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Fundamental of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence
Contributed by: Bales
  • 1. What is Criminal Investigation?
A) It is the knowledge, which the investigator gathers and acquires through observation personal study, research, experience among others
B) It is an art and science, which deals with identity and location of the offender, and provides evidence of his guilt in criminal preceedings
C) These are records and files from schools and police stations
  • 2. What are the six (6) cardinal points of Investigation
A) 4W's & 1H
B) 3W's & 2H
C) 5W's & 1H
  • 3. What are the three (3) Tools of investigation?
A) Information, Interview, Interrogation and Field Inquiry, Instrumentation
B) Regular, Cultivated, Grapevine
  • 4. What are the Sources of Information?
A) Express, implied, Judicial
B) Adoptive
C) Regular, Cultivated, Grapevine
  • 5. What are considered Cultivated Sources of Information?
A) These are information coming from informers or informants
B) It is the general questioning of persons near or in the crime scence
  • 6. What are considered Grapevine Sources of Informations?
A) It is the vigorous questioning of a person who is usually cooperating with the investigator
B) These are information coming from underworld people such as criminals prisoners or ex-convicts
  • 7. What is interview?
A) It is the simple questioning of a person who is usually cooperating the investigator
B) It is the general questioning of person near or in the crime scence
  • 8. What is Interrogation?
A) It is a positive statement or act
B) It is the simple questioning of a person who is usually cooperating with the investigatir
C) It is the vigorous questioning of one who is reluctant/hesitant to reveal information
  • 9. What is Field Inquiry ?
A) These are malefactors whose identification is furnished by eyewitness
B) It is the general questioning of persons near or in the crime scene
C) It is the prevailing conspicuousness during the time of the commission of an offense in the crime scence
  • 10. What is Instrumentation?
A) It is made out court or even in proceeding other than one under consideration
B) It is an act, declaration of omission of party as to relevant fact
C) It is the application of instruments and methods of physical science in the detection of crime such as dactyloscopy, photography, ballistics, questiones document examination, polygraphy and legal medicine
  • 11. What are the common Techniques in Identifying the offender?
A) Express, Implied, Judicial, Extra Judicial and Adoptive
B) Interrogation, Interview, Field Inquiry
C) Confession/Admission of the suspect, Testimony of Witness, Circumstantial Evidence, Associative Evidence and Modus Operandi (Methods of Operation)
  • 12. What is Confession?
A) It is the ability of the witness to positively identify and remember how the criminal looks. Its distinct physical features, particularly his face and body build
B) The investigator will show the witness photographs of criminals available in the police station
C) It is the declaration of an accused acknowledging his guilt of the offense charged, or of any offense necessarily included therein
  • 13. What is Admission?
A) These are malefactors whose pictures are available from police file and records
B) It is an act, declaration or omission of a party as to relevant fact
C) It is a positive statement or act
  • 14. What are the classifications of Admission
A) Interrogation, Interview, Field Inquiry
B) Confession, Admission
C) Express, Implied, Judicial, Extra-Judicial and Adoptive
  • 15. What is Express ?
A) It is the person who conduct surveillance
B) It is the physical possibility that the suspect could have committed the crime
C) It is a positive statement or act
  • 16. What is Implied?
A) It is one which may be inferred from the declarations or acts of a persons
B) It is a positive statement or act
C) It is the person, object , place or event being watched by the surveillance
  • 17. What is Judicial ?
A) It is what induces the person to commit crime
B) It is made in the course of judicial proceeding
C) It is the act of following subject
  • 18. What is Extra-Judicial?
A) It is made out of court or even in proceeding other than one under consideration
B) It is also known as Open Surveillance because the subject knows that he is being watched
C) This is used when the shadower would like to know the general impression of the subject's habits and associates
  • 19. What is Adoptive?
A) It occurs when a person manifests his assent yo the statements of another person. The admission may be received in evidence if it can be shown that a party adopted the statements as his own
B) There will be agroup of (5) to ten (10) persons, one of those is the offender whom the witness will pinpoint and tell the investigator who committed the offense
  • 20. What are the types of suspects Identified by Witness?
A) Known, Unknown
B) Police Line Up
C) Time, Retention
D) Verbal Description
  • 21. What is Known?
A) These are malefactors whose pictures are available from files and records
B) It is the accomplishment of the act and also an element in the commission of crime
C) It is what induces the person to commit crime
  • 22. What is Unknown?
A) It is the person who conducts surveillance
B) These are malefactors whose identification is furnished by eyewitnesses
C) This could be done even without special precaution since the subject is aware that he is being followed
  • 23. What are the Methods of Identification by Witness?
A) Loise Tail, Rough Tail, Close Tail
B) Verbal Description, Photographic Files, artist Assistance, Police Line Up
C) Overt, Covert
  • 24. Verbal Description?
