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Contributed by: MacKenzie
  • 1. Demography is the study of human populations, including their size, structure, distribution, and dynamics. It examines various factors such as birth rates, death rates, migration patterns, and age distributions to understand how populations change over time. Demographic information is essential for policymakers, urban planners, healthcare providers, and businesses to make informed decisions and plan for the future. By analyzing demographic trends, researchers can predict future population growth, understand societal challenges, and develop strategies to address changing needs. Demography plays a crucial role in shaping public policy, social programs, and economic development efforts around the world.

    What is the term for the number of live births per 1,000 people in a population during a year?
A) Fertility rate
B) Mortality rate
C) Life expectancy
D) Crude birth rate
  • 2. What is the term for the average number of children that would be born to a woman over her lifetime?
A) Total fertility rate
B) Population pyramid
C) Infant mortality rate
D) Dependency ratio
  • 3. What is the term for the number of deaths per 1,000 people in a population during a year?
A) Crude death rate
B) Fertility rate
C) Migration rate
D) Birth rate
  • 4. What is the term for the movement of people from one place to another?
A) Immigration
B) Emigration
C) Population growth
D) Migration
  • 5. What is the term for the number of children under age 15 and people over age 64 compared to the number of people active in the labor force?
A) Population growth rate
B) Dependency ratio
C) Total fertility rate
D) Net migration rate
  • 6. What is the term for the number of years it takes for a population to double in size at a constant rate of natural increase?
A) Infant mortality rate
B) Dependency ratio
C) Doubling time
D) Life expectancy
  • 7. What is the term for the number of deaths of infants under age one per 1,000 live births in a given year?
A) Infant mortality rate
B) Crude death rate
C) Migration rate
D) Fertility rate
  • 8. What is the term for the number of deaths per 1,000 live births in a given year?
A) Mortality rate
B) Crude death rate
C) Birth rate
D) Total fertility rate
  • 9. What is the characteristic of a population in a stationary population pyramid?
A) High birth and death rates
B) Low birth and death rates
C) Triangle shape
D) Majority of population in working age
  • 10. What is the term for a sudden increase in population due to a large birth cohort entering childbearing years?
A) Dependency ratio
B) Zero population growth
C) Baby boom
D) Demographic transition
  • 11. What is the term for the movement of people into a region or country from another region or country?
A) Immigration
B) Net migration
C) Emigration
D) Migration
  • 12. What is the term for the process of counting, categorizing, and studying the population?
A) Estimation
B) Projection
C) Census
D) Survey
  • 13. At which stage of the demographic transition model does a population have high birth rates but declining death rates due to improvements in healthcare and sanitation?
A) Stage 4
B) Stage 2
C) Stage 3
D) Stage 1
  • 14. What is demography?
A) The study of animal behavior
B) The study of human populations
C) The study of the earth's crust
D) The study of weather patterns
  • 15. What does the term 'birth rate' refer to in demography?
A) The number of live births per 1,000 people in a population in a given year
B) The rate at which infants grow
C) The number of baby showers held in a community
D) The number of cesarean sections performed annually
  • 16. What is the term for the average number of years a person can expect to live based on current mortality rates?
A) Life expectancy
B) Age distribution
C) Birth rate
D) Total fertility rate
  • 17. What term is used for the movement of people out of a country?
A) Immigration
B) Migration
C) Emigration
D) Population shift
  • 18. What term describes a population where the birth rate is greater than the death rate?
A) Stable population
B) Zero population growth
C) Growing population
D) Declining population
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