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The Role of Behavioral Economics in Public Policy Design
Contributed by: Singh
  • 1. What is a common example of a behavioral economics concept used in policy-making?
A) Austerity measures
B) Centralized planning
C) Free market principles
D) Nudging
  • 2. What is the concept that suggests people are more likely to stick with the default option?
A) Rational choice theory
B) Inflation targeting
C) Status quo bias
D) Tax evasion
  • 3. What is the concept that refers to people's tendency to follow the actions of others in decision-making?
A) Isolation effect
B) Altruism
C) Herd behavior
D) Social proof
  • 4. Which cognitive bias suggests that people tend to favor information that confirms their pre-existing beliefs or hypotheses?
A) Framing effect
B) Sunk cost fallacy
C) Anchoring bias
D) Confirmation bias
  • 5. Which field of study combines elements of economics and psychology to understand decision-making in real-world situations?
A) Philosophy
B) Anthropology
C) Political science
D) Behavioral economics
  • 6. Which theory suggests that individuals have limited willpower and self-control when making decisions?
A) Game theory
B) Utility theory
C) Ego depletion theory
D) Hedonic calculus
  • 7. What is the term for the tendency to rely on the first piece of information encountered when making decisions?
A) Availability heuristic
B) Loss aversion
C) Recency effect
D) Anchoring bias
  • 8. What term refers to a situation where small changes can lead to significantly different outcomes over time?
A) Butterfly effect
B) Linear progression
C) Divergent evolution
D) Instantaneous impact
  • 9. Which psychological concept suggests that people are more likely to undertake a task if they perceive it to be incomplete or interrupted?
A) Zeigarnik effect
B) Cognitive dissonance
C) Self-serving bias
D) Loss aversion
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