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Fascinating Discoveries in Medical History
Contributed by: Christie
  • 1. Throughout history, there have been numerous fascinating discoveries in the field of medicine that have revolutionized healthcare as we know it. From the discovery of antibiotics by Alexander Fleming in 1928, to the development of vaccines for diseases like smallpox and polio, these breakthroughs have saved countless lives and improved public health worldwide. Other remarkable discoveries include the use of anesthesia in surgery, the mapping of the human genome, and the invention of medical imaging techniques like X-rays and MRIs. These advances in medical science continue to push the boundaries of what is possible, offering hope for the future of healthcare and the treatment of diseases.

    Who is credited with the discovery of penicillin in 1928?
A) Paul Langerhans
B) Alexander Fleming
C) Joseph Lister
D) George Papanicolaou
  • 2. Which 19th-century Austrian doctor is known as the 'father of modern psychoanalysis'?
A) Louis Pasteur
B) Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
C) Sigmund Freud
D) Wilhelm Roentgen
  • 3. The discovery of the structure of DNA is attributed to which scientists?
A) Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr
B) Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins
C) James Watson and Francis Crick
D) Marie Curie and Pierre Curie
  • 4. Who developed the first successful polio vaccine in 1955?
A) Howard Florey
B) Charles Drew
C) Edward Jenner
D) Jonas Salk
  • 5. Who is known for introducing the concept of antiseptic surgery in the 19th century?
A) Louis Pasteur
B) Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
C) Robert Koch
D) Joseph Lister
  • 6. The discovery of insulin as a treatment for diabetes is credited to whom?
A) Walter Reed
B) Carlos Finlay
C) Frederick Banting and Charles Best
D) Ronald Ross
  • 7. Which scientist is known for discovering the circulation of blood in the human body?
A) Niels Bohr
B) Robert Koch
C) Louis Pasteur
D) William Harvey
  • 8. Who developed the first successful smallpox vaccine in the 18th century?
A) Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
B) Edward Jenner
C) Paul Langerhans
D) Ignaz Semmelweis
  • 9. The identification of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) as the cause of AIDS was made by which researchers?
A) Wilhelm Roentgen and Emil von Behring
B) Luc Montagnier and Robert Gallo
C) Edward Jenner and Louis Pasteur
D) Jonas Salk and Albert Sabin
  • 10. Who is credited with the development of the first successful heart transplant in 1967?
A) Barry Marshall
B) Christiaan Barnard
C) Werner Forssmann
D) James D. Watson
  • 11. The discovery of the role of Helicobacter pylori in causing peptic ulcers was made by which researchers?
A) Barry Marshall and Robin Warren
B) Jonas Salk and Edward Jenner
C) Marie Curie and Pierre Curie
D) Gregor Mendel and Charles Darwin
  • 12. Who discovered the anesthetic properties of chloroform in the mid-19th century?
A) Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
B) James Young Simpson
C) Ignaz Semmelweis
D) Robert Koch
  • 13. The discovery of the function of insulin in carbohydrate metabolism was made by which scientists?
A) William Harvey and Gabriel Fallopius
B) Charles Best and Frederick Banting
C) Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins
D) Niels Bohr and Werner Heisenberg
  • 14. The discovery of the first antibiotic, sulfonamide, is credited to which German chemist?
A) Alexander Fleming
B) Gerhard Domagk
C) Ehrlich Paul
D) Walter Reed
  • 15. Who performed the first successful human-to-human kidney transplant in 1954?
A) Joseph Murray
B) Werner Forssmann
C) Barry Marshall
D) Christiaan Barnard
  • 16. The discovery of serotonin as a neurotransmitter is attributed to which Italian neuroscientist?
A) Ivan Pavlov
B) Josef Breuer
C) Thomas Willis
D) Vittorio Erspamer
  • 17. The discovery of the human genome project, mapping all genes in human DNA, was completed in which year?
A) 2010
B) 1987
C) 1995
D) 2003
  • 18. Who discovered the link between smoking and lung cancer in the 20th century?
