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(Exam) SS 1 Literature in English (1st Term)
Contributed by: College
  • 1. Literature is a creative and..... work of art
A) optional
B) comprehensive
C) compulsory
D) imaginative
  • 2. There are...... genres of literature
A) 3
B) 2
C) 4
D) 5
  • 3. literary appreciation means analysis, criticism and understanding of......
A) literature
B) prose
C) poem
D) geography
  • 4. prose is written in......
A) lines
B) acts and scenes
C) chapters
D) stanzas
  • 5. ....... refer to the general idea in a story
A) background
B) theme
C) setting
D) plot
  • 6. A novel written inform of a letter is known as......
A) epistolary
B) gothic
C) historic
D) campus
  • 7. The sequential arrangement of events in a story is........
A) tone
B) subject matter
C) plot
D) theme
  • 8. A written account of another person's life is.....
A) pirate
B) reporter
C) autobiography
D) biography
  • 9. A true life story is.....
A) non-fiction
B) fiction
C) imagery
D) creative
  • 10. ...... refer to the emotion and condition in a story
A) atmosphere
B) tone
C) symbol
D) mood
  • 11. stanza is to poem as....... is to prose
A) scene
B) line
C) act
D) chapter
  • 12. The writer of a poem is......
A) dramatist
B) author
C) poet
D) prosaist
  • 13. She is dirty as a pig is an example of.....
A) personification
B) metaphor
C) simile
D) litotes
  • 14. The writer of a novel is......
A) agonist
B) novelist
C) poetess
D) fable
  • 15. Two rhyming lines in a poem is......
A) septet
B) tercet
C) quatrain
D) couplet
  • 16. A piece of writing which teaches morals is.......
A) didactic
B) serious
C) analytical
D) playful
  • 17. Enjambment refers to......
A) educationist
B) prologue
C) run-on-lines
D) symbol
  • 18. A female counterpart that writes a poem is......
A) orator
B) poetess
C) historian
D) folklore
  • 19. All the following are features of prose except
A) paragraph
B) narrative technique
C) idioms and proverbs
D) melody
  • 20. The location of a story is.....
A) theme
B) plot
C) title
D) setting
  • 21. A story passed on by word of mouth is.....
A) short story
B) romance
C) folktales
D) novel
  • 22. An imaginative story is also called......
A) fiction
B) fable
C) folklore
D) non-fiction
  • 23. A story in which animals are used as characters is called ........
A) didactic
B) folktale
C) fable
D) allegory
  • 24. Fiction is derived from the Latin word "facio" meaning......
A) I make
B) they came
C) I saw
D) interesting
  • 25. one of these is not among the genres of literature
A) prose
B) poetry
C) drama
D) satire
  • 26. A four rhyming lines of a poem is......
A) tercet
B) sonnet
C) quatrain
D) septet
  • 27. A poem that makes fun of vices and folies in the society is......
A) lampoon
B) satire
C) parody
D) criticism
  • 28. A long poem about the heroic deeds of people is.......
A) ode
B) lullaby
C) epic
D) chant
  • 29. Drama is written in.......
A) acts and scenes
B) paragraphs
C) chapters
D) stanzas
  • 30. One of these is not a type of novel
A) historic novel
B) gothic novel
C) campus novel
D) allegory novel
  • 31. Pick out the odd item, in relation to drama
A) stanza
B) plot
C) episode
D) character
  • 32. A female protagonist in a literary work is known as
A) heroine
B) feminine antagonist
C) Chief character
D) maverick
  • 33. The main idea of a writing or speech is to called
A) focus
B) theme
C) topic
D) introduction
  • 34. A play that is intended to be funny and usually with a happy ending is known as
A) aside
B) tragedy
C) comedy
D) farce
  • 35. For maximum effect a play is acted and a poem is......
A) danced
B) mimed
C) taught
D) read aloud
  • 36. A playwright who writes exclusively for the stage is known as......
A) a stage writer
B) Wole Soyinka
C) stage man
D) a dramatist
  • 37. The aim of a satire is......
A) criticism
B) stigmatization
C) reformation
D) abuse
  • 38. The difference between a novel and a short story is.......
A) style
B) length
C) setting
D) plot
  • 39. The classification of literary works according to type is called........
A) toning
B) grouping
C) placement
D) genre
  • 40. one of the following relates most to comedy
A) horror
B) laughter
C) anxiety
D) suspense
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