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The Mystery of Faith: Unraveling the Eucharist
Contributed by: Foster
  • 1. According to Catholic belief, what does the bread and wine symbolize during the Eucharist ritual?
A) The Power of Prayer
B) The Body and Blood of Christ
C) The Unity of Humanity
D) The Importance of Community
  • 2. What is the term that describes the belief that the bread and wine undergo a transformation into the Body and Blood of Christ during the Eucharist?
A) Transcendence
B) Transubstantiation
C) Transmutation
D) Transfiguration
  • 3. Who instituted the Eucharist during the Last Supper?
A) Jesus Christ
B) Pope Francis
C) Saint Peter
D) Saint Paul
  • 4. What reenactment of a biblical event is symbolized during the Eucharist?
A) Noah's Ark
B) The Crucifixion
C) The Last Supper
D) The Exodus
  • 5. What is the term for the act of bowing or kneeling before receiving the Eucharist?
A) Prostration
B) Adoration
C) Reverence
D) Genuflection
  • 6. What is the term for the act of distributing the consecrated elements of the Eucharist to the congregation?
A) Reflection
B) Benediction
C) Communion
D) Eucharistic Minister
  • 7. Which council of the Catholic Church reaffirmed the doctrine of transubstantiation in the 16th century?
A) Council of Trent
B) Council of Nicaea
C) Council of Chalcedon
D) Second Vatican Council
  • 8. What is the name of the prayer often recited during the consecration of the bread and wine in the Roman Catholic Mass?
A) Eucharistic Prayer
B) Gloria in Excelsis
C) Liturgy of the Word
D) Penitential Rite
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