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quiz Ch1lesson2
Contributed by: Howard
  • 1. To specify the position of an object, you need to know
A) its motion
B) a unit of measurement
C) its speed
D) a reference point
  • 2. Latitude and longitude measure
A) direction
B) speed
C) position
D) motion
  • 3. A person on a moving train sees a car that appears to be stopped. A person outside the train sees both the car and the
A) measurement of distance
B) a unit of measurement
C) changing speed
D) relative motion
  • 4. Which tells you how quickly an object changes position?
A) observation
B) relative motion
C) \speed
D) direction
  • 5. To find the speed of an object in motion, you need to measure
A) time and velocity
B) time and direction
C) distance and time
D) distance and direction
  • 6. Which of these formulas shows the relationship among speed, time, and distance?
A) t = Sd
B) S = td
C) S = t + d
D) S = d / t
  • 7. One example of a vector is
A) position
B) velocity
C) distance
D) speed
  • 8. A flat, or horizontal, line on a distance-time graph means that the speed is
A) increasing
B) higher than average
C) zero
D) decreasing
  • 9. The change in velocity over time is called acceleration.
A) False
B) True
  • 10. When the acceleration of an object is in the same direction as its motion, the speed of the object decreases.
A) True
B) False / in the opposite direction of
  • 11. To calculate acceleration, you need to know both the final velocity and the initial velocity of an object.
A) False
B) True
  • 12. An airplane coming to a stop after landing has positive acceleration.
A) False / negative
B) True
  • 13. A flat line on a velocity-time graph shows an interval in which the velocity is zero.
A) True
B) False / acceleration
  • 14. Motion is a change in
A) acceleration over time
B) speed over time
C) velocity over time
D) position over time
  • 15. Jenna knows that a friend runs 100 m in 8 s. She could use this to calculate her friend's
A) motion
B) speed
C) position
D) acceleration
  • 16. Dan sits in a moving car. As he looks out the window, another car is right next to his. When he looks again, the other
A) The other car is moving faster than Dan's car
B) The other car is moving slower than Dan's car.
C) The other car is parked.
D) The other car is moving with the same speed as Dan's car.
  • 17. Jake walks 100 m in 50 s, moving at different speeds. Dividing 100 m by 50 s gives you Jake's
A) velocity
B) direction
C) average speed
D) acceleration
  • 18. Elena is riding her bicycle. She begins pedaling harder. What do you predict will happen?
A) Her acceleration will decrease.
B) Her velocity will decrease.
C) Her speed will increase.
D) Her position will not change.
  • 19. Speed in a specific direction is
A) distance
B) position
C) velocity
D) acceleration
  • 20. Sara walked north at 100 m/s. Han had a different velocity but the same speed. He could have walked
A) north at 200 m/s
B) west at 100 m/s
C) south at 50 m/s
D) north at 100 m/s
  • 21. Jess drives at a steady velocity. Her acceleration is
A) equal to zero
B) in the same direction as her motion
C) opposite to her motion
D) at a right angle to her motion
  • 22. Acceleration measures a change in
A) location
B) position
C) direction
D) velocity
  • 23. On a velocity-time graph, a line that is slanted down from left to right shows
A) zero acceleration
B) negative acceleration
C) steady acceleration
D) positive acceleration
  • 24. A change of position over time is called
A) distance
B) motion
C) location
D) acceleration
  • 25. Lisa is watching a friend run a race. What does she need to know to find her friend's speed?
A) distance and time
B) distance and position
C) time and motion
D) position and motion
  • 26. Drew watches a car that appears to be moving forward. Which of the following could be true?
A) Drew is in a car moving forward relative to the other car.
B) The other car is moving backward relative to Drew.
C) Drew is in another car moving backward.
D) The other car is moving sideways with respect to Drew.
  • 27. Callie walked 18 m in 12 s. She did not walk at a steady speed, so 1.5 m/s was her
A) direction
B) acceleration
C) average speed
D) velocity
  • 28. A ball is rolling in a straight line. Marcus kicks the ball at a 90-degree angle. What do you predict will happen?
