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Charles Darwin
Contributed by: Costello
  • 1. When was Charles Darwin born?
A) April 30, 1816
B) January 22, 1795
C) February 12, 1809
D) March 15, 1822
  • 2. In which country was Charles Darwin born?
A) France
B) England
C) United States
D) Germany
  • 3. What is the title of Charles Darwin's most famous book?
A) The Evolution Theory
B) Darwin's Discoveries
C) Natural Selection Explained
D) On the Origin of Species
  • 4. Which scientist influenced Darwin's thinking on evolution?
A) Isaac Newton
B) Galileo Galilei
C) Marie Curie
D) Charles Lyell
  • 5. What was the name of the ship Darwin sailed on during his voyage around the world?
A) SS Galapagos
B) HMS Beagle
C) USS Evolution
D) MS Darwinian
  • 6. What term did Darwin use to describe the process by which species evolve over time?
A) Genetic drift
B) Survival of the fittest
C) Natural selection
D) Random variation
  • 7. Which animal did Darwin famously study to understand natural selection?
A) Finches
B) Wolves
C) Turtles
D) Dolphins
  • 8. What was the name of Darwin's grandfather, who was also a naturalist?
A) Erasmus Darwin
B) Walter Darwin
C) Simon Darwin
D) Alfred Darwin
  • 9. What was the name of Darwin's theory explaining why some animals have bright colors that serve no obvious purpose?
A) Sexual selection
B) Alien conspiracy
C) Survival of the prettiest
D) Camouflage theory
  • 10. Which university did Darwin attend to study medicine before dropping out?
A) Harvard University
B) University of Edinburgh
C) University of Cambridge
D) University of Oxford
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