A) Doh's Durable Scale B) Moh's Mineral Scale C) Moh's Durable Scale D) Moh's Hardness Scale E) Doh's Hardness Scale
A) Olivine B) Calcite C) Diamond D) Quartz E) Corundum
A) 5.5 or below B) 7.0 or below C) 6.0 or below D) 10 or below E) 5.6 or below
A) concurrent, industrial B) conductive, industrial C) commercial, instrumental D) current, instrumental E) cosmetic, industrial
A) 1-4 B) 1-5 C) 2-4 D) 2-3 E) 1-2
A) Fe (1 iron) B) CO3 (1 Carbon, 3 Oxygen) C) Cl (1 Chlorine) D) CO (1 Carbon, 1 Oxygen) E) CCl3 (1 Carbon, 3 Chlorine)
A) Muscovite Mica B) Talc C) Quartz D) Garnet E) Potassium Feldspar
A) Sulfuric Drywall B) Sulfuric Lubricants C) Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4) D) Sulfuric Ceramics E) Sulfuric Jewelry
A) Dolomite (Dolomita) B) Plagioclase Feldspar (Feldespato Plagioclasa) C) Sulfur (Azufre) D) Halite (Halita) E) Quartz (Cuarzo)
A) Pyrite B) Halite C) Galena D) Magnetite E) Graphite
A) Graphites are only found in America B) Diamonds are highly pressurized and heated Carbon C) Diamonds and Graphites both have a hardness of 10 D) Diamonds are only found in Russia E) Graphites and Diamonds are exactly the same
A) Quartz B) Amphibole C) Dolomite D) Olivine E) Muscovite Mica
A) white to pink or gray B) black to silver C) brassy yellow D) colorless to white E) black to dark green
A) ore of sulfur B) sulfuric acid C) ceramics, paper D) paint, roofing E) ore of iron
A) Quartz B) Selenite Gypsum C) Muscovite Mica D) Calcite E) Halite |