A) Richard Doll and Bradford Hill
B) Joseph Lister
C) Louis Pasteur
D) Gregor Mendel
  • 19. Who discovered the antibiotic streptomycin in the mid-20th century?
A) Selman Waksman
B) Barry Marshall
C) Robert Koch
D) Ignaz Semmelweis
  • 20. The discovery of the Higgs boson particle in the field of medical physics was made in which year?
A) 2018
B) 2005
C) 1998
D) 2012
  • 21. What medical breakthrough did Wilhelm Roentgen make?
A) Invention of the stethoscope
B) Discovery of X-rays
C) Development of anesthesia
D) Identification of DNA structure
  • 22. What did Joseph Lister introduce to surgery that revolutionized healthcare?
A) Plastic surgery
B) Laparoscopic surgery
C) Antiseptic surgery
D) Cosmetic surgery
  • 23. Who was the first woman to receive a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine?
A) Marie Curie
B) Rosalind Franklin
C) Gerty Cori
D) Grace Hopper
  • 24. What did Rene Laennec invent that became an essential tool for diagnosing lung conditions?
A) Sphygmomanometer
B) Stethoscope
C) EKG machine
D) MRI scanner
  • 25. Who discovered the role of handwashing in preventing infections in hospitals?
A) Joseph Lister
B) William Harvey
C) Jonas Salk
D) Ignaz Semmelweis
  • 26. In what year was the X-ray discovered?
A) 1905
B) 1920
C) 1895
D) 1876
  • 27. Which scientist discovered the concept of blood types?
A) Gregor Mendel
B) Francis Crick
C) Karl Landsteiner
D) William Harvey
  • 28. What was the first successful organ transplant?
A) Kidney
B) Lung
C) Heart
D) Liver
  • 29. Which disease was eradicated through a worldwide vaccination campaign?
A) Measles
B) Tuberculosis
C) Polio
D) Smallpox
  • 30. What device did Christian Barnard use in the first successful heart transplant surgery?
A) Defibrillator
B) Heart-lung machine
C) Pacemaker
D) Stethoscope
  • 31. Who discovered the vaccine for rabies?
A) Marie Curie
B) Louis Pasteur
C) Joseph Lister
D) Alexander Fleming
  • 32. What is the common name for Acetylsalicylic Acid, which was developed by Bayer in 1897?
A) Ibuprofen
B) Morphine
C) Aspirin
D) Paracetamol
  • 33. When was the first successful human kidney transplant performed?
A) 1965
B) 1978
C) 1954
D) 1940
  • 34. What was the first antibiotic discovered in 1928 by Alexander Fleming?
A) Tetracycline
B) Penicillin
C) Neomycin
D) Streptomycin
  • 35. Which scientist is known for the discovery of capillary action in plants, known as Halesian physiology?
A) Stephen Hales
B) Alexander Fleming
C) James Watson
D) Gregor Mendel
  • 36. What is the condition characterized by the body attacking its own cells or tissues, resulting in inflammation and damage?
A) Diabetes
B) Autoimmune disease
C) Heart disease
D) Cancer
  • 37. What vaccine did Jonas Salk develop in 1955?
A) Hepatitis B vaccine
B) MMR vaccine
C) Flu vaccine
D) Polio vaccine
  • 38. Who was the first woman to receive a medical degree in the United States in 1849?
A) Rosalind Franklin
B) Elizabeth Blackwell
C) Marie Curie
D) Florence Nightingale
  • 39. In 1900, who discovered the insect-based transmission of malaria?
A) Walter Reed
B) Alexander Fleming
C) Gerty Cori
D) Ronald Ross
  • 40. Who discovered the first effective treatment for syphilis in the early 20th century?
A) Louis Pasteur
B) Wilhelm Roentgen
C) Paul Ehrlich
D) Jonas Salk
  • 41. Which scientist is known for pioneering research on radioactivity in the early 20th century?
A) Louis Pasteur
B) Gerty Cori
C) Rosalind Franklin
D) Marie Curie
  • 42. Who discovered the hepatitis B virus and developed a vaccine for it?
A) Edward Jenner
B) Baruch Blumberg
C) Frederick Banting
D) Jonas Salk
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