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Ferdinand of Aragon & Isabella of Castille rule Spain
Contributed by: Simmons
  • 1. Which two monarchs ruled Spain as a joint kingdom?
A) Ferdinand and Isabella
B) Francisco Franco and Juan Carlos
C) Charles V and Philip II
D) Alfonso VI and Urraca
  • 2. What year did Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castille get married?
A) 1469
B) 1512
C) 1500
D) 1485
  • 3. Which event signaled the completion of the Reconquista under Ferdinand and Isabella?
A) Cortes' conquest of the Aztecs
B) Columbus' first voyage
C) Fall of Granada
D) Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa
  • 4. Ferdinand and Isabella sponsored which Italian explorer's voyage to the New World?
A) Ferdinand Magellan
B) John Cabot
C) Christopher Columbus
D) Amerigo Vespucci
  • 5. What was the name of the treaty that divided the world between Spain and Portugal in 1494?
A) Treaty of Madrid
B) Treaty of Zaragoza
C) Treaty of Granada
D) Treaty of Tordesillas
  • 6. Ferdinand and Isabella's marriage united which two powerful kingdoms in Spain?
A) Navarre and Castile
B) Aragon and Castile
C) Aragon and Portugal
D) Leon and Navarre
  • 7. Which pope gave Ferdinand and Isabella the title 'Catholic Monarchs'?
A) Pope Alexander VI
B) Pope Clement VII
C) Pope Innocent VIII
D) Pope Julius II
  • 8. Ferdinand and Isabella established which institution with the goal of enforcing religious unity in Spain?
A) Guild of Explorers
B) Spanish Inquisition
C) Institute of the Crown
D) Royal Academy
  • 9. What was the name of the daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella who became queen of England through marriage to Henry VII?
A) Catherine of Aragon
B) Maria of Spain
C) Isabella of Castille
D) Joanna of Castile
  • 10. Which city was the center of Ferdinand and Isabella's government?
A) Madrid
B) Toledo
C) Barcelona
D) Seville
  • 11. What noble class did Ferdinand and Isabella rely upon for support?
A) Mestizos
B) Caballeros
C) Conquistadores
D) Hidalgos
  • 12. In which year did Ferdinand and Isabella conquer the kingdom of Granada?
A) 1482
B) 1510
C) 1492
D) 1475
  • 13. Which religious group did Ferdinand and Isabella expel from Spain in 1492?
A) Muslims
B) Hindus
C) Jews
D) Christians
  • 14. What was the motto of Ferdinand and Isabella?
A) Tanto monta, monta tanto
B) E pluribus unum
C) Carpe diem
D) Veni, vidi, vici
  • 15. In what year did Ferdinand of Aragon die?
A) 1516
B) 1525
C) 1500
D) 1492
  • 16. Which famous author did Isabella of Castille sponsor to translate his works from Latin?
A) Antonio de Nebrija
B) Miguel de Cervantes
C) Fernando de Rojas
D) Garcilaso de la Vega
  • 17. Who succeeded Ferdinand of Aragon as King of Aragon?
A) Philip II
B) Charles I
C) Henry IV
D) Joanna of Castile
  • 18. Which of the following regions was part of the Crown of Aragon under Ferdinand of Aragon's rule?
A) Valencia
B) Asturias
C) Galicia
D) Leon
  • 19. What title did Pope Alexander VI grant to Ferdinand and Isabella for their achievements in Spain?
A) Holy Roman Emperors
B) Defenders of Christendom
C) Guardians of the Faith
D) Catholic Monarchs
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