A) It refers to the unique way of an offender in committing a crime. It ks a recignize pattern which helps yhe investigator in the solution of an offense
B) This will depend on the description of the suspect given by the witness. The latter will describe the facial features of the former
  • 25. Photographic Files aka Rogue's Gallery?
A) The investigator will show the witness photograps of criminals available in the police station
B) It is the prevailing cinsipicuousness during the time of the commission an offense in the crime scene
  • 26. Artist Assistance?
A) It is popularly known as Cartographic Sketching wherein the investigator/ trained sketcher will draw a face based on the description to be given by the victim, complainant or witness
B) This is used when the shadower would like to know the general impression of the subject's habits and associates
  • 27. Police Line Up ?
A) There will be a group of five (5) to ten (10) persons, one of those is the offender whom the witness will oinpoint and rell to the investigator who committed the offense
B) It is also known as Closed Surveillance beacise the subject does not know that he is being watched
C) This is dine with so much precaution from losing the subject where constant surveillance is necessary
  • 28. What are the Factors that affect the Accuracy of Identification by Witness?
A) Overt, Covert
B) Visibility, Time, Retention
C) Adoptive, Empress, Implied, Judicial, Extra-Judicial
  • 29. Visibility?
A) It is the physical evidence which may identify the offender by means of personal properties characteristics and clues
B) It is the prevailing conspicuousness during the time of the commission of an offense in the crime scene
  • 30. What is Time ?
A) It is the act of the following a subject
B) It is the lapse of time between the violation and when the identification was made
C) A person who gives information to the investigator
  • 31. What is Retention?
A) The investigator will show to the witness photographs of criminals available in the police station
B) It is the ability of the witness to positively identify and remember how the criminal looks. Its distinct physical features, particularly his face and body build are very significant
  • 32. Circumstantial Evidence
A) It is that evidence "which indirectly proves a fact in issue through an inference which fact-finder draws from the evidence established . This helps in identifying the offender by proving other facts or circumstances from which alone or connection with other facts
B) It refers to the unique way of an offender in committing a crime it is recognize pattern, which helps investigator in solution of an offense
  • 33. What are the sources of Circumstantial Evidence
A) Use of Informant, Surveillance
B) Intent, Motive, Opportunity
  • 34. Intent
A) It is the accomplishment of the act and also an element in the commission of crime
B) A person who gives information to the investigator
  • 35. Motive
A) It is what induces the person to commit a crime
B) It is the person who conduct surveillance
  • 36. Opportunity
A) It is the physical possibility that the suspect could have committed the crime
B) It links the offender investigator in locating the offender
  • 37. Associative Evidence
A) It is the physical evidence which may identify the offender by means personal properties , characteristics and clues
B) This used when the shodower would like to know the general impression of the subject's habits and associates
C) A person gives information yo the investiagtor
  • 38. Modus Operandi (Method of Operation)
A) This is done with so much precaution from losing the subject where constant surveillance is necessary
B) It refers to the unique way of an offender in committing a crime. It is a recognizable pattern which the investigator in the solution of an offense
C) It is otherwise known as Roping, wherein the investigator assumes a different an unofficial identity for the purposes of obtaining necessary information regarding the identity and location of the subject
  • 39. What are the Classification of Mudos Operandi
  • 40. Who is informant?
A) A person who gives information to the investigator
B) It also known as Closed Surveillance because the subject does not know that he is being watched
C) It is the person who conducts surveillance
  • 41. What are the Types of Information?
  • 42. How to communicate with informant?
  • 43. What are some Tips on Investigator's relationship with the Informants
  • 44. When to discharge the Services of Informant?
  • 45. What is surveillance ?
A) It is the disguised or secret observation of persons, object, places and events for the purpose of obtaining information regarding the identity and ot activity of the subject
B) This could be done even without special precaution since the subject is aware that he is being followed
  • 46. Who is Surveillance?
A) It is the person who conducts surveillance
B) It is the person, object, place or event being watched by the surveillant
  • 47. Who/what is a subject?
A) It is the person, object, place or event being watched by the surveillant
B) It is the person who conducts surveillance
  • 48. What are the Objective of Surveillance?
  • 49. What are the common Surveillance Equipment?
  • 50. What are the things to remember by surveillance?
  • 51. What are the types of Surveillance as Knowledge of the Subject?
A) Intent, motive
B) Cash, Vehicles
C) Loose Tail, Rough Tail
D) Overt, covert
  • 52. Overt
A) It is also known as Closed Surveillance beacuse the subject does not know that he is being watched
B) It also known as Open Surveillance beacuse the subject knows that he is being watched
  • 53. Covert
A) It is also known as Closed Surveillance beacuse the subject does not know that he is being watched
B) It also known as Open Surveillance beacuse the subject knows that he is being watched
  • 54. What are the kinds of Surveillance?
  • 55. What is Shadowing/ Tailing?
A) It is the act of following a subject
B) It is the person who conducts surveillance
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