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UAS-8 SEM 2 2023
Contributed by: Afni
  • 1. From the picture, we know that :

    Andi is . . . . . than Lucy.
A) taller
B) tallest
C) tall
D) as tall as
  • 2. I think math is so difficult, it’s the … subject for all student.
A) as hard as
B) hard
C) harder
D) hardest
  • 3. Look, Johny! Elephant is _______ (big) than zebra!
A) big
B) bigger
C) the biggest
D) as big as
  • 4. The book’s price is Rp 10.000,00.
    The pencil’s price is Rp 8.000,00.
    The book is … than the pencil.
A) more expensive
B) most expensive
C) expensive
D) as expensive as
  • 5. He speaks … as his father.
A) more clearly
B) clearer
C) as clear
D) as clearly
  • 6. Lana is 160 cm

    Dea is 158 cm

    Risa is 165 cm

    Lana is … than Dea
A) tall
B) taller
C) As tall as
D) tallest
  • 7. Rani is the ... student in the class
A) Most dilligent
B) More dilligent
C) Dilligentest
D) Dilligent
  • 8. Let me tell you that I got the … than other students.
A) easiest
B) easier
C) most easy
D) easy
  • 9. From the picture we know that :

    Lamp c is the . . . . . from all.
A) bright
B) brighter
C) brightest
D) as bright as
  • 10. I can’t do this chemistry homework, it’s as … as the previous one.
A) difficultest
B) difficulter
C) difficult
D) more difficult
  • 11. Make a sentence in 'comparative degree form' based on the picture.
A) Dinia's home page is wider than Anggi's
B) Anggi's home page is wider than Fatma's
C) Dinia's home page is the widest than all
  • 12. Make a sentence in 'superlative degree form' based on the picture.
A) polar bear fur is thicker than dog's
B) Dog fur is thicker than cat's
C) Cat fur is the thickest of all
D) polar bear fur is the thickest of all
  • 13. My brother are as . . . . as famous artist.
A) handsomely
B) more handsome
C) handsome
D) the most handsome
  • 14. The clown is very interesting. All the children …………… happily
A) is crying
B) is complaining
C) are crying
D) are laughing
  • 15. What is “saya sedang mengenadarai mobil” in English?
A) I am selling a car
B) I am singing a car song
C) I am drawing a car
D) I am driving a car
  • 16. They …… …… …………………….. a cup of coffee.
    Complete the sentence above based on the activity from the picture.
A) are drinking
B) is collecting
C) am collecting
D) is drinking
  • 17. Marwan : Is he bringing my laptop ?
    Imam : . . . . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Complete the dialog above based on the activity from the picture.
A) looking at the mirror
B) watching a book
C) reading Qur'an
D) sitting on the bench
  • 18. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    How many days they have holiday?
A) a day
B) one hour
C) a week
D) two days
  • 19. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    When did they go to home?
A) In the morning
B) In the afternoon
C) In the evening
D) At night
  • 20. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    What did they do after swam?
A) Have a lunch
B) Go back to the beach
C) Rest in rest area
D) Sleep at the hotel
  • 21. What is the text about?
A) The life story of a horse cart rider.
B) Vandra’s buyying
C) A horse cart rider’s hard work.
D) Vandra’s travelling experience.
  • 22. What time that Vandra arrived at the railway station ?
A) at 3 p.m
B) at 6 a.m
C) ata night
D) in the morning
  • 23. Vandra visited his aunt by . . . .
A) bus
B) train
C) mototrcycle
D) airplane
  • 24. How was Vandra's feeling about his experient? He felt .. . .
A) misserable
B) dissapointed
C) sad
D) enjoy
  • 25. Where did the writer go with his/her family?
A) To Ocean Beach Hotel
B) To Grandma's Village
C) To Pasir Putih Beach
D) To their house
  • 26. Songs for A Dying Planet
    Song by: Joe Walsh

    Is anyone out there?
    Does anybody listen or care anymore?
    We are living on a dying planet,
    We’re killing everything that’s alive,
    And anyone who tries to deny it
    Wears a tie

    And gets paid to lie
    So I wrote these songs for a dying planet,
    I’m sorry but I’m telling the truth,
    And for everybody trying to save it
    These songs are for you, too.
    Is anyone out there?
    What is the theme of this song?
A) Good planet
B) Beautiful planet
C) Dying Planet
D) Lovely planet
  • 27. Songs for A Dying Planet
    Song by: Joe Walsh

    Is anyone out there?
    Does anybody listen or care anymore?
    We are living on a dying planet,
    We’re killing everything that’s alive,
    And anyone who tries to deny it
    Wears a tie

    And gets paid to lie
    So I wrote these songs for a dying planet,
    I’m sorry but I’m telling the truth,
    And for everybody trying to save it
    These songs are for you, too.
    Is anyone out there?
    Who is Joe Walsh?
A) The Painter of Dying Planet
B) The singer of Dying Planet
C) The visiter of Dying Planet
D) The Founder of Dying Planet
  • 28. Songs for A Dying Planet
    Song by: Joe Walsh

    Is anyone out there?
    Does anybody listen or care anymore?
    We are living on a dying planet,
    We’re killing everything that’s alive,
    And anyone who tries to deny it
    Wears a tie

    And gets paid to lie
    So I wrote these songs for a dying planet,
    I’m sorry but I’m telling the truth,
    And for everybody trying to save it
    These songs are for you, too.
    Is anyone out there?
    Who are people who deny that they have killed living things?
A) People who listen that song
B) People who wear a tie and get paid to lie
C) people who sell tie and T-shirt
D) People who live near the singer
  • 29. Songs for A Dying Planet
    Song by: Joe Walsh

    Is anyone out there?
    Does anybody listen or care anymore?
    We are living on a dying planet,
    We’re killing everything that’s alive,
    And anyone who tries to deny it
    Wears a tie

    And gets paid to lie
    So I wrote these songs for a dying planet,
    I’m sorry but I’m telling the truth,
    And for everybody trying to save it
    These songs are for you, too.
    Is anyone out there?
    Why does the singer feel sorry?
A) Because he tells the truth
B) Because he draws the planet
C) Because he study on the planet
D) Because he can not speak
  • 30. Songs for A Dying Planet
    Song by: Joe Walsh

    Is anyone out there?
    Does anybody listen or care anymore?
    We are living on a dying planet,
    We’re killing everything that’s alive,
    And anyone who tries to deny it
    Wears a tie

    And gets paid to lie
    So I wrote these songs for a dying planet,
    I’m sorry but I’m telling the truth,
    And for everybody trying to save it
    These songs are for you, too.
    Is anyone out there?
    what is the FUNCTION of this song other than to entertain the reader? to . . . ..
A) To provide a way of managing the realitionship
B) To express personal cultural values.
C) To motivate someone to study
D) to criticize the situation
  • 31. Translate this sentence into ENGLISH!

    Saya sedang menggambar planet Uranus.

    They are stidying English now.
  • 33. Change this sentence into INTEROGATIVE FORM(KALIMAT TANYA)!

    They are stidying English now.
  • 34. MAke a COMPARATIVE SENTENCE based on this picture!
  • 35. Complete the sentence based on the picture!

    Nuraini's house is the . . . . . from all.
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