- 1. concerned with how ordinary people explain the causes of behavior and
A) Attribution theory B) Internal Attribution C) External Attribution
- 2. are driven by motives and emotional attitudes of an
A) External Attribution B) Internal Attribution C) Attribution theory
- 3. A person wants to understand the world through events which happens around
him and a person seeks reason for that particular event by using external events.
A) External Attribution B) Internal Attribution C) Attribution theory
- 4. involves manipulating people
based on general stereotype and not as individuals with an individual
A) Internal Attribution B) Sensory-over accommodation C) Dependency-over accommodation D) External Attribution E) Intergroup-over accommodation -
- 5. an attempt at reducing the difference between
speakers and their interlocutors.
A) Convergence B) Dependency-over accommodation C) Divergence D) Intergroup-over accommodation -
- 6. an attempt at emphasizing the differences
between speakers and their interlocutors.
A) Divergence B) Convergence
- 7. specific verbal and nonverbal message that help that help
maintain and restore face loss, and to uphold and honor face again.
A) Convergence B) Divergence C) Face Work
- 8. situations when the speaker
places the listener in a status role so that the listener is made to appear dependent on the speaker.
A) Sensory-over accommodation B) Dependency-over accommodation C) Intergroup-over accommodation -
- 9. when an individual thinks that he is
being accommodative someone’ linguistic or physical disability but overdoes it
A) Dependency-over accommodation B) Sensory-over accommodation C) Intergroup-over accommodation -
- 10. part of the independent values of person, which would explain
why they would be worried about their selves and not others.
A) Face concern B) *Self-face C) *Other face and mutual fac
- 11. people’s concern for the group as a whole and
for other people.
A) *Self-face B) Face concern C) *Other face and mutual fac
- 12. the side of face that shows concern for others
A) Face concern - B) Face giving C) Face restoration -
- 13. refers to a framework for communication in a given speech community.
A) Speech Code Theory B) Face giving C) Face concern -
- 14. refers to the self-concerned face work strategy
used to preserve autonomy and defend against loss of personal freedom
A) Face concern - B) Speech Code Theory C) Face restoration - D) Face giving
- 15. - it is basically how a person regards each person in the
A) Face concern B) Face giving C) Face restoration -