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Biblical Hebrew
Contributed by: McLoughlin
  • 1. Biblical Hebrew is the ancient language of the Hebrew Bible, also known as the Old Testament. It is a Semitic language characterized by its complex system of consonants and roots, as well as its use of verb forms to convey tense, aspect, and mood. Biblical Hebrew is written from right to left with a script that consists of consonants only, with vowel sounds represented by diacritical marks. Understanding Biblical Hebrew is essential for studying religious texts, ancient history, and the development of language and culture in the ancient Near East.

    Who is traditionally considered to be the author of the Pentateuch?
A) Ezra
B) King David
C) Moses
D) Solomon
  • 2. Which Hebrew prophet is known for his vision of a valley of dry bones?
A) Jeremiah
B) Daniel
C) Isaiah
D) Ezekiel
  • 3. Which Old Testament book contains the story of Joseph and his coat of many colors?
A) Genesis
B) Numbers
C) Leviticus
D) Exodus
  • 4. The Hebrew Bible is also known by what name?
A) Torah
B) Tanakh
C) Talmud
D) Midrash
  • 5. Which prophet was taken up to heaven in a fiery chariot?
A) Amos
B) Jonah
C) Elisha
D) Elijah
  • 6. What is the Hebrew word for 'peace'?
A) Baruch
B) Tzedakah
C) Shalom
D) Hesed
  • 7. According to Jewish tradition, how many commandments did Moses receive on Mount Sinai?
A) 10
B) 613
C) 144,000
D) 7
  • 8. In the Old Testament, who wrestled with an angel and had his name changed to Israel?
A) Samson
B) Moses
C) Joseph
D) Jacob
  • 9. Which Old Testament figure is known for being swallowed by a great fish?
A) Jonah
B) Isaiah
C) Daniel
D) Moses
  • 10. Which city is considered holy in all three major Abrahamic religions?
A) Jerusalem
B) Varanasi
C) Mecca
D) Rome
  • 11. Who is known for building the ark to survive the great flood?
A) Noah
B) Jonah
C) Abraham
D) Moses
  • 12. Which Old Testament figure is known for defeating the giant Goliath?
A) David
B) Jonathan
C) Samson
D) Saul
  • 13. What is the Hebrew word for 'commandment'?
A) Mitzvah
B) Tikkun
C) Shema
D) Shabbat
  • 14. Which Old Testament figure was known for his wisdom and wealth?
A) Solomon
B) Job
C) Jeremiah
D) David
  • 15. Who was the father of King David?
A) Solomon
B) Jesse
C) Saul
D) Samuel
  • 16. What does the Hebrew word 'Mishkan' refer to in the Bible?
A) Altar
B) Tabernacle
C) Temple
D) Synagogue
  • 17. Which biblical figure is known for the test of faith involving sacrificing his son?
A) Jacob
B) Abraham
C) Moses
D) Isaac
  • 18. In Hebrew, what is the word for 'God'?
A) El Shaddai
B) Elohim
C) Yahweh
D) Adonai
  • 19. Which Hebrew word is used to refer to a Day of Rest, usually observed on the seventh day of the week?
A) Passover
B) Shabbat
C) Yom Kippur
D) Rosh Hashanah
  • 20. Which prophet foretold the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem?
A) Hosea
B) Micah
C) Amos
D) Joel
  • 21. Who were the two sons of Aaron, known for offering unauthorized fire before God?
A) Nadab and Abihu
B) Moses and Aaron
C) Joshua and Caleb
D) David and Solomon
  • 22. What does the Hebrew word 'Rosh' mean?
A) Head
B) Soul
C) Heart
D) Strength
  • 23. Which Hebrew tribe did Jesus descend from?
A) Levi
B) Benjamin
C) Naphtali
D) Judah
  • 24. Which Hebrew judge defeated the Midianites with just 300 men armed with torches and trumpets?
A) Gideon
B) Ehud
C) Deborah
D) Samson
  • 25. Which Hebrew month is associated with the holiday of Passover?
A) Nisan
B) Elul
C) Kislev
D) Tishrei
  • 26. Who was the first king of Israel?
A) David
B) Samuel
C) Saul
D) Solomon
  • 27. What does the Hebrew word 'Ma'aser' refer to?
A) Sacrifice
B) Tithe
C) Fasting
D) Offering
  • 28. What is the alphabet used in Biblical Hebrew?
A) Greek Alphabet
B) Arabic Alphabet
C) Latin Alphabet
D) Alef-Bet
  • 29. What is the Hebrew word for 'faith'?
A) Tikvah
B) Shalom
C) Emunah
D) Ahava
  • 30. What does 'YHWH' stand for in Biblical Hebrew?
A) The Tetragrammaton
B) Holy Presence
C) God of War
D) Heavenly Father
  • 31. What is the Hebrew name for the first book of the Bible?
A) Leviticus
B) Bereshit
C) Exodus
D) Psalms
  • 32. How many Hebrew consonants are there?
A) 24
B) 22
C) 20
D) 26
  • 33. Which Hebrew letter has a numerical value of 10?
A) Vav
B) Dalet
C) Yod
D) Tet
  • 34. Who is the first woman mentioned in the Bible?
A) Rachel
B) Rebekah
C) Eve
D) Sarah
  • 35. Which Hebrew feast commemorates the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt?
A) Sukkot
B) Passover
C) Rosh Hashanah
D) Shavuot
  • 36. In which language were the Dead Sea Scrolls primarily written?
A) Latin
B) Greek
C) Hebrew
D) Aramaic
  • 37. What is the Hebrew name for the Garden of Eden in the Bible?
A) Eden HaKodesh
B) Paradise Lost
C) Gan Eden
D) Garden of the Lord
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