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MCA q4 US 1
Contributed by: Ross
  • 1. Under the concept of imperialism, strong nations attempted to
A) use trade agreements to force alliances
B) use threats to control weaker nations
C) control; weaker nations
  • 2. Which of the following was a factor in the growth of imperialism
A) the need to expand the nations work force
B) the need to expand the sphere of influence
C) the need for natural resources
  • 3. Anti-imperialists believed that imperialism was based on
A) racism
B) religion
C) democracy
  • 4. The Progressive movement was a response to rapid, unplanned changes caused by the
A) business regulation
B) the growth of immigration
C) Industrial revolution and urbanization
  • 5. Most Progressives believed that the government should
A) intervene in unfair business practices
B) gain control of utilities
C) stay out of the affairs of business
  • 6. Municipal reformers favored
A) Marshall law
B) a system based on merit
C) city control of utilities
  • 7. Henry George and Edward Bellamy both supported
A) a land tax
B) imperialism
C) free trade
  • 8. Most Progressives agreed that the government should
A) stay out of the affairs of business
B) regulate utilities
C) protect workers and help the poor
  • 9. Progressives felt that the Sherman Anti-trust act of 1890
A) was to strict
B) was not being enforced
C) was not necessary
  • 10. Municipal reformers aimed to
A) spread Christianity
B) use force to end imperialism
C) end government corruption
  • 11. Muckrakers
A) exposed political and business corruption
B) used government reforms to stop monopolies
C) spread the word of God
  • 12. Civil service based on merit would require that anyone who had a government job would have
A) been qualified for the job based on training
B) jobs from their friends
C) the support of political bosses
  • 13. Some Americans resisted progressive reforms because they disliked
A) government control over their lives
B) the immigrants
C) the way the country was changing
  • 14. During World Wat 1, the Central powers were
A) Germany and Austria- Hungary
B) Bulgaria and the US
C) France and Great Britain
  • 15. The event that triggered the war in Europe
A) the assassination of the Arch Duke
B) bombing of the Hague
C) the US involvement in Afghanistan
  • 16. During WW1, the Allied powers were made up France, Britain and
A) Austria-Hungary
B) Russia
C) Australia
  • 17. Warfare in WW1 consisted of
A) nuclear arms
B) trench warfare
C) cavalry charges
  • 18. The joining together of nations for mutual protection is known as the
A) alliance system
B) the buddy system
C) protectionism
  • 19. In the Zimmerman note, Germany proposed and alliance with
A) Mexico
B) the US
C) Canada
  • 20. Much of Europe was drawn into WW 1 because of a
A) the threat of nuclear war
B) the US involvement
C) network of alliances
  • 21. The term of the Sussex Pledge required the Germans to
A) rescue soldiers
B) eliminate generals from their army
C) warn ships before attacking
  • 22. Americans thought German submarine warfare was
A) needed to make the fighting fair
B) fair and balanced
C) barbaric
  • 23. Americans were more willing to join the allies after the
A) trench war fare
B) Russian revolution
C) new deal
  • 24. President Wilson urged Congress to declare war on Germany when the Germans
A) tried to form an alliance with Mexico
B) used bombs in London
C) violated the Sussex pledge
  • 25. The goals of Wilson's 14 points was to
A) start a world war
B) begin the new world order
C) create a lasting peace
  • 26. In the Senate, the main criticism of the League of Nations was that it would
A) create an alliance with Germany
B) draw the US into another war
C) open the US to Communism
  • 27. Under the terms of the peace treaty, Germany had to
A) use submarines to troll for lost bombs
B) pay reparations to the Allies
C) create an alliance with the US
  • 28. Americans feared communism because
A) it was against American values
B) the leaders would invade the US
C) the US had an alliance with France
  • 29. Republican Presidents in the 1920's favored
A) government
B) labor
C) business
  • 30. In the 1920's American consumers began to adopt the practice of
A) using bartering
B) buying goods on credit
C) paying cash
  • 31. Henry Ford's dream was to sell cars that
A) were only sold in New York
B) were manufactured by hand
C) ordinary people could afford
  • 32. The new morals and manners of the 1920's were reflected in
A) novels and newspapers
B) women's fashions
C) the religious movements
  • 33. The growth of radio and other mass media in the 1920's produced
A) new political parties
B) a national culture
C) a way to spread propaganda
  • 34. Clubs in Harlem were the hottest places to listen to
A) jazz
B) rap
C) country
  • 35. Some members of the lost generation
A) began the Tea Party
B) created their own newspapers
C) left the country to live in Paris
  • 36. One of the unforeseen results of Prohibition was
A) municipal reforms
B) racketeering
C) the treaty of Versailles
  • 37. In the Scopes trial the right to teach this was the issue
A) sex education
B) biology
C) evolution
  • 38. As a result of the Scoped Trial this group lost some momentum
A) fundamentalists
B) Muslims
C) Christians
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