- 1. Drawing is the art of creating visual representations on a surface using various tools such as pencils, pens, charcoal, or markers. It is a form of expression that allows artists to convey their ideas, emotions, and observations through lines, shapes, and textures. Drawing can range from quick sketches to detailed and intricate works of art, and can be done in a variety of styles, such as realism, abstract, or cartooning. Artists use drawing as a means of communication, storytelling, problem-solving, and exploration. Through drawing, artists can capture a moment in time, document their surroundings, or simply exercise their creativity and imagination.
Which of the following is a shading technique used in drawing?
A) Firing B) Printmaking C) Sculpting D) Hatching
- 2. What is the term for a preliminary drawing that serves as a plan for a final artwork?
A) Rendition B) Fresco C) Sketch D) Serigraph
- 3. The technique of scratching into a surface to reveal a lower layer is called:
A) Stippling B) Impressing C) Etching D) Sgraffito
- 4. What is the term for the study of light and shade in artwork?
A) Chiaroscuro B) Minimalism C) Rococo D) Fauvism
- 5. An image created by arranging and sticking down pieces of paper is known as a:
A) Collage B) Monotype C) Linocut D) Woodcut
- 6. What tool is commonly used for smudging or blending in drawings?
A) Tortillon B) Spatula C) Drumstick D) Rasp
- 7. Which drawing technique involves applying paint to a wet plaster surface?
A) Batik B) Fresco C) Encaustic D) Gouache
- 8. What is the term for a printmaking technique that involves carving an image into a block of wood?
A) Lithography B) Drypoint C) Etching D) Woodcut
- 9. What tool is used to create parallel lines in a drawing?
A) Palette knife B) Mallet C) Ruler D) Compass