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Portuguese history
Contributed by: Skelton
  • 1. Portuguese history is characterized by a rich tapestry of exploration, conquests, and cultural influence. From the Age of Discovery when Portuguese explorers like Vasco da Gama and Ferdinand Magellan set sail to map new territories, to the establishment of a vast maritime empire that spanned the globe, Portugal has played a significant role in world history. The country's unique blend of Moorish, Roman, and Celtic influences is evident in its architecture, cuisine, and traditions. Throughout the centuries, Portugal has faced struggles and triumphs, from the devastating earthquake of 1755 to the Carnation Revolution of 1974 that brought democracy to the nation. Today, Portugal is known for its picturesque cities, stunning coastline, and warm hospitality, drawing visitors from around the world to experience its fascinating history and vibrant culture.

    Which explorer is credited with the first circumnavigation of the globe?
A) Vasco da Gama
B) Christopher Columbus
C) Amerigo Vespucci
D) Ferdinand Magellan
  • 2. In what year did Portugal establish its first global empire with the capture of Ceuta?
A) 1492
B) 1580
C) 1521
D) 1415
  • 3. What was the name of the dictatorship that ruled Portugal from 1932 to 1968?
A) Portuguese Republic
B) Salazarismo
C) Estado Novo
D) Fascismo Português
  • 4. Which event marked the end of the Portuguese Colonial War?
A) Spanish Armada
B) Battle of Alcácer Quibir
C) Carnation Revolution
D) Treaty of Tordesillas
  • 5. Which Portuguese king sponsored the voyages of Vasco da Gama to India?
A) Afonso V
B) João III
C) João II
D) Manuel I
  • 6. What was the name of the treaty that divided the newly discovered lands between Spain and Portugal in 1494?
A) Treaty of Zaragoza
B) Treaty of Tordesillas
C) Treaty of Badajoz
D) Treaty of Lisbon
  • 7. Which of these Portuguese explorers reached the coast of what is now modern-day Brazil in 1500?
A) Vasco da Gama
B) Bartolomeu Dias
C) Afonso de Albuquerque
D) Pedro Álvares Cabral
  • 8. What was the name of the battle where Portugal regained its independence from Spain in 1640?
A) Battle of Montijo
B) Battle of Aljubarrota
C) Battle of Valverde
D) Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa
  • 9. In what year did Portugal become a member of the European Union?
A) 1992
B) 1986
C) 2001
D) 1974
  • 10. Which event led to the formation of the Kingdom of Portugal in 1139?
A) Battle of Toro
B) Battle of Covadonga
C) Battle of Ourique
D) Battle of Aljubarrota
  • 11. Who was the Portuguese navigator who discovered the sea route to India in 1498?
A) Amerigo Vespucci
B) Vasco da Gama
C) Christopher Columbus
D) Ferdinand Magellan
  • 12. Who was the last king of Portugal before the establishment of the Republic?
A) Pedro V
B) Manuel II
C) Luís I
D) Carlos I
  • 13. In what year did Portugal decriminalize the possession of small amounts of drugs for personal use?
A) 2010
B) 1994
C) 2001
D) 2015
  • 14. Which Portuguese poet was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1998?
A) José Saramago
B) Camões
C) Sophia de Mello Breyner
D) Fernando Pessoa
  • 15. Which event marked the beginning of the Age of Discovery in Portugal?
A) Conquest of Ceuta in 1415
B) Signing of the Treaty of Tordesillas
C) Establishment of the Estado Novo regime
D) Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa
  • 16. What was the name of the treaty that ended the Portuguese Restoration War and recognized the independence of Portugal from Spain in 1668?
A) Treaty of Tordesillas
B) Treaty of Lisbon
C) Treaty of Windsor
D) Treaty of Zaragoza
  • 17. Who founded the University of Coimbra in Portugal in 1290?
A) King Dinis
B) Afonso IV
C) João III
D) Afonso Henriques
  • 18. In what year did the territory of Macau return to Chinese sovereignty, ending over 400 years of Portuguese administration?
A) 2010
B) 2001
C) 1987
D) 1999
  • 19. In what year did Portugal become a republic?
A) 1926
B) 1910
C) 1755
D) 1807
  • 20. Who was the dictator of Portugal from 1932 to 1968?
A) Gilberto Freyre
B) Marcelo Caetano
C) Afonso I
D) António de Oliveira Salazar
  • 21. Which city in Portugal was the capital of the country from 1255 to 1377?
A) Porto
B) Braga
C) Coimbra
D) Lisbon
  • 22. Who is considered the first king of Portugal, even though he was not officially crowned?
A) Afonso Henriques
B) Manuel II
C) Sancho I
D) João II
  • 23. Who was the Portuguese monarch who funded and promoted the Age of Discoveries?
A) Henry the Navigator
B) Emanuel I
C) Philip II
D) Sebastian I
  • 24. Which city is known as the 'Capital of the North' in Portugal?
A) Coimbra
B) Lisbon
C) Faro
D) Porto
  • 25. Which famous Portuguese writer was known for his heteronyms and complex literary works?
A) José Saramago
B) Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen
C) Luis de Camoes
D) Fernando Pessoa
  • 26. Which famous Portuguese poet wrote 'The Lusiads', an epic poem about Portuguese history and achievements?
A) Luís de Camões
B) Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen
C) José Saramago
D) Fernando Pessoa
  • 27. Who was the famous Portuguese football player who won the FIFA Ballon d'Or multiple times in the 21st century?
A) Cristiano Ronaldo
B) Luis Figo
C) Eusébio
D) Rui Costa
  • 28. Who was the Portuguese explorer who reached the southern tip of Africa in 1488, paving the way for future exploration to India?
A) Bartolomeu Dias
B) Afonso de Albuquerque
C) Pedro Álvares Cabral
D) Vasco da Gama
  • 29. Which year marked the establishment of the Second Portuguese Republic following the Carnation Revolution?
A) 1989
B) 2002
C) 1974
D) 1961
  • 30. In which year did Portugal gain independence from Spain?
A) 1492
B) 1715
C) 1640
D) 1808
  • 31. What was the name of the African colony that was Portugal's longest-held overseas territory?
A) Guinea-Bissau
B) Angola
C) Mozambique
D) Cape Verde
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