A) The direction of motion of the ball will change.
B) The velocity of the ball will not change
C) The ball will stop moving.
D) The speed of the ball will increase.
  • 29. Velocity is different from speed because velocity also includes
A) motion
B) direction
C) acceleration
D) distance
  • 30. Martin walks one mile west. Maya walks one mile east in the same amount of time. They have
A) the same motion
B) different average speeds
C) different velocities
D) the same velocity
  • 31. Which is an example of zero acceleration?
A) a person walking on a treadmill at a steady rate
B) a school bus coming to a stop
C) an ice hockey player turning around
D) an airplane speeding up along a runway
  • 32. If you subtract an object's final velocity from its initial velocity and divide by the time it took to change velocity, you
A) instantaneous speed
B) position
C) velocity
D) acceleration
  • 33. Adam started riding his bicycle to a friend's house at a velocity of 4 m/s west. As he neared the house, his velocity
A) negative acceleration
B) positive acceleration
C) zero acceleration
D) steady speed
  • 34. A person measuring motion needs to observe an object's
A) size and direction once
B) size and direction at different times
C) position once
D) position at different times
  • 35. Rosa wants to determine how long it will take her to drive from her house to her grandmother's house 5 km away.
A) position
B) average speed
C) motion
D) acceleration
  • 36. Greg thinks the car he is in is stopped, and the car next to him is rolling backward. What else might be happening?
A) Greg's car is rolling backward while the other car is stopped
B) Both cars are rolling backward, but Greg's car is rolling backward faster.
C) Both cars are rolling forward, but Greg's car is rolling forward faster.
D) The other car is rolling forward while Greg's car is stopped.
  • 37. Michael jogged 200 m in 25 seconds and then 100 m in 15 seconds. He could find his average speed by dividing
A) 300 m by 40 s
B) 100 m by 15 s
C) 300 m by 25 s
D) 200 m by 40 s
  • 38. Melanie is accelerating as she skates on the ice. However, the speed at which she is skating has not changed. A
A) has stopped skating and is now standing still
B) has reached the top speed at which she can skate
C) is skating in a wide circle
D) is skating in a straight line
  • 39. Roger observed an airplane flying overhead. He measured its speed and noted that it moved from north to south.
A) acceleration
B) position
C) distance
D) velocity
  • 40. Chen rode his bicycle north with a speed of 20 m/s. Olivia rode her bicycle with the opposite velocity. She rode
A) south at 20 m/s
B) south at 10 m/s
C) north at 10 m/s
D) east at 20 m/s
  • 41. On a roller coaster, the cars first climb a hill at a decreasing speed. Then the cars speed up as they go down the hill,
A) coasting on the straight track
B) near the end of the track
C) climbing the hill
D) descending the hill
  • 42. The formula for calculating acceleration is
A) a = (vfinal + vinitial ) / t
B) a = (vfinal + vinitial)
C) a = (vfinal - vinitial)
D) a = (vfinal - vinitial ) / t
  • 43. An object's distance-time graph shows that it moves 10 m during the first 10 s and moves an additional 5 m during
A) negative acceleration
B) no velocity
C) positive acceleration
D) no acceleration
  • 44. Suppose that you look out the window of a moving train at a stopped car.The car appears to you to move backwards. How would the motion of a train appear to someone in the car? Why?
  • 45. How can you determine speed from a distance-time graph?
  • 46. Describe the acceleration Milo experiences if he speedds up the first half of a race and slows down the second half of the race.
  • 47. Emily rides a bicycle around a circular track, and Abby rides on a straight track. Abbly's speed increases and Emily's speed stays the same. Using the terms velocity and direction, describe each girl's acceleration.
  • 48. Micah and Will watched a skater skate at a steady speed around an oval rink. Micah said that the skater had no acceleration. Will said that the skater was accelerating. Who is right? Explain why.Be sure to describe how the skater's motion and velocity change.
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