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Franklin Pierce, the 14th U.S. President
Contributed by: Halliday
  • 1. When was Franklin Pierce elected as the 14th U.S. President?
A) 1856
B) 1848
C) 1860
D) 1852
  • 2. In which state was Franklin Pierce born?
A) Massachusetts
B) New York
C) Vermont
D) New Hampshire
  • 3. During which war did Franklin Pierce serve as a general?
A) Spanish-American War
B) World War II
C) American Civil War
D) Mexican-American War
  • 4. Who served as Franklin Pierce's Vice President?
A) William R. King
B) John C. Breckinridge
C) Millard Fillmore
D) Hannibal Hamlin
  • 5. Who was Franklin Pierce's First Lady?
A) Jane Pierce
B) Dolley Madison
C) Abigail Adams
D) Martha Washington
  • 6. In what year did Franklin Pierce die?
A) 1870
B) 1869
C) 1857
D) 1875
  • 7. Which act, passed during Pierce's presidency, repealed the Missouri Compromise?
A) Homestead Act
B) Kansas-Nebraska Act
C) Fugitive Slave Act
D) Compromise of 1850
  • 8. Which Cabinet member resigned during Franklin Pierce's presidency due to the Ostend Manifesto controversy?
A) Attorney General Caleb Cushing
B) Secretary of State William L. Marcy
C) Secretary of War Jefferson Davis
D) Secretary of the Treasury James Guthrie
  • 9. Which former President was Pierce's roommate while attending Bowdoin College?
A) John Tyler
B) Millard Fillmore
C) James K. Polk
D) Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • 10. During which battle in the Mexican-American War did Franklin Pierce earn praise for his bravery?
A) Battle of Mexico City
B) Battle of Buena Vista
C) Battle of Churubusco
D) Battle of Contreras
  • 11. What tragedy struck Franklin Pierce shortly before his inauguration, leading to the start of a period of depression and heavy drinking?
A) Failed assassination attempt
B) House fire
C) Death of his son in a train accident
D) Personal bankruptcy
  • 12. Who won the election following Franklin Pierce's presidency in 1856?
A) Stephen A. Douglas
B) James Buchanan
C) Millard Fillmore
D) John C. Fremont
  • 13. Which important Supreme Court case was decided during Pierce's presidency, leading to tensions over slavery?
A) Marbury v. Madison
B) Dred Scott v. Sandford
C) Brown v. Board of Education
D) Plessy v. Ferguson
  • 14. When was Franklin Pierce born?
A) March 4, 1829
B) November 23, 1804
C) July 4, 1776
D) January 1, 1850
  • 15. What was Franklin Pierce's political party affiliation?
A) Democratic
B) Republican
C) Whig
D) Federalist
  • 16. What was the profession of Franklin Pierce before becoming President?
A) Lawyer
B) Doctor
C) Farmer
D) Teacher
  • 17. Franklin Pierce graduated from which prestigious college?
A) Yale University
B) Harvard University
C) Bowdoin College
D) Princeton University
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