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SS 2 English 1st Term Exam 2023/2024
Contributed by: College
  • 1. Choose the option that has the same stress pattern as 'salad'.
A) entice
B) flower
C) admit
D) deceive
  • 2. Choose the option that has the same stress pattern as 'remove'.
A) window
B) spider
C) include
D) weather
  • 3. Choose the correct stress pattern for the word 'encapsulate'.
A) enCAPsulate
B) encapSUlate
C) encapsuLATE
D) ENcapsulate
  • 4. Choose the correct stress pattern for the word 'congratulations'.
A) CONgratulations
B) congraTUlations
C) congratuLAtions
D) conGRAtulations
  • 5. Choose the correct stress pattern for the word 'demographic'
A) demograPHIC
B) demoGRAphic
C) DEmographic
D) deMOgraphic
  • 6. Choose the word that contains the same stress pattern as 'chamber'.
A) retract
B) disperse
C) endorse
D) fancy
  • 7. Choose the word that has the same stress pattern as 'enjoy'.
A) leather
B) frugal
C) wisdom
D) attain
  • 8. Choose the correct stress pattern for the word 'temperature'.
A) temPErature
B) temperaTURE
C) tempeRAture
D) TEMperature
  • 9. Choose the correct stress pattern for the word 'knowledgeable'.
A) knowLEDGEable
B) knowledgeaBLE
C) KNOWledgeable
D) knowledgeAble
  • 10. Choose the correct stress pattern for the word 'academic'.
A) aCAdemic
B) Academic
C) acaDEmic
D) acadeMIC
  • 11. Which of the options does not contain a consonant cluster?
A) flock
B) crest
C) sniff
D) parrot
  • 12. Which of these words has an initial consonant cluster?
A) lottery
B) best
C) sample
D) stream
  • 13. Which of the options has a final consonant cluster?
A) dragon
B) wrist
C) glimpse
D) tempo
  • 14. Which of the options has a medial consonant cluster?
A) blend
B) handle
C) jumped
D) freedom
  • 15. John is AN INCORRIGIBLE LIAR. What is the grammatical name and function of the words in capital letters?
A) An adjectival phrase modifying the noun 'John'.
B) A noun phrase functioning as the subject of the verb 'is'.
C) A noun phrase functioning as the object of verb 'is'.
D) A noun phrase functioning as complement of the subject
  • 16. What is the nominalised form of the word 'maintain'?
  • 17. What is the noun form of the word 'high'?
  • 18. Provide the nominalised form of the word 'wise'.
  • 19. What is the nominalised form of the word 'use'?
  • 20. Provide the noun form of the word 'classify'?
  • 21. Choose the option that is NEAREST IN MEANING to the word in capital letters: Despite the setbacks, he remained OPTIMISTIC about the future and continued working towards his goals.
A) fearless
B) hopeful
C) reluctant
D) shattered
  • 22. Choose the option that is NEAREST IN MEANING to the word in capital letters: The evidence presented in court helped VINDICATE the defendant, proving their innocence beyond a doubt.
A) frustrate
B) exonerate
C) rusticate
D) incriminate
  • 23. Choose the option that is NEAREST IN MEANING to the word in capital letters: The man sensed a DANGER lurking ahead.
A) distress
B) loss
C) misery
D) threat
  • 24. Choose the option that is NEAREST IN MEANING to the word in capital letters: She remained LOYAL to her husband even in the face of challenges.
A) conscious
B) grateful
C) faithful
D) indifferent
  • 25. Choose the option that is NEAREST IN MEANING to the word in capital letters: Despite numerous attempts to change his mind, he remained RESOLUTE in his decision.
A) inflexible
B) invigorated
C) discreet
D) vicious
  • 26. Choose the word that is nearly OPPOSITE in meaning to the word in capital letters: Emily AVOIDED the difficult question, but Sarah ____________ it.
A) attempted
B) compiled
C) accepted
D) ignored
  • 27. Choose the word that is nearly OPPOSITE in meaning to the word in capital letters: Eniola's agenda is VISIBLE to the public but Ali's intention is ______________
A) spiteful
B) hidden
C) transparent
D) shocking
  • 28. Choose the word that is nearly OPPOSITE in meaning to the word in capital letters: Although the movie's ending was UNEXPECTED, the death of the antagonist was _______________
A) formulated
B) anticipated
C) tragic
D) surprising
  • 29. Choose the word that is nearly OPPOSITE in meaning to the word in capital letters: Wealth can bring one out from the pit of OBSCURITY to the hall of __________________
A) monument
B) happiness
C) fame
D) affluence
  • 30. Choose the word that is nearly OPPOSITE in meaning to the word in capital letters: He CONCEALED the secret from his friends.
A) revealed
B) enclosed
C) discarded
D) proclaimed
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