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Plant science
Contributed by: Wyatt
  • 1. Plant science, also known as botany, is the study of plants and their structures, functions, growth, and interactions with the environment. This interdisciplinary field combines elements of biology, ecology, genetics, and physiology to understand the diversity of plant life on Earth and its importance for sustaining ecosystems and human life. Plant scientists investigate how plants grow, develop, reproduce, and adapt to changing conditions, seeking to improve crop yields, develop new medicines, and address environmental challenges such as climate change and habitat destruction. By exploring the complexities of plant biology, researchers in plant science contribute valuable insights that help us better appreciate and protect the natural world.

    What is the process by which plants make their own food called?
A) Germination
B) Respiration
C) Photosynthesis
D) Transpiration
  • 2. Which part of a plant absorbs water and nutrients from the soil?
A) Flowers
B) Leaves
C) Roots
D) Stems
  • 3. Which pigment in plants is responsible for capturing sunlight for photosynthesis?
A) Anthocyanins
B) Carotenoids
C) Xanthophyll
D) Chlorophyll
  • 4. Which gas do plants release during photosynthesis?
A) Methane
B) Nitrogen
C) Oxygen
D) Carbon Dioxide
  • 5. What is the process by which seeds sprout and begin to grow into new plants called?
A) Transpiration
B) Germination
C) Fertilization
D) Pollination
  • 6. Which plant hormone is responsible for cell elongation and growth?
A) Ethylene
B) Cytokinin
C) Auxin
D) Gibberellin
  • 7. Which process allows plants to lose water vapor through small openings in their leaves?
A) Translocation
B) Germination
C) Transpiration
D) Respiration
  • 8. Which plant organ is responsible for the exchange of gases with the environment?
A) Stems
B) Leaves
C) Roots
D) Flowers
  • 9. What is the process by which plants bend and grow towards a source of light called?
A) Geotropism
B) Phototropism
C) Thigmotropism
D) Hydrotropism
  • 10. What is the specialized tissue in plants responsible for transporting water and nutrients throughout the plant called?
A) Cambium
B) Epidermis
C) Phloem
D) Xylem
  • 11. What is the process by which seeds are transferred to new locations by animals, wind, or water called?
A) Seed dispersal
B) Pollination
C) Fertilization
D) Germination
  • 12. Which plant response involves plants growing away from touch or contact with solid objects?
A) Thigmotropism
B) Hydrotropism
C) Phototropism
D) Geotropism
  • 13. Which plant hormone promotes cell division and bud development?
A) Auxin
B) Gibberellin
C) Ethylene
D) Cytokinin
  • 14. What is the process of transferring pollen from the male reproductive organ to the female reproductive organ of a flower called?
A) Seed dispersal
B) Germination
C) Fertilization
D) Pollination
  • 15. What is the primary function of flowers in plants?
A) Nutrient storage
B) Photosynthesis
C) Water transport
D) Reproduction
  • 16. Which gas is a byproduct of plant respiration?
A) Nitrogen
B) Carbon Dioxide
C) Methane
D) Oxygen
  • 17. What is the growth response of plants to water called?
A) Geotropism
B) Phototropism
C) Hydrotropism
D) Thigmotropism
  • 18. Which of the following is a primary macronutrient essential for plant growth?
A) Nitrogen
B) Zinc
C) Calcium
D) Iron
  • 19. The process of converting atmospheric nitrogen into a form that plants can utilize is called?
A) Germination
B) Transpiration
C) Pollination
D) Nitrogen fixation
  • 20. In plant science, what do the initials DNA stand for?
A) Double nucleic acid
B) Deoxyribonucleic acid
C) Deoxyribonucleotide acid
D) Deoxyribonuclease
  • 21. Which plant hormone is often referred to as the 'stress hormone'?
A) Auxin
B) Gibberellin
C) Abscisic acid
D) Cytokinin
  • 22. What is the structure that protects the young shoot tip of a plant as it emerges from the soil?
A) Germling
B) Stipule
C) Coleoptile
D) Node
  • 23. What is the outermost layer of cells that covers the aerial parts of a plant called?
A) Phloem
B) Cortex
C) Epidermis
D) Xylem
  • 24. What is the female reproductive organ of a flower that contains the ovary called?
A) Anther
B) Stamen
C) Pistil
D) Sepal
  • 25. The primary function of plant roots is to?
A) Photosynthesis
B) Store food reserves
C) Produce flowers
D) Absorb water and nutrients
  • 26. Which process involves the growth of a new plant from a part of the parent plant?
A) Propagation
B) Pollination
C) Fertilization
D) Germination
  • 27. What is the process of plant cells breaking down glucose to release energy?
A) Pollination
B) Photosynthesis
C) Respiration
D) Transpiration
  • 28. Which plant hormone is known for its role in cell elongation and seed germination?
A) Ethylene
B) Auxin
C) Gibberellin
D) Abscisic acid
  • 29. Which part of the plant contains seeds?
A) Root
B) Fruit
C) Leaf
D) Stem
  • 30. What is the main function of mycorrhizal fungi in plant roots?
A) Regulating water balance
B) Producing flowers
C) Enhancing nutrient absorption
D) Supporting the plant's structure
  • 31. What is the main function of the petals in a flower?
A) Absorb water
B) Attract pollinators
C) Photosynthesis
D) Store nutrients
  • 32. Which process involves the fusion of male and female gametes to form a zygote in plants?
A) Seed dispersal
B) Germination
C) Fertilization
D) Pollination
  • 33. Which part of a plant contains vascular tissues responsible for the transport of water and nutrients?
A) Roots
B) Leaves
C) Stem
D) Flowers
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