20. What is the primary purpose of taxation?
A) raise revenue for the support of the government
B) to strengthen anemic enterprises
C) . to reduce inequalities in wealth and income
D) an implement of police power to promote the general welfare
  • 21. A person cannot legally escape the payment of taxes.
A) True, because taxes are the lifeblood of the nation.
B) False, because a taxpayer has the right to legally avoid payment of taxes.
C) True, because payment of taxes is a citizen’s duty.
D) False, because one cannot be imprisoned for non-payment of poll tax.
  • 22. The fundamental law provides that person may be deprived of life, liberty and property.
A) True, a person’s right is limited.
B) True, as long as it is done with due process of law.
C) False, no one can interfere into the rights of another.
D) False, they are rights that cannot be denied to a person.
  • 23. The evidence against a person obtained illegally cannot be admitted in any proceeding under the so-called:
A) privacy of communications
B) inviolability principle
C) privacy rights
D) exclusionary rule
  • 24. An accused fled after arraignment. Trials in absentia nevertheless proceed despite his absence and thereafter, a judgment was rendered. Was there a violation of the bill of rights?
A) No, because the presence of the accused may be waived.
B) No, because the judges are presumed competent
C) Yes, because the accused is entitled to be present at the trial
D) Yes, because injustice may occur along the way.
  • 25. An employee filed a complaint against his immediate supervisor. Who among the following may issue a warrant against the erring employer?
A) judge
C) police
D) Secretary of Labor
  • 26. A legal remedy employed by the court to compel the attendance of a person in the course of legal proceedings.
A) write of habeas corpus
B) summon
C) contempt
D) subpoena
  • 27. Radio commentators were prohibited by the Comelec from commenting on the issues involved in the scheduled plebiscite on the law creating the ARMM. What right was violated?
A) freedom of information
B) freedom of expression
C) media freedom
D) privacy of communications and correspondence
  • 28. Aside from the constitutional guarantee of no imprisonment for non-payment of debt, a person cannot likewise be imprisoned for non-payment of what form of tax?
A) professional tax
B) poll tax
C) income tax
D) direct tax
  • 29. In 2001, BP 195 was passed amending RA3019. The law which in effect, would increase from 10 to 15 years the prescriptive period for the offenses punished under therein was given retroactive effect. What constitutional provision was violated?
A) prohibition on ex post facto law
B) right to due process of law
C) right against arbitrariness
D) prohibition against the enactment of a bill of attainder
  • 30. A social justice provision under the Constitution which provides that “free access to the courts and quasi-judicial bodies and adequate legal assistance shall not be denied to any person by reason of poverty”
A) humanitarian consideration
B) pauper suits
C) equity principle
D) mercy to the poor
  • 31. Civil service employees are not allowed to join and organize unions. How may they be allowed?
A) Through proper negotiation
B) Through diplomatic means
C) Through securing permits for labor strike
D) Through due registration with the Civil Service Commission
  • 32. The wrongful acts or omissions of a public officer may give rise to civil, criminal and administrative liability or otherwise known as
A) malfeasance
B) criminal negligence
C) nonfeasance
D) threefold liability rule
  • 33. The period during which the officer may claim to hold the office as a matter of right.
A) term
B) right to office
C) tenure
D) administration
  • 34. For having failed to perform the duties assigned by the President, a Cabinet Member was replaced by another of a more competent character. What is the mode of terminating official relationship that is involved here?
A) removal
B) expiration of term/tenure
C) abolition of office
D) resignation
  • 35. person becomes a Filipino citizen, among others, if his father or mother was a Filipino citizen. What mode of acquiring citizenship is being followed under the Philippine law?
A) jus soli
B) natural-born citizen
C) jus sanguinis
D) naturalization
  • 36. What is the indicium of guilt required in civil cases?
A) guilty beyond reasonable doubt
B) preponderance of evidence
C) substantial evidence
D) presence of probable cause
  • 37. Which of the following affect public interest?
A) Quasi-delict
B) Crime
C) Moral law
D) Civil law
  • 38. Which of the following are the sources of obligations:
A) Law, Contracts, Customs, Morals and Ethics
B) Law, Contracts, Customs and Morals
C) Law and Morals
D) Law, Contracts, Quasi-contracts, Felony and Quasi-delicts
  • 39. Act or omission punishable by law
A) Deceit
B) Felony
C) Negligence
D) Fault
  • 40. Ana received an excess money change. She is obliged to return the excess amount in line with:
A) Negotiorum gestio
B) Ethics
C) Law
D) Solutio indebiti
  • 41. Salus Populi Est Suprema Lex” means
A) The voice of the people is the voice of God.
B) Ignorance of the law excuses no one from compliance therewith.
C) The welfare of the people is the supreme law.
D) The law may be harsh but it is the law.
  • 42. Ordinary citizens are allowed to interpret the Constitution.
A) False, because allowing everyone to know the Constitution will result to lifelong argument and confusion.
B) True but the final and binding and authority to interpret the Constitution resides with the judiciary.
C) Neither True nor False.
D) False, because it is only the members of the bench and the bar who were given authority to interpret the Constitution
  • 43. A product that does not pass Quality Check and in the course thereof, cause harm to the consuming public will give rise to:
A) Felony
B) Quasi-contract
C) Contract
D) Quasi-delict
  • 44. Mr. Y met an accident and became unconscious. Dr. X treated the former. Mr. Y must pay for the services rendered by Dr. X.
A) Quasi-contract
B) Quasi-delict
C) Contract
D) Law
  • 45. Obligation of husband and wife to live together and render mutual help and support.
A) Contract
B) Law
C) Quasi-delict
D) Felony
  • 46. SITUATION: Mr. A was the driver of the Coco Melon Bus, a public utility vehicle owned by Mr. B. While traversing the road, Mr. A bumped Mr. B, a pedestrian. Consequently, the bus passengers were likewise injured including Mr. C.
    Direction: Answer the following questions using the above situation as your reference:

    46) What will be the source of the obligation of Mr. A to Mr. B?
A) Contract
B) Law
C) None
D) Felony
  • 47. What will be the source of the obligation of Mr. B to Mr. C?
A) .Felony
B) Law
C) Contract
D) None
  • 48. The law does not allow a person to be exempted from criminal liability to avoid injustice.
  • 49. Human freedom is absolute.
  • 50. A person may not be deprived of life, liberty or property because these are fundamental and/or basic rights.
  • 51. Freedom
A) Rule
B) judicial decision
C) conscience
D) limited
  • 52. Law
A) judicial decision
B) limited
C) Rule
D) Congress
  • 53. Moral Law
A) limited
B) public interests
C) conscience
D) Ten Commandments
  • 54. Divine Law
A) uninterrupted usage
B) Ten Commandments
C) Rule
D) Congress
  • 55. Legislation
A) man-made law
B) public interests
C) Congress
D) uninterrupted usage
  • 56. Positive Law
A) private interests
B) man-made law
C) Rule
D) Ten Commandments
  • 57. Private Law
A) uninterrupted usage
B) private interests
C) man-made law
D) judicial decision
  • 58. Public Law
A) conscience
B) public interests
C) Congress
D) judicial decision
  • 59. Custom
A) Congress
B) uninterrupted usage
C) judicial decision
D) private interests
  • 60. Court Decision
A) judicial decision
B) uninterrupted usage
C) Congress
D) Rule
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