A) 10 B) 15 C) 12 D) 20
A) Parents B) Friends C) Disciples D) Teachers
A) Did you not know I must be in my Father’s house? B) I was just playing. C) I didn't mean to worry you. D) I’m sorry, I lost track of time.
A) Nazareth B) Capernaum C) Jerusalem D) Bethlehem
A) Passover B) Unleavened Bread C) Pentecost D) Tabernacles
A) Amazed at His understanding B) Angry C) Bored D) Confused
A) Riches and power B) Popularity and fame C) Knowledge and strength D) Wisdom and stature
A) His early awareness of His divine mission B) His rebellion against authority C) His interest in childhood games D) His desire to obey His parents
A) It shows Jesus' early understanding of His mission. B) It details His family history. C) It demonstrates His artistry. D) It highlights His childhood games. |